Psychologist Sonia Oliva Barruso
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INTEGRATIVE THERAPY. YOU HAVE NOTHING BAD, ONLY THOUGHTS THAT MAKE YOU SUFFER... It is an eminently PRACTICAL therapy and focused on THE NOW, which integrates tools of proven effectiveness that allow addressing the symptom of patient as a whole: NLP, Coaching, Gestalt Therapy, Brief Strategic Therapy, Mindfulness, Conscious Breathing and Therapy Transpersonal.
Anxiety, Stress, sadness, depressive states. Personal dissatisfaction with life. Social and relational conflicts: improvement of social skills. Addictions Eating disorders. Insomnia Health problems in general: Psychosomatic diseases. Self-esteem problems Physical and emotional blocks. Mourning situations Labor conflicts. Fears, insecurities, guilt, complexes. Difficulties in education-filial relationship Difficulties in relationship
BENEFITS OF INTEGRATIVE THERAPY. During the integrative therapy sessions, the patient manages to take responsibility for her situation, find a new look and put into practice the resources that it has within that lead to the understanding, acceptance and resolution of the problem. problem. Practice useful tools to focus your attention on the "Here and Now". All of this directs you towards AN OPENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND A PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION, providing you with health, harmony and well-being.