Education, study and knowledge

The 22 Best Online Courses in Clinical Psychology

The Clinical psychology It is one of the most popular branches of psychology, not to say that the one that arouses the most interest among the new students of the Degree in Psychology.

This specialty focuses on the investigation and intervention of more or less serious psychological problems that affect the quality of life and the mental and emotional well-being of people.

Since this is a very demanding profession, it is necessary to be constantly updated. For this, continuous training is almost mandatory. The advance of the new information technologies (ICT) and the increase in the offer of online training has allowed psychologists to continue training anywhere, making study hours more flexible. The lack of time to attend face-to-face courses is no longer an excuse to continue acquiring knowledge with this modality.

Clinical Psychology Courses

In today's article We have made a list with several fully updated clinical psychology online courses. Some of them are free and others are paid, since the platforms that offer them can vary if they charge them or not. To enroll in the course you only have to click on the name and the link will take you directly to the official page of the training action. Don't miss them!

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Training center: Psychology and Mind, with the accreditation of the Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC)

The renowned portal of reference in the field of psychology and neurosciences has made available to mental health professionals university specialization courses that can be taken in their entirety on-line. Its teaching formula is based on updated and referenced information along with audiovisuals instructions, permanent support from teachers and interactive webinars that are held periodic.

These specialization courses delve into the origin, diagnosis and treatment of various mental disorders and provides specific skills to be able to offer better therapy to your patients. They last approximately 120 hours, with a personalized certificate of completion and the possibility of obtaining a diploma from the UEMC. Its price It also has an extraordinary value for money.


2. Course on Techniques and Tools for Intervention in Psychotherapy

Training center: Mensalus Institute

the prestigious Mensalus Institute offers an Online Course on Therapeutic Techniques in Integrative Psychotherapy, one of the most recommended for psychologists who want to specialize in Clinical Practice, increase their knowledge about the most effective intervention techniques, integrate tools in their therapeutic work and gain professional experience from renowned therapists who are experts in various styles of therapy. intervention.

The content of the course consists of theoretical-practical classes available at any time, thematic videos on each of the techniques, practical exercises supervised by a tutor, individual online tutorials, permanent access to the virtual campus and also offers the possibility of answering questions by email electronic.

3. Master of Contextual and Third Generation Therapies

Training center: Ítaca Training

The sixth edition of the Master of Contextual and Third Generation Therapies of Ítaca Formación It is offered in the online modality and is aimed at all those professionals who want to train in one of the most demanded orientations in the world of psychology.

The Master has a select faculty of 60 teachers specialized in this therapy avant-garde, who will offer the best theoretical content and a practice program of 350 work hours.

The Master contains various useful resources available 24 hours a day on campus virtual center and its students can enroll through a single payment of €3,320 or through a payment to deadlines.

4. Online Course of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Training center: Activital Psicólogos

The Activital Psicólogos center offers this Online Course of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which is aimed both at people who want to learn about therapy from the beginning and at professionals who have a medium or high level of knowledge and want to improve their knowledge.

This course has been completed by over 100 people over the last year and most reviews of the course They have also dealt with the quality of the theoretical contents, where the most important terms are explained in an understandable way. complexes; the usefulness of roleplay videos to understand how to apply therapeutic skills and the personalized feedback offered at all times to students based on their learning needs learning.

In addition to that, the schedule flexibility during the course is absolute, and the contents of the online platform are available 24 hours a day, for 9 months.

5. Emotional Intelligence Online Course

Training center: Mensalus Institute

Online Emotional Intelligence Course offered by the Mensalus Institute It is aimed at health professionals, psychologists, professionals in the field of education or social sciences and in general of any sector who are interested in knowing first-hand the most important theoretical keys of emotional intelligence and its applications practices.

This online Emotional Intelligence Expert course aims for each participant to achieve, upon completion, know the main benefits and characteristics of emotional intelligence applied in the personal and professional spheres, train and enhance one's own emotional intelligence through starting from the strategies and guidelines acquired during the course and learning to design dynamics related to intelligence training emotional.

The main benefits that each student will be able to enjoy at the end of the course are, among others, a improvement of emotional regulation, improve social skills, increase motivation and mindset positive.

Training Center: University of Edinburgh

This course covers the basic strategies of clinical child and adolescent psychology. and illustrates how the different theories of developmental psychology can be applied to understand mental health and well-being at these ages.

This interesting training action also reviews the models of prevention and psychological treatment that are currently used. Several professors from the prestigious University of Edinburgh are in charge of teaching the different subjects.

Training Center: Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

One of the most successful free online courses.

The course is taught by different experts from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Barcelona Crisis Center, who give meet and train students in the application of psychological first aid (PAP) to any individual who is in a stress situation: for example, traffic accidents, traumatic experiences, hospitalization, aggression, etc. Although the audiovisual content is in English, it is possible to use the Spanish subtitle option.

8. Depression and Anxiety Certificate. 10th Edition

Training center: ADEIT Valencia Business University Foundation

This course prepares you to know in depth the depressive disorder, paying attention to the essential factors that influence this multicausal phenomenon. In summary, you will be able to know: the emotional evolution of people, the first symptoms of depression, how the factors of risk at different stages of development or assessment instruments for the causal and maintainer factors of depression

Training center: Institute of Higher University Studies in Open (IAEU)

He stress phenomenon that affects many individuals, and its causes, both biological and environmental, are varied. This educational action emphasizes this last aspect, especially the role that emotions play when it comes to regulating the body. Manuel Valdés Miyar, professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona, ​​teaches this 12-hour course.

