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The 70 best famous phrases of George Michael

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, much better known by the stage name of george michael, he was a British pop singer and songwriter.

Born in 1963 in London, George Michael's life is still studied, not only because of his impact on the recording industry but also because he is a 20th century liberation icon.

Great phrases from George Michael, a pop icon

Tracks like 'Careless Whisper' or 'Shoot the Dog' are authentic hymns for many people who grew up listening to George Michael.

In today's article we have proposed to pay tribute to this incredible musician, who died suddenly in 2016, selecting the best phrases and reflections of George Michael.

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1. There is no such thing as a reluctant star.

To be successful you need a lot of determination.

2. I have never thought that my sexuality is right or wrong. For me, it's always been a case of finding the right person.

About his homosexuality and his perception of love.

3. Celebrity and secrets don't go hand in hand. The bastards will get you in the end.

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When you are very famous, you can hardly have secrets.

4. The whole business is based on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it's total bullshit to pretend it's not.

The harsh reality, according to George.

5. You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.

Being true to ourselves guarantees us a good dose of peace of mind.

6. I finally realized that one of the reasons my life had felt so self-destructive was that I never had the feeling that my talent would let me down.

He always thought that things would be fantastic for him, and this led him to have risky attitudes and behaviors.

7. I went to jail, I paid my bill.

His addiction to cannabis led him to prison, after being arrested driving a vehicle under the influence of this drug.

8. I'm not much of a fan of sitting at the table with marketing people; I pay a manager to do that.

His world was music. The rest was not for him.

9. There's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find.

Sometimes the truth can hurt in the soul.

10. It helps if you have a beard, as it covers a multitude of sins. It really does.

The ugly find a great ally in the beard.

11. I have a really serious problem with the fact that when I got depressed, I felt like I was letting young gay people down. My behavior meant that these children suffered abuse and homophobic language, which is legal in this country.

A gay icon like George Michael was a true reference for thousands of young people who followed in his footsteps.

12. As you get older, you become more selective. Most of the celebrities made me cry.

It is not a good idea to associate with people who are not trustworthy.

13. I still believe that music is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man.

About music art.

14. It is important to me that I am free to express myself.

His creative freedom was always threatened by the record companies.

15. I didn't mind being considered a pop star. People have always thought that I wanted to be seen as a serious musician, but I didn't, I just wanted people to know that I was serious about pop music.

On his fame and the public's perception of his legacy.

16. I have never felt any ethnic connection between myself and the Greeks, apart from how hairy I am.

A very funny phrase about his cultural and ethnic background.

17. I think I have some kind of gift, but I don't believe in myself as a star. To be happy like a star you have to believe that you are really away from people. I've never been comfortable with that. I know that deep down I am the same as everyone else.

He always had his feet on the ground, despite his tremendous success.

18. Maybe I needed the physical flattery to make up for the things I didn't see in myself... I realize that it's not all to be attractive.

Being intimate can give you an ego boost, but it's not everything.

19. You can't imagine what it's like to play with people who have been loyal to you for 25 years and haven't seen you for 15 years.

About bad and good companies.

20. Even though it's become really stereotypical to see musicians working for charity, it's still effective and has yet to be done.

Some causes are well worth it.

21. I don't really have any traits that I deplore. Sometimes I get mad at myself, but that's all.

His personality was quite balanced.

22. I don't think I'll ever be a big star in America again. The music industry here is a hard sell. The only way to be a star again is to dedicate my life to promoting myself in a way that I will disparage.

Being acclaimed in the United States was complicated, especially due to the influence of marketing campaigns and large production companies.

23. I've done too many stupid things for there not to be movies about me when I'm dead, so I might as well write the script.

A prophecy that was fulfilled once he died.

24. I have achieved what every artist wants, that part of his work survives him.

Certainly his albums and live shows are immortal.

25. I am definitely one of those people who would rather be happy and less creative than miserable. I've been the prototype of a completely involuntary tortured artist for five or six years and I have no intention of ever doing it again.

Being an artist does not have to be at odds with having a peaceful and dignified life.

26. I've always been the chubby guy, in my head.

He never felt particularly handsome or wanted.

27. I mean, I don't have a problem with people knowing that I'm in a relationship with a man right now... I don't feel ashamed. I feel stupid and I feel reckless and weak for allowing my sexuality to be exposed in this way. But I don't feel ashamed.

A phrase that he enunciated just after his courtship with a man came to light.

28. At some point in your career, the situation between you and the camera is reversed. For a certain number of years, you woo her and need her, but ultimately, she needs you more, and it's a bit like a relationship. The moment it happens, she tunes you out... and it seems that she is taking something from you.

His stormy but fruitful relationship with flashes and cameras.

29. I have more love, success, and security than I could ever dream of.

For much of his life, George Michael felt especially lucky.

30. In the years when HIV was a killer, any parent of an openly gay person was terrified. I knew my mom well enough to spend every day praying that I wouldn't get that virus.

