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Equity theory: what it is and what it says about relationships

Have you ever felt that you contribute more in a relationship than what the other person offers you? Or that you try too hard to get insufficient results?

To understand why this happens and know what options we have to act, we can resort to Adams' equity theory.

This theory stems from social and organizational psychology, and can be applied in both fields. In this article we will explain what this theory consists of, we will analyze its postulates or central ideas, we will mention some examples and we will also explain its limitations. Also, at the end of the article we will briefly summarize what equity theory conveys to us.

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Equity theory: what is it?

Adams' equity theory we can find it both in the field of social psychology and in the field of organizational psychology. That is, it can be applied in these two fields.

This draws on concepts such as social comparison and Festinger's cognitive dissonance. Social comparison refers to the fact that we compare ourselves with others to value ourselves; We do not compare ourselves with "anyone", but with people with "X" characteristics. This allows us to improve in some aspects.

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On the other hand, the cognitive dissonance alludes to a state of discomfort that appears when what we do and what we think or feel do not match; To eliminate this dissonance, we act in one way or another (either changing our mind, or relativizing things, etc.).

The psychologist John Stacey Adams, who considers himself a behaviorist (although for others it is cognitive), is the one who proposed the equity theory (1965), influenced by the previous concepts. He elaborated it within an organizational context, but we can apply it in other fields and even on a day-to-day basis. Let's see the key points of the theory.

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Key points of the theory

Equity theory is based on a number of principles or ideas that we will see below:

1. Comparison between contributions

We insist that the equity theory can be applied both in the workplace and in the social sphere (of interpersonal relationships). Thus, people distinguish between two types of elements when we strive to achieve something, or when we we find ourselves in an exchange relationship (for example in a job or in a love relationship): these two elements are, on the one hand, what we contribute to the relationship, and on the other, what we receive from it.

In this way, we are aware of what we contribute to work or a relationship (time, desire, effort...), and we also take awareness of what we receive from that company or from that relationship/person (also time, desire, effort, financial compensation, etc.).

Consequently, we analyze it and try to maintain a balance between what we contribute and what we receive; so that cognitive dissonance does not occur, we try to make the balance exist. If the balance does not exist, and we contribute more than we receive (or vice versa), then a cognitive dissonance, and by extension, a motivation (or tension) in us that makes us consider some change.

So, in a way, we make a social comparison. What does my partner give me? What do I give you? Does it work for me? Do we have a balanced relationship? And the same in a job where something is expected of us (certain objectives) in exchange for a salary.

2. Stress or motivating force

As a result of this analysis, we obtain a perception of equity or balance, which translates into a ratio between what we give and what we receive. If there is no perception of equity, that tension or motivation appears mentioned, which drives us to act, to change things.

3. What can we do about this perception of inequality?

The greater the imbalance or inequality that we perceive, the greater the tension that we experience. Faced with this situation, we can act in different ways: for example, reducing our efforts in the company or in the relationship, or "demanding" more rewards/contributions from the other party. The objective will be to re-balance the ratio.

According to equity theory, also we can choose to change our benchmark, comparing ourselves with other people, other relationships, other companies, etc. Or we can choose to leave the relationship when it really "does not compensate us" and the balance always leans towards the other party.

Another of the options that we have, and the one that we use most frequently, is to maximize what we are receiving from the other person (or company) and minimize what we are contributing; it is a kind of “self-deception”, a defense mechanism that allows us to remain calm without actually changing anything about the situation. In this way, we resist making any behavioral change, with the aim of preserving our self-esteem.

In someway, it is easier to alter the vision of what others offer us (thinking that it is actually more than what they offer us), than altering the vision of what we ourselves offer.

Limitations of the theory

However, the equity theory, although it has been supported in some studies, also presents certain problems or limitations. On the one hand, little is actually known about why we choose one referent or another to compare ourselves with (social comparison theory).

On the other hand, it is not always easy to “calculate” or determine what contributions are made to us and what contributions we make us in the context of a relationship.

Furthermore, it is also not known exactly how these comparison or contribution calculation processes change over time (or why they change).


In short, Adams's equity theory says the following: when in an exchange relationship (for example, a friendship relationship, a relationship or in the context of a company), we perceive that what we contribute is greater than what we receive (or vice versa), a feeling of inequity, restlessness or tension appears (dissonance cognitive). This perception is born as a result of making a balance between the costs and benefits of the relationship.

To get rid of this feeling of inequality, we can act in different ways, as we have already explained. We can choose to act directly on the other (on their contributions or results), or we can act by increasing or decreasing our contributions/investments. We also have the option of leaving the relationship, or of changing the objects with which we compare ourselves.


Illustrating the equity theory in an example, we propose the following:

If, for example, in a relationship, I have the feeling that I am always the one who does things for my partner (accompany them to places, leave them money, share my time, go look for her places, etc.), and that she does not make any kind of effort for me, in the end I will end up perceiving that feeling of inequality or imbalance in the relationship. In other words, the result of the cost/benefit balance will be "negative" and it will not compensate me.

This will cause him to act, for example, not changing plans to see her, leaving the relationship or valuing other good things in the relationship that allow me to continue with it without having a dissonance cognitive.

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