Education, study and knowledge

The philosophical thought of existentialism

Welcome to a Professor, in today's video we are going to talk about one of the most important philosophical movements of the 20th century: existentialism.

This movement arises before WWII, but really when it explodes as method philosophical It is right after WWII.

Its most important authors are Jean Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger, or even other authors like Albert Camus.

The very idea of ​​existentialism is the analysis of the human existence, what is its objective, and what we do is analyze what we exist for. The human being, unlike other beings, poses a different vision regarding his essence. Beings that are not humans, animals or objects, their essence is prior to the existence.

If you have any questions or comments about eThe philosophical thought of existentialism, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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