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14 books to improve your social skills

Human beings are social beings and in fact interpersonal relationships are an important factor for our emotional well-being.

The social skills deficit negatively affects our mental health and that is why it is necessary to acquire a series of skills that help us live in harmony with others and consequently with ourselves.

  • Related text: "The 10 basic communication skills"

What are social abilities

Social skills are a series of skills and behaviors that we use when interacting with others, and allow that relationship to be mutually satisfying and effective. But, What are the most important social skills?

  • Active listening
  • Assertiveness
  • emotional validation
  • Empathy
  • Bargaining power
  • I respect
  • Credibility
  • Positive thinking
  • emotional regulation
  • Patience
  • You can delve into these and more social skills in our post: "Top 14 Soft Skills for Success in Life"

Social Skills Books

When dealing with skills, it is possible to acquire and learn them. Many books deal with this subject and provide knowledge about which are the most important social skills and how to use them.

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Aware of the benefit that their domain brings, in this article we have prepared a list of books that do just that, help you improve social skills.

1. interpersonal intelligence (M. Silberman, and F. Hansburg)

People often talk a lot about emotional intelligence, a concept that derives from Howard Gardner's conception of multiple intelligences. However, a no less important concept is that of interpersonal intelligence, which also derives from the latter, that is, from Gardner's theory.

  • You may be interested in: "Howard Gardner: biography of the American psychologist"
  • To know more: "Interpersonal intelligence: definition and tips to improve it"

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to relate to others, to control our emotions. Also, doing it empathically and assertively. One of the books that delves into this subject is that of Silberman and Hansburg. A book full of practical resources that help improve self-awareness and relationship skills with other individuals. It is a great text that uses direct language and includes self-assessments to see if you have learned with the content of the reading.

  • you can buy it here.

2. Ideas That Stick (Chip Heath and Dan Heath)

Although sometimes we think that we are communicating with others correctly, our message may not reach the other party in the way we think.

Communicating properly is an art, and there are people who do it really well. This text allows to know, through the Social psychology, 6 important points on how to communicate ideas efficiently. This will be useful for you to get the most out of your conversations..

  • you can buy it in this link.

3. Speak fluently (Alan Garner)

This is another one of those essential books on interpersonal communication, because it helps you to know and efficiently use the best techniques to start and maintain an interesting, stimulating and productive conversation.

In addition, it allows you to learn how to deal with criticism and how to handle manipulation in a kind and graceful way. You can not lose this.

  • buy it here.

4. Emotional intelligence (Daniel Goleman)

Social and interpersonal skills are an important part of emotional intelligence. However, in order to relate effectively, we also need to be emotionally intelligent on an individual level. Knowledge about the emotions of oneself and also of others, and especially emotional regulation, are key for our relationships with others to be healthy and lasting.

This book will provide you with all the knowledge you need to improve your relationships with other people.

  • buy it here.

5. Just listen! (Mark Goulston)

Active listening is one of the most important social skills, because it allows interpreting not only the verbal language of the person with whom we interact, but also their non-verbal language. Therefore, hearing is not the same as listening and communicating is not speaking all the time. Communication also includes, for example, understanding the needs of others or emotionally validating them.

  • Related article: "Active listening: the key to communicating with others"

This fascinating book it will let you know why active listening and empathy are so important, and they are one of the secrets of the great interlocutors.

  • you can buy it here.

6. The Power of Introverts (Susan Cain)

Introversion and shyness are not the sameAlthough some use these terms interchangeably. And although not everyone thinks so, introverts can also communicate effectively and have healthy interpersonal relationships. This work delves into this possibility, taking a tour of the most important aspects of the authentic potential of people with this personality trait.

If you are an introvert, you can also be sociable and communicate better. You can see it with your own eyes through this work.

  • you can buy it in this link.

7. Crucial Conversations (Kerry Patterson)

Do you want to improve the way you communicate? Do you want to have interpersonal relationships with fewer conflicts? Then this book is the one you need. Because we all know that when we interact with other people difficulties can arise. Interpersonal relationships are not always easy.

That is why, in this circumstance, it is necessary to possess key interpersonal skills to negotiate and to learn to overcome difficulties in the most appropriate way.

  • you can buy it here.

8. Body Language (Allan Pease and Barbara Pease)

Non-verbal language represents almost 70% of the information we send to our interlocutor when we make communicative contact with other people. For this reason, it is extremely important to be aware that non-verbal language is just as important as verbal language and, unfortunately, we tend to ignore it.

This book reminds you of its importance and gives you the keys to improve this type of language.

  • you can buy it here.

9. The Myth of Charisma (Olivia Fox Cabane)

People with charisma give off a magnetism towards other people and have great success in their interpersonal relationships.. Scientists have tried to figure out what characteristics these people have and why they are so valued by others.

In this book you will find theoretical and practical knowledge on this topic. So you can improve your relationships with others.

  • buy it here.

10. Enrich your personality (Florence Littauer)

The author of this work is well known in the circle of couples therapy and thanks to her experience she has been able to getting to know more in depth what happens when people relate to others with or without success.

In addition, she is an expert in personality, and with this text it helps you to improve the different facets of your life so that you can better relate to others.

  • buy it here.

11. How to improve your social skills (Elia Roca Villanueva)

An exhaustive book to review the theory and practice of communication and social relations.

12. Conversation: How to talk to other people (Aston Sanderson)

One of the best-known books for working on self-confidence, social skills, and the ability to make oneself understood.

  • Do you have more information about this book? here.

13. Assertiveness (Olga Castanyer)

Assertiveness is a fundamental ingredient of social skills, and this is an excellent tool to promote it.

  • Read more about the book here.

14. When I say NO I feel guilty (Manuel J. Smith)

Knowing how to defend one's own point of view is often one of the most problematic aspects for shy people.

  • In this link Do you have more information about this work?

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