Education, study and knowledge

The 7 best Psychologists in Tracy (California)

The therapist Augustine De Brito He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and has a Master's degree specialized in the use of Systemic Family Therapy, issued by the Argentine training center, BATESON Systemic.

This psychologist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, very low self-esteem or the continued use of substances.

Natalia Valencia She has extensive experience in the practice of Humanist-Gestalt Therapy and, on the other hand, it is also interesting to mention that in the In consultation with this specialist, both adults and people who are going through the stage of adolescence.

Where this therapist manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, low self-esteem, work stress or conflicts that occur within the family.

Gabriela Soledad Correa She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba (UNC) and later, she took a training course specialized in the practice of Psychological First Aid (PAP) through the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

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In the consultation of this specialist, some personal difficulties are very often addressed, such as poor management of the emotion of anger, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem or very high levels of stress labor.

Armando Aguilar Olvera He has a degree in Psychoanalytic Therapy from the Asociación Regiomontana de Psicoanálisis A.C. and has a Master's focused on the field of Basic Education, which was granted by the National Pedagogical University of Reynosa (UPN).

We can contact this psychologist if, for example, we are experiencing a smoking problem, an anxiety disorder, depression or excessive alcohol consumption.

The psychotherapist Elizabeth Couso Leonetti She is a very experienced therapist based in the well-known North American city of Miami, which fits mention that she has a remarkable ability both in treating couples and people at a level individual.

Together with this therapist we will be able to address in a very efficient way some problems such as low self-esteem, work stress, anxiety disorders or processes that are very difficult to divorce.

Maria Constance Alaye She graduated in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba (UNC) and later, she completed a Master's degree specialized in use of EMDR Therapy through the EMDR Institute of the United States and the EMDR Alliance of Latin America - The Caribbean.

This therapist can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from depression, a conflict between family members, an anxiety disorder, or a general feeling of dissatisfaction vital.

Quetta Sosa Fragoso She has a degree in Educational Psychology from the National Pedagogical University of Mexico (UPN) and has a focused Postgraduate in the application of Logotherapy, which was granted by the Mexican Association of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy (SMAEL).

Among his most outstanding specialties is the treatment of some difficulties such as low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, depression or very difficult situations infidelity.

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