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The 75 best phrases of Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna was a famous Formula 1 driver born during the year 1960 in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

His aggressiveness behind the wheel and his technical superiority revealed him as the best driver of his time, and he is currently considered the best driver in motorsport history. His tragic death during the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994 made him the legend we all know today.

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Phrases and reflections of the great Ayrton Senna

The figure of this great pilot is currently remembered with great devotion by all his fans and admirers.

Many of us may not know the best phrases of this great pilot, that's why Below you will find the 75 best phrases of Ayrton Senna, a figure of motorsport and competition that we should all remember.

1. Every year there is a champion, but there is not always a great champion.

A driver is revealed as the best of his time for his entire career, not for winning a single championship.

2. I am afraid of death and pain, but I live with it. Fear fascinates me.

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Formula 1 is one of the most extreme sports that exists, a single mistake and we can lose our lives.

3. I don't regret anything, I'm doing things for the right reasons. Some understand it and some don't.

Being persevering is essential to be able to succeed in whatever we dedicate ourselves to.

4. Life is too short to have enemies.

We must try to get along with everyone, enmities do not bring anything good.

5. It was not a mistake by the rider, it was a mistake by the team, by the other riders; we must have the courage to come out and admit that we all share the responsibility.

When we lose in a Grand Prix, the fault lies with the entire team, not just the driver.

6. Winning a race is a much bigger challenge than winning a million dollars.

Being able to win a Formula 1 race is a really complicated fact, only the best drivers race in F1.

7. Sometimes I make mistakes, you can't always be right, but in the end I'm the one who drives and I have to do what my mind tells me in those moments.

Making mistakes is logical, we are all human. Even Senna sometimes made mistakes.

8. I have learned to find the balance to give my all when it really matters.

Concentration is a vital aspect in high-level competition, finding it can be quite difficult.

9. I have to keep trying my best to be my best.

To be the best, we must give the maximum of ourselves, we must be our best version.

10. It's important that drivers stick together, because in tough times, we have each other. If we are not together, the financial and political interests of the organizers and builders will come to the fore.

Maintaining a good atmosphere in the paddock was seen as essential by Ayrton Senna, something that certainly does not happen today.

11. My biggest mistake? Something that has yet to happen.

What did Senna want to tell us with this quote? He knew that like anyone he could make mistakes.

12. If it ever happens that I have an accident that costs me my life, I hope it is final. I wouldn't want to be in a wheelchair. I would not want to be in a hospital suffering from any injury.

Senna was well aware that in each race he risked his life, yet he kept running trying to be the fastest.

13. Being a racing driver means that you are competing with other people and if you don't go through those openings out of fear, then you are not a racing driver anymore.

Fear has no place in Formula 1, drivers must be as fast as possible with their cars.

14. We pilots are, for the people, more of a dream than a reality.

The pilots of this great sport are seen as true superheroes by the fans. They must certainly have guts to succeed in F1.

15. It is important, when your technical team is not the best, to believe that there will always be a better race.

Being positive can help us win many Grands Prix, we must have faith in ourselves and in our team.

16. I don't have idols. I admire the work, dedication and competence.

Something that Senna shares with other great athletes is that he had no idols, his only devotion was hard work.

17. Regarding performance, commitment, effort, dedication, there is no middle ground; Either you do something very well, or you don't.

Giving the maximum of us will be essential to be able to achieve victory, we must fully commit ourselves.

18. It's going to be a season with a lot of accidents and I'll go out on a limb saying we'll be lucky if something really serious doesn't happen.

This competition has always demanded so much from its competitors that serious accidents have never disappeared. Fortunately, there are now better security measures.

19. I am a young man who sacrificed much of his very existence for racing.

In order to get to Formula 1 we will have to dedicate our lives to it, otherwise it would be totally impossible.

20. Formula 1 is terribly competitive and selfish, it is not the most suitable environment to make friends.

The drivers in this competition must always be a bit selfish, we must want more than the others to be number 1.

21. The day that comes, will come. It could be today or 50 years later. The only sure thing is that he will arrive.

Senna knew that a serious accident would one day have to happen to him, and indeed he was not wrong.

22. I think about this profession since I was a child; I gave my all and I think I love her more than anything else. That's why when I'm running I'll do it just to win.

