Psychologist eVa Gómez Coloma
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Psychologist Coach and Creativity Advisor. Cabbage. No. 26935.
Personal coach psychologist for creatives and artists. Amalgamation of psychology, art, projects and creation. This is how I define myself professionally and the common denominator of this amalgamation is us, human beings, who reflect on ourselves ourselves, we need to express ourselves to transcend, we do things (many things), we think things (many too) and we create our own life. You want to know more? person of people Talker and listener. Creative in many projects. Observer of behaviors, emotions and faces. Reader of personal paradigms. Sensitive observer of personal tendencies that looks from the individual to the group. From you to your context and start again. Passionate about art and its multiple expressions.
Creative projects require creative support, which is why I accompany them through personal and professional coaching with new tools. Know your personality and your personal tendencies either through personality tests or morphopsychology studies. On the other hand, seeking inspiration through visual thinking and applying the Design Thinking methodology to design your life is another step in the method I use. And finally, the metaphor maps and the use of Vision Boards make it easier for you to achieve your purpose effectively.
My main intervention specialties are the achievement of projects, both personal and professional, that are blocked by emotional conflicts, procrastination, stress blocks, difficulties setting priorities, lack of motivation, disorientation professional. My specialty is accompanying people who develop in contexts full of creativity and art and feel stagnant, disoriented, disillusioned, blocked or without a clear direction. Whether due to a crisis of original and creative ideas, fear of failure, lack of coherence in their projects, procrastination, not knowing or being able to express that rich inner world or because of creative blocks, people can be installed in hopelessness, discomfort, suffering, misunderstanding and even loneliness.