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The 80 best phrases of Saints of the Catholic Church

Throughout history there have been humble and kind characters, whose acts have been rewarded by the Catholic Church by sanctifying and canonizing them, so that His teachings and works are recorded for the knowledge of all people devoted to the Catholic religion. Many find comfort and firm guidance in the lives of the saints.

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Great quotes from Catholic saints

In this article we bring a list with the most recognized phrases of saints of the Catholic Church that leave behind thousands of teachings for everyone.

1. Make yourselves a valley (humble) to receive the rain; the high dries up, the low fills up. Grace is like rain. (San Agustin)

To receive God's blessings, one must practice humility above all else.

2. Nature is the best teacher of truth. (Saint Ambrose)

Nature speaks of God's goodness, mercy, love, and blessing.

3. A faithful Christian, illuminated by the rays of grace like a crystal, must illuminate others with his words and actions, with the light of good example. (Saint Anthony of padua)

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We are all called to be an example to others.

4. You have to give what it costs you something. It is not enough to give what is left over, what you can do without, but also what you do not want to do without, things that you are attached to. (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)

The most beautiful gesture of love is to give what we have, no matter how little.

5. If you want peace to reign in your families and in your country, pray the Rosary every day with all of you. (Saint Pius X)

The Holy Rosary is the best weapon to drive the devil out of our lives.

6. When the love of God obtains the will of the soul, it produces in it an insatiable desire to work for the loved one. (Saint John Chrysostom)

When we let God rule our lives, everything changes and love for our neighbor becomes present.

7. For me, prayer is an impulse of the heart, a simple glance at heaven, a cry of thanks and love in sorrows as well as in joys. (Saint Teresa of Lisieux)

Prayer connects us directly to the Lord.

8. Let us always try to look at the virtues and good things that we see in others and cover their defects with our great sins... hold everyone to be better than us... (Saint Teresa of Jesus)

No one is better than us, nor are we better than anyone.

9. Are there many worlds or is there only one world? This is one of the noblest and loftiest questions posed in the study of nature. (Saint Albert the Great)

Nature teaches us that there is only one world and it belongs to God.

10. Hell is full of good wills and wishes. (Saint Francis de Sales)

To go to heaven we must practice the teachings of Jesus.

11. By knowing what God has given us, we will find so many things to continually give thanks for. (Saint Bernard)

The blessings the Lord gives us are always more than we expect.

12. Action has its dangers: to act to act; work to assert yourself, work to shine, work to dominate. See too big. Wanting success at all costs. Wanting to go too fast. Losing contact with God. (San Alberto Hurtado)

We are so busy, worried, and anxious in life that we are getting further and further away from God.

13. True perfection consists in this: always doing the most holy will of God. (Saint Catherine of Siena)

If we focus on serving God, happiness will be eternal.

14. He is happy who keeps nothing for himself. (San Francisco de Asis)

Sharing what we have with others will give us complete happiness.

15. To the extent that something temporary is loved, the fruit of charity is lost. (Santa Clara)

We should not cling to material things. We just have to hold on to God's love.

16. He who, by obedience, submits to evil, adheres to rebellion against God and not to submission. (Saint Bernard)

We must not make room for evil in our lives.

17. It is a murder to deny a man the salary that is necessary for his life. (Saint Ambrose)

Honest work must have its just reward.

18. To the extent that something temporary is loved, the fruit of charity is lost. (Santa Clara)

Love is the force that dominates everything.

19. You must know, my daughter, that my flows and treasures are surrounded by thorns, it is enough to determine to endure the first pangs, so that everything is exchanged for sweetness. (Saint Brígida)

Enduring pain without complaining makes us strong and leads us to heaven.

20. Love life... Here is the only reason to live. (San Rafael Arnáiz)

Love is the most important feeling in life.

21. If we knew the value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, what a great effort we would make to attend it. (Holy Cure of Ars)

Attending Mass and living it properly helps us stay on the right path.

22. Faith refers to things that are not seen, and hope, to things that are not at hand. (Saint Thomas of Aquino)

Between faith and hope you have to stay with faith.

23. Unforeseen blows often do not allow one to take advantage of them, because of the dejection and confusion that they raise in the soul; but have a little patience, and you will see how God disposes you to receive very great graces precisely by that means. (Saint Claudio de la Colombiere)

The difficult situations we have in life are tests that God sends us to test our faith.

24. Killing innocents in the name of God is an offense against Him and against human dignity. (Benedict XVI)

God is what we truly have.

25. Do not seek to be great in the eyes of men, but in the eyes of God. (San Martin de Porres)

We are to please only the Lord, not people.

26. Man cannot be separated from God, nor the politics of morality. (Saint Thomas More)

Morals and good manners are pleasing in the eyes of God.

