Education, study and knowledge

Montessori method: its 8 educational principles

The Montessori educational method, which was developed in the early 20th century for use with children and pre-adolescents, has become widely popular and widespread since its inception.

In this article we will describe the 8 fundamental principles of the Montessori method, among which we can highlight the prepared environment and self-education.

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What is the Montessori method?

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian physician and educator whose work, primarily centered on the philosophy of education and pedagogy, constitutes an antecedent of constructivism and continues to have a strong influence on the present.

The educational method proposed by Montessori emphasizes the need to promote the natural development of students' aptitudes through self-direction, exploration, discovery, practice, collaboration, play, deep concentration, imagination or communication.

This pedagogical philosophy clearly distances itself from traditional educational methods since it

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is based on spontaneity and student choice rather than rigid systems and based on the fulfillment of certain academic evaluation criteria. For Montessori, respect and promotion of the child's independence is key.

In turn, Montessori's proposal is considered a theoretical model of human development. In this sense, the principles of the following section must be framed in the nuclear postulates of her theory: people we self-construct ourselves psychologically through interaction with the environment, and we have an innate tendency to personal development.

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fundamental educational principles

Although the Montessori method has been applied in different ways due to its popularity, it is possible to find at least 8 fundamental principles of this pedagogical style based on the work of Montessori herself and on later developments more popular.

1. Learning by discovery

Montessori's educational philosophy has a markedly constructivist character. It is understood that people in general we learn best through direct contact, practice and discovery than through direct instruction. However, certain subjects, especially from the age of 6, require specific master classes.

2. Preparation of the educational environment

In the Montessori method a “prepared environment” is used; this means that it is tried to be adapted to the needs of the students based on their age. It must also encourage movement and activities, be clean and tidy, be aesthetically attractive and have natural elements such as plants inside and outside the classroom.

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3. Use of specific materials

One of the most important components of the Montessori Prepared Environment is the inclusion of certain materials that were developed by Montessori herself and her collaborators. It is preferable to use natural materials, such as wood, than other more artificial ones.

4. Student's personal choice

Although the prepared environment comes with limitations on the range of activities they can access students, this is still higher than that of traditional education and during most of the time of class freedom is given to choose any material, game or educational content from those available in the classroom.

Montessori spoke of "self-education" to refer to the active participation of students in their own learning. In this sense, the role of teachers is more related to preparation, supervision and help, as we will see later.

5. Classrooms for age groups

A very relevant aspect of the Montessori method is the fact that it is recommended that classrooms contain a large number of students and that they have different ages, although are divided by age groups because of the specificities of development in each period. Generally the separation is done in groups of 3 years (for example from 6 to 9).

This is because Montessori defended that there are sensitive periods in which children have a greater facility to acquire one or another type of skills and knowledge. Thus, in early childhood it is important to develop language or the senses, while abstract thinking is encouraged above all from the age of 6.

6. Collaborative learning and play

Since students have the freedom to choose how they are educated, they will very often choose to collaborate with their peers. This allows peer tutoring, is especially relevant in relation to play (which fulfills important functions in sociocultural development) and should be promoted by teachers.

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7. classes without interruptions

Another of the most characteristic features of the Montessori method is the presence of uninterrupted 3-hour classes. Since they are mainly based on student self-direction, students should get much less bored than in traditional teaching; what is sought is to favor the achievement of a state of concentration that enhances learning.

8. Teacher as guide and supervisor

In the Montessori method the teacher guides the learning of the students avoiding hindering their self-education process. Thus, their roles are related to the preparation of the academic environment, the observation of children for promote individualized learning, the introduction of new educational materials or the contribution of information.

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