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The 10 differences between a Boss and a Leader

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In a previous article we talked about The 10 Personality Traits Every Leader Should HaveToday is the time to record the 10 differences between a boss and a leader.

Boss or Leader?

First, let's define both concepts. “Boss” is defined as the person who has authority or power over a group to direct its work or activities.

Instead, "Leader" is that person who heads and directs a social, political, religious group or movement, etc.. In principle, the difference is clear. But on a day-to-day basis, there are many attitudes that can make a person fit the profile of a leader, or boss.

The 10 differences in the way of running companies between a boss and a leader

We intend to point out the ten most important factors within organizations, since if you hold a relevant position in the He makes decisions and directs a human group, it is convenient for him to adopt a leadership position, to be able to motivate and join forces in his organization.

1. Perception of your authority

For a typical boss, authority is a privilege granted by his command post. For a good leader, on the other hand, authority is a privilege only if it is a useful tool for the organization.

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The boss endorses the maxim of "I'm the one in charge here"; while the leader finds inspiration from him in the phrase "I can be useful here". The boss spurs on the group and the good leader remains at the forefront, guides them and is committed day by day.

2. impose vs convince

The boss bases his influence on the authority that stems from the position he holds. The leader wins the sympathy and will of those around him. The boss asserts his position within the hierarchy, while the leader cultivates and nurtures his leadership on a daily basis.

The boss feels the need to impose his criteria, using long arguments; the leader convinces and exemplifies, his arguments do not seek to banish others, but to build knowledge and an action plan.

3. fear vs trust

The boss instills fear, fear, often threatens, and his team is suspicious of him, they put a good face on him when he is around but criticize him harshly when he is not present. The leader is a source of confidence, empowers people, generates enthusiasm when he works, stimulates the group by recognizing the good work and effort of its members.

The boss requires blind obedience, the leader wants motivation to permeate everyone. If you are afraid of your superior, he is an ordinary boss, if instead you value and appreciate him, your superior is a leader.

4. The management of problems

The boss wants to point out who has made the mistake; implants the belief of looking for guilty. In this way, he scolds, punishes and yells if something does not go well, to warn the culprit and the rest of the people.

The leader knows how to understand mistakes and calmly reorients the situation. He is not in charge of pointing out other people's mistakes or accusing anyone, but rather seeks to solve the problem and help those who have committed it to get up.

5. Technical organization vs creative organization

The boss distributes the tasks and orders, and stays supervising if his orders are being followed to the letter. The leader stimulates, sets an example, works hand in hand with his collaborators, he is coherent with what he thinks, with what he says and with what he does.

The boss makes tasks an obligation, but the leader knows how to find motivation in each new project. The leader transmits desire to live and progress.

6. Orders vs pedagogy

The boss knows how everything works, the leader knows how to teach each task, he knows how to teach. The first is suspicious of his secret that has led him to success, the second decisively protects people so that they can develop and even surpass him. The boss organizes production, but the leader prepares them to reach their full potential.

7. The degree of personal closeness

The boss relates to his team in a depersonalized way, like tiles on a board. The leader knows all of his collaborators personally, takes a genuine interest in their lives, he does not use them or objectify them. He is respectful of each other's personality, he stands up for people regardless of their position in the hierarchy.

8. Closed schemes vs open schemes and in constant development

The boss says “do this”, the leader says “let's do this”. The boss pursues stability, the leader promotes his collaborators through group work and the training of other leaders. The leader is capable of integrating the sincere commitment of those around him, designing plans with clear and shared goals, infecting others with his hope and determination.

9. comply vs lead

The boss arrives on time, but the leader always arrives first. The boss waits for the collaborators sitting in his chair, the leader comes out to welcome them. The leader wants to always maintain his presence as a group guide and inspires commitment, cordiality and loyalty. The boss is satisfied with an acceptable performance of his members, the leader wants to see further and wants his group to stand out.

10. power vs inspiration

The boss defends his position of authority tooth and nail; the leader makes ordinary people feel extraordinary. The boss craves the reverence, but the leader manages to commit his team to a mission that allows them to surpass themselves and transcend. The boss wants to keep his privileges; the leader endows his work, his life, and those around him with meaning and inspiration.

Bibliographic references:

  • Landolfi, Hugo (2009). The essence of leadership, Dunken Editions, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Showalter, M. J., and Mulholland, J. TO. (1992): "Continuous Improvement Strategies for Service Organizations." business horizons.

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