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The 75 best phrases of Tom Hanks

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks, better known as Tom Hanks, he is a famous American actor whose popularity makes him one of the most beloved actors today.

Hanks was born in the state of California in 1959 and lived a modest childhood. Being the son of a divorced couple was something that marked him deeply. During all his youth, Hanks tried to rid himself of a feeling of loneliness that overwhelmed him., and the interpretation was the escape route that this celebrity found.

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During his professional career, this actor has played numerous characters, and some of his films have been really famous, a clear example of which could be: "Forrest Gump", "Castaway", "Captain Phillips" or "Save the Private Ryan."

Great famous phrases from Tom Hanks, a unique actor

Would you like to know the most iconic phrases and quotes from him?

Then you can enjoy the 75 best phrases of Tom Hanks, perhaps one of the best actors in the history of cinema.

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1. Nothing has a precedent, until it happens for the first time.

Hanks' roles always hold deep wisdom to themselves.

2. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

One of the best quotes from the legendary movie "Forrest Gump", without a doubt this is a movie that everyone should see at least once in their life.

3. - Private Gump, what are you here for?

  • To do everything you order, my sergeant.
  • Damn Gumps! That's the best answer I've ever heard in my entire life.

The role of this actor in "Forrest Gump" captivated the audience at the time and continues to do so today.

4. Logic told me that I would never see this place again and that's what I did, I survived, I kept breathing. And one day that logic turned out to be wrong because the tide brought a sail to sail with. And here I am, back in Memphis, talking to you, I have ice in my glass... And I have lost her again, I am very sad for not...

Emotions are really important in the roles that this actor plays. Knowing how to connect with the viewer (as he does) is something really difficult to do.

5. That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a run. I ran to the end of the road, and when I got there, I thought maybe I could run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I could run to Greenbow County. I realized that if I had made it this far, maybe I could run across the great state of Alabama...

We should all go as far in our lives as we can. Without a doubt, this is a nice metaphor that we should all remember.

6. Fool is one who says nonsense.

This is the best-known phrase from the movie Forrest Gump, and it is also a great truth.

7. - You're a mom, Jenny.

  • Yes, I am a mom. His name is Forest.
  • Like me...
  • His name is the same as his father.
  • Is his dad called Forrest too?
  • You are the father of him Forrest.

Certain things in life can be difficult to digest at first, and this may be a clear example of this.

8. Every inch of this beach is a target. If you stay here, it is to die.

The first scene of "Saving Private Ryan" takes place during the Normandy landings, perhaps one of the hardest moments of World War II...

9. Mom used to say that you can tell a lot about people by the shoes they wear.

Our shoes can indicate many things about us such as: what we do, how much we earn, how much we walk every day, etc.

10. I hope that Ryan is worth it and that when he comes home he cures some disease or invents a new long lasting light bulb.

In order to rescue the famous private Ryan, many other men died searching for him.

11. I've come a long way, for a long time.

All of us during our personal lives walk our own paths.

12. - Camerlengo: Do ​​you believe in God?

  • Langdon: Father, what I honestly believe is that religion...
  • C: I'm not asking if he believes what man says about God, I'm asking if he believes in God.
  • L: I'm a teacher. Reason tells me that I will never understand God.
  • C: And the heart?
  • L: They haven't made me for that. Faith is a gift that is not yet...

In The Da Vinci Code saga, Hanks plays Professor Langdon. In this saga he talks about very diverse topics in his films such as religion, the occult or history.

13. I'm glad I never fought in a war. I'm glad I didn't take a gun. I'm glad I didn't get killed or killed someone. I hope my sons enjoy the same lack of manliness.

Wars are something that all men should avoid, because wars are never sufficiently justified.

14. We do not allow ourselves the luxury of losing track of time.

Knowing how to disconnect is something that not all people know how to do, we must live more in the moment in order to be happier.