This quote shows us the love that Senna had for this sport, he was a true fan of it.

23. My main responsibility, my main attention, is towards the children above all.

Children always meant a lot to this athlete, they gave him great peace and serenity.

24. You're never going to get everyone to understand and accept you, but in the end, I admire what I'm doing.

We must be consistent with our actions and never regret them.

25. Racing, competition... are in my blood.

F1 was a whole lifestyle for Ayrton Senna, he ate, drank and breathed Formula 1.

26. We are all responsible for accidents that occur in the race.

The accidents that, as pilots we can suffer in the competition, will be our fault in one way or another.

27. If I am going to live, I want to live fully, very intensely, because I am an intense person. It would ruin my life if I had to live partially because of an injury.

The intensity of his personality was reflected in his competitiveness on the track, a great driver who is greatly missed by all of us.

28. You will never know the feeling of a driver winning a race. The helmet hides feelings that cannot be understood.

Being able to win a Grand Prix is ​​the greatest joy a driver can experience, being the best and the fastest that day.

29. I have achieved a lot in a very short time, now is not the time to stop.

Senna always wanted to improve, to be the fastest and to be able to win in each circuit.

30. Stop running because it's dangerous? I can also be run over.

Even if we are not pilots, life can also be dangerous, to die you only need to be alive.

31. There are many ways to experience all the emotions.

Emotions can be lived and felt differently by each person, as individuals we feel them in our own way.

32. When I enjoyed it the most was when I started to compete in karts; these were real races: no politics, no money involved.

The world of Karts enchanted the great Ayrton. Definitely. It is a very exciting competition.

33. If we don't change this curve, someone is going to die here (comment to Tamburello).

Senna was fully aware that certain curves on the Imola circuit were really dangerous.

34. Racing in Karts is the most impressive sport in the world. More than F1, in fact, I liked it more.

As we can see in this quote, Senna enjoyed the world of Karts much more.

35. I am very competitive, I think that every driver who reaches Formula 1 has within himself a very competitive spirit.

In order to reach F1 we ​​will have to be tremendously competitive, otherwise it would be impossible to reach it.

36. And suddenly, I realized that he was no longer driving the car consciously. He was driving it by some kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension.

When we internalize and find our driving style, we don't need to think to react, we just react instinctively.

37. The main goal is to find a way over and over again to stimulate that feeling that keeps me committed to the goal of being successful.

Being motivated is essential to be able to win, if we are not, we will not be able to achieve success in our activity.

38. My main goal is to be recognized in the motorsport world as a professional and to be seen as someone who achieved something.

Senna wanted the world of motorsports to take him into account, currently he is a benchmark for millions of people.

39. The feeling of danger is exciting. The challenge is to find new dangers.

The danger can become addictive, because when we take certain risks, our body secretes a series of hormones that can make us feel euphoric.

40. Whoever you are, no matter what social position you have, rich or poor, always show great determination and always do everything with a lot of love and deep faith in God. One day you will reach your goal.

Being determined and determined we will achieve everything we set out to do, we must have faith in it.

41. Winning is the most important thing. Everything is a consequence of it.

Being able to achieve victory is the goal of every great athlete.

42. Rich men cannot live on an island surrounded by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give everyone a chance, at least a basic chance.

Poverty is an evil that we must put an end to, all human beings have the right to minimum conditions.

43. The important thing is to always win everything. That story that the important thing is to compete is nothing more than demagogy.

Being ambitious is essential to succeed in our sport, Senna was a tremendously ambitious man.

44. When you fit into a race car and race to win, being second or third isn't enough.

The purpose of Formula 1 is to be the fastest on the track, if we don't race to win, we shouldn't be on it.

45. I will only stop the day I realize that I am walking one tenth slower than I could.

When we are not in optimal conditions it will be time to give up, any sport will always demand our maximum fullness from us.

46. Competing is part of me, it is part of my life. I've been doing it my whole life and it trumps everything else.

Those people who live in high-level sport for a long time get used to that level of demand.

47. Sometimes you can't go that fast.

On certain occasions, knowing how to lift the foot off the accelerator can save our lives.

48. The love of children and their admiration is what motivates me to transmit good values.

Senna had a great appreciation for the little ones, without a doubt he was a very familiar man.