Training Center: John Hopkins University

Having dementia is a great challenge for the individual who suffers from it, but also for his family, the community and society. Therefore, the work of the psychologist is essential when dealing with this disease. Throughout this course, the brain of a person with dementia is examined to provide a basic overview of the disease pathology, as well as current diagnostic criteria, stages of dementia, and trajectory of disease.

It also takes into account how this disease affects family members, communities and society in general, and explain and analyze the theoretical and practical frameworks that allow better support and care to be provided to those affected by this condition. Besides. Specific strategies to help improve the quality of life of individuals with dementia are examined. .

Training center: Aulafácil

Self-esteem is closely related to people's mental health and well-being. Experts indicate that it is an element that is innate in each individual and that it is exposed to multiple modifications throughout our lives. In this course you will learn the basic elements of self-esteem (for example, self-concept, self-respect or self-realization), and you will learn how to promote healthy self-esteem in children.

  • Recommended article: "The 4 types of self-esteem: do you value yourself?"

Training Center: John Hopkins University

The depression It is frequent in these times and especially in developed societies. It is part of mood disorders and affects our well-being, our social interaction, our appetite and sexual desire.

Since this disorder affects a large part of the world's population, this course exposes the principles of public health applied to depressive disorder. In this way, through its topics, you can acquire a better knowledge about the different preventive strategies that can be applied at a social level.

Training Center: Duke University

The medical neuroscience explores the functional organization and neurophysiology of the central nervous system, while providing a neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior.

With this course you will be able to discover the organization of neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate sensorimotor signals with memory, emotion, and cognition-related faculties. This is an advanced level course.

14. patient safety course

Training center: University of Cantabria

Patient Safety is a fundamental principle of healthcare, which also includes psychological care.

Since there is currently a greater demand for psychological assistance, it is necessary to be able to provide the optimal level of quality care to patients. This course allows you to acquire the necessary skills to do so. In addition to psychologists, this course is intended for any health professional.

Training Center: University of California San Francisco (UCSF)

This course provides an overview of relevant aspects of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic approaches and treatment options for the most common neurological diseases.

The course is taught by professors from the prestigious University of California at San Francisco (UCSF).

Training Center: Emory University

We have all ever known a case of addiction in friends, family or colleagues. For example, addicted to alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. The object of the addiction may vary, but the behavioral response is similar, since all of these addictions cause the same chemical reaction in the brain.

This course deals with drug addiction and other behaviors, allows you to understand what happens inside the brain of an addicted individual, and provides very valuable information to be able to help other individuals to overcome this dependency of the organism towards some substance or behavior. In addition, other issues such as government policies related to this phenomenon and our vulnerability to taking drugs are also analyzed.

Training Center: University of Toronto

Dementia and Alzheimer's are conditions that cause a deterioration of mental capacity, serious enough to interfere with the daily life of the people who suffer from it.

The objective of this course is to offer information on this subject, so that students can learn how social factors can promote mental health, influence the onset and progression of this disease, and even affect the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

18. Dementia and Alzheimer course

Training center: University of Cantabria

Like the previous course, it deals with Alzheimer's and dementia, neurological diseases that are very common among the elderly population.

But unlike the previous course, which focuses on social aspects, it reviews basic knowledge of neurology, pharmacology and neuropsychology related to this problem.

19. Mindfulness course to regulate emotions

Training center: University of Malaga

He mindfulness It is considered a third generation psychological therapy, and It is increasingly used by clinical psychologists for its impact on the well-being of individuals.. Two of its best-known programs are the MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reduction program) or Programa de Reducción of Stress based on Mindfulness or MBCT (Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy) or Cognitive Therapy based on Mindfulness.

The latter has gained popularity in recent years as it is used to treat various disorders, such as depression or depression. anxiety. In this course you will learn the basic principles of this practice and you will know the most adaptive emotional abilities, so that you can better understand and regulate your emotional state.

More courses and postgraduate courses to receive the best training

The courses shown below have an economic cost, because, in addition to nourishing you with recognition, you will receive a certificate or diploma issued by a recognized university or institution. Some of them include discounts so that you can do them more economically.

Training center: Camilo José Cela University

This course aims to offer basic training on what Parkinson's disease is and how it develops and evolves, a chronic, degenerative disease of the nervous system characterized by incoordination, muscle rigidity, and tremors.

The course focuses on the characteristics presented by patients with this condition and review the treatment and support they need, both for themselves and for the family members themselves.

Training center: Nebrija University

One of the types of therapy that receives special attention in psychology consultations and clinics is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy., which inherits some foundations from behavioral psychology and cognitive psychology. This course offers specialized training in this matter, and focuses on the importance of three main elements: thought, emotion and behavior.

  • If you want to know more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, visit our article: "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: what is it and what principles is it based on?"

Training center: Camilo José Cela University

You will be able to learn more about the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic management of Alzheimer's with the information provided by this course, based on currently available scientific evidence.

You will learn to apply techniques and care to the patient and you will be more aware of the situation that patients with Alzheimer's experience, so that you can improve their quality of life. Finally, you will acquire an overview of the social and health services offered in Spain for this disease.

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