15. You never know what the tide can bring you.

Life, as another role for this actor would say, is like a box of chocolates. You never know what will happen in the future.

16. I do not know much about almost anything.

Being aware of our limitations is the first step to being able to overcome them.

17. Only our lies can get us into trouble.

Lies are really negative, we should never lie. The truth, in the long run, will say much more about us.

18. I've carried a million passengers... for more than 40 years in the air. But in the end, I will be judged by 208 seconds.

In the movie "Sully", Hanks played the captain of a plane which had to make a forced landing. This is a really recommended film and one that we should not miss.

19. - Mary Poppins is not for sale, I'm not going to let her become one of your stupid cartoons.

  • Says the woman who sent a flying babysitter with an umbrella that talks to save some children.

This actor also played the animation genius Walt Disney, without a doubt a role that suited him like a glove.

20. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard stuff that makes it great.

The most complicated things to carry out are also the ones that will bring us the most glory.

21. The only way to defend the right of publication is by publishing.

Freedom of expression is undoubtedly a fundamental right for any of us. We should defend our freedoms to the utmost.

22. When we reach our best version, the possibilities are endless.

Being the best version of ourselves, we will be able to do everything we set our minds to.

23. - I just realized, just now... For the first time, there was... 155 people on that plane, and you were one of them... We almost lost you.

  • Yes, but you didn't lose me. I am right here.

The roles that Hanks plays are often emotionally charged.

24. - Yesterday they celebrated something there.

  • It's where they do the executions. Do you want us to see if there are any now?

The realism that we can feel during his films will always be very high, without a doubt this actor knows how to choose his roles very well.

25. You have to be strong to survive today.

In order to overcome the greatest difficulties that life can present us, we must undoubtedly be strong in spirit.

26. - We took food to Africa, even to Somalia.

  • They like to give us His boats go into our waters, they take our fish. So, what do we catch?

The political content in the films that Hanks plays is usually quite high. We must be more aware of the world in which we live.

27. Listen everyone, we've been approached by armed pirates. If they find them, remember, you know the ship, they don't. Stick together and we'll be fine. Good luck.

During the movie "Captain Phillips", the entire crew of the ship that this actor captains fights to save his own life.

28. - There has to be something more than being a fisherman or kidnapper of people.

  • Maybe in America, Irish, maybe in America.

In certain regions of the world, the people who live there experience a thousand calamities. A great quote, without a doubt, from the great movie “Captain Phillips”.

29.- The king has not come for a long time

  • This has you very worried, doesn't it?
  • I worry about many things.

The roles that this actor has played usually show deep and thoughtful characters.

30. Now I know why I am in Florence.

In many of his films, Hanks frequently travels around the globe.

31. I firmly believe in the perfectibility of the human being.

The human being is perfect as it is, we ourselves usually set our own limits.

32. If we don't publish, there is no longer a newspaper.

Freedom of the press is essential for the proper functioning of any newspaper.

33. Sam: Maggie... my wife. She made everything beautiful.

  • Doctor: Do you think there is someone you can fall in love with?
  • Sam: You see Dr. Marshall. That's hard to believe.
  • Doctor: What are you going to do now?
  • Sam: I'm going to get up every morning and breathe, after a while I won't have to remember that I have to get up and breathe and after a while I won't have to think that there was a wonderful time and perfect.

Overcoming the loss of our partner can be really very complicated, but we must know how to overcome it and recover our personal lives over time.

34. - Divorce is complicated in this country.

  • Divorce is complicated in all countries.

This actor is indeed the son of divorced parents, his parents were pioneers in carrying out this practice.

35. But they were clearly instructed to... return to the airport immediately after the bird strike. They were not given time for analysis and decision making. In these simulations, they're drawing... all humanity in the cabin. For how long did the pilots prepare, for... this event? For these simulations? You look for human error. So make it human. This was not a video game. It was life or death.