49. I have always said it: if there was a mistake, it was from the beginning. When a track is not designed for this type of racing and we know it, we should stop and get out of the cars.

Certain circuits have been excluded from Formula 1 due to their danger, the safety of the drivers is essential.

50. Just because I believe in God doesn't make me immortal.

As we see in this quote, Senna was a man with strong faith in God. This faith certainly helped him during his professional career.

51. If a person does not have dreams, there is no reason to live, dreaming is necessary even when the dream goes beyond reality. For me, dreaming is one of the principles of life.

Dreams are the greatest inspirations we have in life, we must pursue them with dedication.

52. When you see an opening and you drive at high speed with other cars that are close to you, you commit yourself and take that opening.

Finding the gap to be able to overtake is really very complicated and in doing so we can risk our lives.

53. At 273 km/h you go off in a curve, but at 271 km/h the second one passes you.

Motorsport takes its riders to the maximum, a single mistake and the consequences will be fatal.

54. We are made of emotions, we all seek emotions, it's just a matter of finding a way to experience them.

Emotions guide us in certain situations in our lives, we must be consistent with them.

55. Women, in trouble with or without them, but we can't live without them.

Women have always been a vital aspect in the life of this runner, behind every great man there is always a great woman.

56. I am young, healthy and committed today more than ever to my passion, our passion.

Our physical fullness will be essential in any sport we practice, Formula 1 requires great preparation from its drivers.

57. I don't know any other way to drive that is not risky. Everyone has to improve. Each driver has his limits. My limit is a little further than the others.

In order to be the first, we must be faster than the others and necessarily take more risks.

58. I had a very strong upbringing, with strong and clear principles as to how I should behave.

Education is a fundamental aspect in the life of every person, with it we can be our best version.

59. We, the drivers, compete, and we compete to win, the only motivation for all of us is victory.

Victory is the main reason why all drivers take to the track, being able to achieve it is reserved for only the best.

60. Most important of all, it's not control over the car, but control over yourself.

Our emotions and instincts determine our actions on the track, knowing how to control ourselves is essential to be able to win.

61. There are no small accidents on this circuit.

In circuits where you ride very fast, accidents will necessarily be higher.

62. If you want to be successful, you need to be fully dedicated, seek your maximum limit and give the best of yourself.

A great quote that we should all remember, in it, Senna shows us the way to success.

63. Perhaps something different, a particular thing that Formula 1 can give you, is that you know that we are always exposed to danger, danger of getting hurt, danger of dying.

Formula 1 drivers have always been exposed to taking great risks, they risk their lives at every turn.

64. With the power of your mind, your determination, your instincts and experience, you can fly very high.

With work, perseverance and dedication, we will achieve everything we set out to do.

65. You have to be calm, collected and you have to accept help, you need that advice to win.

Maintaining the correct attitude can be essential to be able to win, we must control our nerves and maintain serenity.

66. If you have God by your side, everything becomes clear.

Having faith in God can help us live much calmer. When we practice a risky sport, faith can be very beneficial.

67. The cowards die several times before expiring, the brave only tastes death once.

Death will come to all of us, how we face it will depend on each one.

68. To be second is to be the first of the first to lose.

For this great driver, being second was not an option.

69. Being a racing driver means that you are at risk at all times.

Risk is always present in the life of every driver, we must know how to live with it if we want to be F1 drivers.

70. I am a runner who has won more races than anyone.

Senna's record was undoubtedly exceptional. He managed to break all the established records.

71. My rivals don't like me because my sin is being fast.

On the F1 grid, the rivalry can be felt in the atmosphere, all the drivers are tremendously competitive.

72. Money is a strange matter. People who don't have it chase it. People who have it are full of problems.

Money can bring some problems to our lives, being able to manage it correctly is something that is difficult for many people.

73. I continually go further and further learning my own limitations, my bodily limitations, psychological limitations. It is a way of life for me.

Senna wanted to be better every day, to evolve over time.

74. I am privileged. I have always had a very good life. But everything I have in life was obtained through dedication and a tremendous desire to achieve my goals, a great desire to win, meaning victory in my life, not as a driver.

As a pilot in the highest competition, Senna lived a life of great privilege, he was fully aware of it.

75. You must make the commitment to win.

Our commitment will lead us to victory, Senna proved to be the most competitive driver on the entire grid.

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