His family's concern was constant.

31. I spent years growing up while being told what my sexuality was.

Teachers, teachers and neighbors took it upon themselves to tell him how he should act... But he did what his heart felt.

32. I mean, it's the perfect situation to really love someone to death and want to rip their clothes off at the same time, right?

About passionate love.

33. If you don't feel like you're reaching for something new, then don't.

Don't do something that doesn't mean you take a step forward.

34. I think for most of us, our weaknesses are sexual.

Freudian phrase. Certainly, many of our fears and insecurities are based on sexuality.

35. I think my idea of ​​the perfect romance is when two people really belong together.

Nice way to describe a sincere and close relationship.

36. I would advise any gay person that coming out can never happen too soon.

His recommendation was to take the time necessary to take the plunge.

37. I don't like looking at myself, while actually I really like listening to my own music.

A curiosity about your self-perception.

38. I had to walk away from America and say goodbye to most of my career, because I knew otherwise my demons would get the best of me.

It had its pluses and minuses with the North American market.

39. I don't want children, I don't want responsibility. I'm gay, I smoke weed, and I do exactly what I want in life because of my talent. I represent an ideal that others have had to let go of and blame me for. Especially men.

A sincere account of his modus vivendi.

40. Due to the media, the way the world is perceived is as a place where resources and time are running out. They taught us that you have to grab what you can before it's gone.

The unbridled and hysterical rhythm strips us of our true nature.

41. I don't want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I wear it?

He no longer felt comfortable in those kinds of clothes.

42. I know I have a self-destructive tendency since my mother's death, I have to be honest.

A traumatic event that changed his life, since his mother left him in the late 90s.

43. You can't have a child just to maintain a relationship, right?

It's certainly a very bad idea.

44. There are so many things and so many aspects of gay life that I have discovered and so many things to write about. I have a new life, and I have a new version of dance music because of that life.

This new environment changed his way of thinking and composing.

45. I used to think that George Michael was a total actor. He backfired, because he made me feel like a fraud.

The sensation of him was close to falsehood, for having built his image in a somewhat artificial way.

46. Only time will set you free, just like me.

Time can do everything.

47. I am the luckiest writer on earth.

On his facet as a writer.

48. My ego is satiated.

At a certain point in his career, he didn't need any more sycophants.

49. I think the media is a real devil.

His fiercest criticism was always directed against the mass manipulation media.

50. I got what every artist wants, and that is that some of his works survive.

George Michael's art will last forever.

51. I can't stand Catholicism.

He was greatly annoyed by how this religion treated homosexuals.

52. It is important to me to have freedom of expression.

53. I define my sexuality in terms of the people I love.

A very free way and far from labels to value your way of loving and relating.

54. It's just that I can't prioritize safety.

He preferred to be free than to be safe.

55. I find it too scary to go out in Los Angeles.

A city full of contrasts and dangers.

56. In our age it is almost as if there is no time for compassion.

Some human feelings seem to have disappeared.

57. I want it to be known that the songs I wrote when I was with women were actually about women. And the songs I've written since then have been pretty self-evident about men.

He did not write in a metaphorical way, in this sense.

58. I'm not really interested or excited in repeating previous successes.

The important thing is to evolve.

59. I have to believe that someone up there thinks I still have work to do.

A way to motivate yourself to continue composing.

60. I see people who no longer depend on creativity, and I think it must be very boring to always produce the same thing. If you don't feel like you're getting close to something new, then don't do it.

On creativity and the demands of the music industry.

61. My gay American audience has continued to dance and sing to the music I make in a way that straight Americans don't. I thank them for that.

A thank you to one of your most dedicated audiences.

62. I mean, I've done a variety of things at various times that I shouldn't have, once or twice, you know.

about his excesses.

63. The truth is that my love life has been much more turbulent than I can fathom.

He had relationships and stories for all tastes.

64. I have other interests apart from just making music. I would like to continue enjoying through those interests.

Other arts and disciplines also caught his creative attention.

65. I think for most of us, our biggest weaknesses are sexual.

Almost all of us have some trauma in this aspect.

66. I know how you feel right now. I had the same experience with Sony Music in the past and for a person like Michael, who spent around 5 million daily in his mansion, he would have to work hard to generate them and he toward. Shakira, Brittney, now they are her priorities. That's not good, but what can you do?

About michael jackson.

67. Nobody wants to look like a moralist at 21!

Each stage of life has its own rules.

68. Be good to yourself because no one else has the power to make you happy.

A great reality that happy people apply.

69. When I open my mouth and sing, the truth comes out. When I write, the truth comes out. I can not lie. That, I think, is one of the strongest elements of my music. When people talk about my writing like I'm doing it from an accountant's perspective, it really annoys me.

Art cannot be coldly analyzed.

70. Friends, never change the way you feel.

A very accurate comment about following the emotions we feel.

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