In the movie “Sully”, his protagonist struggles to prove his own innocence in front of a jury that is trying to put him in jail.

36. You can be a source or a friend, you have to choose one of the two.

The social relations that we live, depend to a large extent on our actions. We must know how to discover what others want from us.

37. - One day is like a flea of ​​hope.

  • Yes, and it is not easy to get rid of fleas.

The days can be complicated, being successful depends on what we do during them.

38. The mind sees what it wants to see.

The mind can deceive us more than once, being realistic in certain situations is not an easy task.

39. Logic told me that I would never see this place again and that is what I did, I survived.

If we put all our effort, we will be able to overcome the toughest situations.

40. People rarely see what's in front of them, don't you think?

The most obvious things in life can be overlooked on more than one occasion.

41. The truth is, although I was always running, I never thought that would get me anywhere.

The pleasure of running is something that many of us can share, simply running without a fixed point and as far as we want.

42. Because tomorrow the sun will rise, who knows what the tide will bring?

The future is uncertain, we must be careful to expect the worst and be prepared for it.

43. Well... I don't know. Sometimes it would stop raining for a while so the stars would come out, and that was nice. It was like just before the sun went down over the canal. There were always a million sparks in the water like that mountain lake, it was all so clear Jenny, it seemed as if there were two skies, one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun came up, she couldn't tell where the sky ended and the earth began. It was so beautiful.

Undoubtedly, a great description, where this actor shows us all his abilities for interpretation.

44. We live or die by the clock, that's all the time we have.

Time is, during our lives, a very important factor. We must never waste time.

45. - Have you been on a shrimp boat?

  • No. But I've been on a boat of people.

Forrest Gump is undoubtedly one of his best movies. This movie can go from drama to comedy really quickly.

46. We were like bread and butter.

Who has not been like this with their partner, especially in the first days of falling in love?

47. I don't know if mom was right or if Lieutenant Dan is right, I don't know if we all have a destiny, or if we're floating casually like a breeze. But I think it could be both, it could be both happening at the same time.

A great quote where this actor speaks to us through his role as Forrest Gump, in which we can see the underlying intelligence that this character possessed.

48. It's funny what a young man remembers. Because I don't remember being born, I don't remember what they gave me for my first Christmas and I don't remember where I went for my first picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the whole world.

Those things that mark us the most, we will remember throughout our lives.

49. I may not be very smart, but I do know what love is.

As this quote tells us very well, love and intelligence are two different things.

50. It is easier for a terrorist to kill you than to find a partner at forty.

At a certain age, finding a partner actually becomes quite complicated, in such a way that it is very unlikely to be able to find one.

51. It's just as hard to stay happily married as it is to make movies.

Maintaining a marriage over the years is quite complicated. In today's society, couples last less and less.

52. -Doctor: What was special about his wife?

  • Sam: How long is your show?

Like Hanks himself, the men he plays in his roles are also huge crushes on his wives.

53. When you're a father, you don't stop screwing up,” says Tom Hanks. You tell lies to your children. You avoid them. You raise your voice...

We all make some mistakes in our role as parents, knowing how to give our children good values ​​is something that will take us a lifetime.

54. I had a happy childhood, I enjoyed each of its stages, but I didn't like loneliness. In each place we arrived at, I immediately made friends; I made others laugh, I struck a chord, I said funny and outlandish things, so getting on stage was natural.

Loneliness was something that this relevant actor never liked, fighting to get it out of his life was always a clear objective for him.

55. I didn't understand Clint offering me this role. For starters, I don't have white hair, like the pilot in real life, nor do I physically resemble it.

In the movie "Sully", Hanks worked under the orders of the great Clint Eastwood, one of the most established legends of the cinematographic world.

56. What happens is that over time you become a kind of figure that is the sum of all your previous roles… Even the movies that were box office flops. In the end, it all adds up.

For every great actor, all of his roles are equally important, since all of them have led him to the place where he is today.

