Friedrich ENGELS 'important CONTRIBUTIONS
We dedicate this lesson from a TEACHER to Friedrich Engels and we will talk about the contributions most important, along with Karl Marx, of the father of scientific socialism or Marxism and socialist leader. Engels, left a great legacy, although it has always remained overshadowed by his colleague.
Among his great contributions are the founding of historical materialism, the creation of the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung, as well as the International Association of Workers, in addition to claiming the rights of the working and working class. His work is extensive and almost all of it, in collaboration with Marx.
If you want to know more about contributions from Friedrich Engels keep reading this article that offers you a TEACHER.
EngelsY Marx are responsible for the drafting of the Manifesto of the Communist Party for the second Congress of the League of Communists, which supported the Marx's thesis and it was published just before the revolutionary movements that emerged in Europe, in 1848. But despite its rapid spread, it did not have a great impact.
Engels and Marx are responsible for the drafting of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, for the second Congress of the League of Communists, which supported Marx's thesis and was published just before the revolutionary movements that emerged in Europe, in 1848. But despite its fast diffusion, it did not have great repercussion.
The thesis The central part of the Manifesto was defined thus by Engels:
(…) The entire history of humanity has been a history of class struggle, of struggle between exploiters and exploited, between ruling classes and oppressed classes; that the history of these class struggles is a series of evolutions, which has now reached a such a degree of development that the exploited and oppressed class - the proletariat - (...) and the dominant - the bourgeoisie.
Capital, work of Engels and Marx
In his other seminal work in collaboration with Marx, Capital, Engels contributed practical data, statistics and considerations of his own. Here he makes an exhaustive study of the capitalist production, as well as the power relationships existing.
On the one hand would be the bourgeois capitalist, who has the means of production, and on the other hand the worker, who constitutes the work force. In exchange for his labor power, the worker receives a small part, enough for his subsistence, and the capitalist keeps the rest. This is what is known by the name of capital gain.
The engine of society is class struggle and the capitalism, will eventually explode due to its own internal contradictions, giving way to the dictatorship of the proletariat and finally to the communism.
"On this side are economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, those who aspire to improve the situation of the working classes, the organizers of charities, animal protection societies, promoters of campaigns against alcoholism, preachers and social reformers of all spade.”
Engels with his friend Marx creates the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung, first published in 1842. But it didn't last long, just over a year. Marx and Engels they met precisely in the newspaper offices Rheinische Zeitung, although at first they did not hit it off very well. Marx considered that the ideas of Friedrich Engels were too radical and could be harmful for the publications.
But in 1844, Engels began to collaborate with Marx, and they spent more than 40 years working together. Capital, for example, it is an example of the union of two of the most brilliant minds of all time.
Refugee in Brussels, Engels He collaborated with the political and trade union movement, and alongside Karl Marx, he collaborated in the League of the Just, later, the League of Communists. The point was to establish "bourgeois regimes" that managed to overthrow the nobility.
Engels he was a key figurein the First International or International Workers Association (AIT) of which he was secretary in different countries of Europe. During this time he fought hard against anyone who did not support Marxist theses. He was especially critical of the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin and his libertarian ideas and because it limited the role of the International to that of a simple organization that regulated the rest of the organizations nationals.
The creation of German Social Democratic Workers Party, in 1869 by August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht, it was a great success for the AIT.
In this same period he published The origin of the family, private property and the state. After the death of Marx, Engels continued with the project of both, rejecting all the ideas of the left that were limited to mere reform. The works of him,Criticism of the Gotha Program or Criticism of the Social Democratic Program, are a sample of it.
Engels, F and Marx, K. Communist Manifesto. Ed. Ed. Vectura. 2016