Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Sergio Doctor Peral

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We adopt the word Anagram to the practice of psychology to emphasize the search for new meanings and new solutions starting from what we are, without add nothing if we don't want it, only developing the critical sense to reorganize and rethink the meanings that help us in the search for changes desired. In other words, it is a way of optimizing our own resources to lead a life more in line with our needs. Change does not imply introducing radical transformations as if it were personality surgery, nor does it imply denying who we are. The change operates by reformulating our priorities, reconquering the inner space, strengthening our conscious self, and giving more continuity and space to the role with which we most identify. In summary, the change as we understand it consists of looking for the best method to solve our problems, but without denying ourselves. In any case, denying those habits that block our development and stagnate us, and learning to unlearn them.

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Castilian (Spanish), English, Galician

What is Emotional Education for?

What is Emotional Education for?

There has always been a certain preponderance of reason over emotion; at least, in our western cu...

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The relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Professional Success

Daniel Goleman, the author who made emotional intelligence popular, pointed out that “at best cas...

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Emotional dependence: what do we know from neurobiology?

Emotional dependence: what do we know from neurobiology?

It has caught my attention lately that some patients present me with reasons for consultation suc...

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