57. I would say that from then on they began to offer me more interesting and committed roles.

All the actors have lived their own moment of consecration, that crucial moment in which they felt that their career changed forever.

58. Times when the rules on behavior at work were different.

The world of cinema, in the past, was very different from how it is today, the rules by which it was governed have undoubtedly changed for the better.

59. There were moments of utter terror, but it provided me with responsibility. Now that we are four I must earn enough to take them to the dentist, fix my car, health insurance…. Such was life. And thanks to that I avoided all the traps. He couldn't lose control.

When we have a family to feed, we must know how to focus on our work and give our best.

60. Life is about making choices, but you should know that they have consequences. I was an idiot for not taking care of myself and not eating well, he says, referring to his diabetes.

We must know how to choose our choices in life and also be consistent with them.

61. My two older children remember when we lived in normal houses and I didn't always have a job. Anyway, our home was relatively modest, for someone who works what I do, until the kids were older. It was a conscious decision. Money is great, but both Rita and I pass on to our children that we do what we do for pleasure.

Money is not everything in life, learning to live without it can help us enormously to know how to overcome the adversities we encounter.

62. As a young man, they wanted him to be a simpleton, funny and cute, and I had to work hard to find more roles. demanding, who had a purpose beyond flirting with the blonde of the moment, the initial premise of a lot of films from the epoch. Over time I learned what not to do.

During his career, Tom Hanks has been able to evolve enormously, both in his profession as an actor, and in his personal life.

63. When we did Cast Away, Bob (director Robert Zemeckis) and I had a lot of discussions about what you would miss most if you were on a deserted island.

What would you take with you to a deserted island? This is a great question to which no two answers are the same.

64. We decided that, in addition to the company, (what I would miss the most would be) a sound that was not that of the ocean, the air or birds, some kind of man-made sound, some artistic representation that came directly to your ears.

The sounds of the movies are also really essential, they help us to get a deeper connection with their characters.

65. That concept marked me that there is a place that only belongs to you, even if you are a 7-year-old child and have to share your bedroom.

We must all have our living space, a space where we feel safe and can rest.

66. My parents pioneered the dissolution of marriage law in the state of California... Their marriage lasted 11 years, in that period they realized that they had absolutely nothing in common and they separated.

Choosing our emotional partner is something really complicated. Finding the right person is almost a lottery.

67. But my mother could not support four children. The youngest had just been born. So my father took the other three children to live with him.

When a marriage breaks up, the children must necessarily adapt to the current situation.

68. We were never victims of any physical abuse. But we were confused because no one ever explained anything to us about what was going on.

As the son of a divorced marriage, Hanks did not understand the situation he was going through.

69. When you are 8 years old and you live in a house full of people you learn to govern yourself. I started to see examples of the human condition that had a huge impact on me.

Childhood is, without a doubt, a stage that marks us all as individuals, how we overcome it will greatly determine how the person we will be in the future will be.

70. That was a flash, and I thought, 'That's what got me here.'

Unconsciously, this actor sought through acting, to feel surrounded by people and to be the focus of their attention.

71. At 27, I finally realized that I had experienced many bitter compromises and had gotten over them, and that the things that should have destroyed me did not destroy me.

We are stronger than we think, we must be optimistic and fight for our own dreams.

72. What I felt when I met my wife was: I don't think I'll ever feel alone again.

Finding our ideal partner is undoubtedly the most important moment of our lives.

73. A portable typewriter and paper. Because with these objects you will always have something to do in life.

Writing is wonderful and practicing it can allow us to order our own ideas.

74. I'm a normal guy but surrounded by fame.

Keeping our feet on the ground will allow us to lead a much more orderly life.

75. I know that nowadays it is difficult to take things seriously. Political debates are joking. But as a citizen you need to strike a balance between being extremely cynical and being extremely optimistic.

We must be as critical as this actor is in this quote, politics affects the lives of all of us.

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