27. Merit consists only in the virtue of charity, seasoned with the light of true discretion. (Saint Catherine of Siena)

When we help the needy, it must be done discreetly.

28. Be a soul of prayer and mortification. Its fruit will be humility well practiced. (Santa Genoveva Torres Morales)

Prayer and fasting are the keys to having obedience to God.

29. With the Rosary, everything can be achieved. According to a funny comparison, it is a long chain that links heaven and earth, one end of which is in our hands and the other in those of the Blessed Virgin. (Saint Therese of the Child Jesus)

Praying the rosary takes us to heaven, next to the Most Holy Mary.

30. A faithful Christian, illuminated by the rays of grace like a crystal, must illuminate others with his words and actions, with the light of good example. (Saint Anthony of padua)

Receiving Jesus prepares us to go to heaven.

31. Remember that perfection consists in conforming life and actions totally to the sacred virtues of the Heart of Jesus, especially his patience, his meekness, his humility and his charity. (Saint Margarita)

Imitating Jesus should be our goal.

32. Kindness implies the ability to say no. (Benedict XVI)

To enter heaven we must be humble.

33. Wanting to know for the sake of knowing. (Saint Albert the Great)

Wisdom helps us understand the Lord's will.

34. To the extent that something temporary is loved, the fruit of charity is lost. (Santa Clara)

We must pray as a family to remain united to Christ.

35. You must show mercy to your neighbor always and everywhere. You cannot stop doing it, or excuse yourself, or justify yourself. (Saint Faustina Kowalska)

We must apply mercy every day.

36. Let us always try to look at the virtues and good things that we see in others and cover their defects with our great sins. To hold everyone better than us. (Saint Teresa of Avila)

Overcoming our additions requires effort and sacrifice.

37. Ask our Lord for grace so that he is not deaf to his call, but prompt and diligent to fulfill his most holy will. (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)

We must ask God to open the eyes of our hearts and minds so that we can hear his voice.

38. We must not allow someone to leave our presence without feeling better and happier. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Every person who has contact with us, must feel the love of God.

39. A faithful Christian, illuminated by the rays of grace like a crystal, must illuminate others with his words and actions, with the light of good example. (Saint Anthony of padua)

We have to live to deserve both the love of God and that of our neighbor.

40. Faith does not oppose our highest ideals, on the contrary, it exalts and perfects them. (Benedict XVI)

If we don't let God into our hearts, we have nothing left.

41. Men fight, only God gives victory. (Saint Joan of Arc)

In any battle, we invoke God at all times.

42. It is proper to faith to humble ourselves in happy events and impassive in setbacks. (Santa Clara)

In both good times and bad times, having faith is the main thing.

43. Thanksgiving should have a very important part in our prayer, the word "thank you" should be at the beginning of all our prayers, because the goodness of God precedes all our acts, surrounds all the moments of our lifetime. (San Carlos de Foucauld)

At all times we must be grateful for everything we have.

44. Whoever wants something other than Christ, he does not know what he wants; whoever asks for something other than Christ, he does not know what he is asking for; whoever does not work for Christ does not know what he is doing. (San Felipe Neri)

Our life has to revolve around the Living Christ.

45. A faithful Christian, illuminated by the rays of grace like a crystal, must illuminate others with his words and actions, with the light of good example. (Saint Anthony of padua)

Forgiving has its reward in heaven.

46. Put each day before that mirror (Christ) and continually scrutinize your face in it, to be able to adorn yourself with all the virtues. (Santa Clara de Asís)

Keeping Jesus present at every moment helps us to immerse ourselves in his mercy.

47. The love of God makes everything smooth. (Saint Claudius la Colombière)

God is compassionate and merciful.

48. At whatever cost, God needs to be happy. (Saint Claudio de la Colombiere)

Our actions must not have any evil, in order to gain the attention of God.

49. You are not holier because they praise you, nor more vile because they despise you. (Blessed Thomas of Kempis)

We are neither so good nor so bad, we are just human beings.

50. Whoever does not treat Jesus confidently does injury to his goodness, which has been shown to us so many times and in so many different ways; It seems to me that having a lot of trust with Jesus, a kind of violence is done to him so that he spills his graces on us: isn't it? (San Gema Galgani)

Jesus is the closest friend we have.

51. A contempt suffered patiently for his love is worth more before God than a thousand fasts and a thousand disciplines. (Saint Francis de Sales)

When we are the object of some contempt, we must offer this situation to God and live it with faith and patience.

52. When you do not have the love of God in you, you are very poor. You are like a tree without flowers and without fruits. (Holy Cure of Ars)

We are nothing if we do not have God within us.

53. Be sure of the time you spend with devotion in front of this most divine Sacrament, it will be the time that will bring you more good in this life and more will console you in your death and in the eternity. (San Alfonso María de Liguorio)

Having time alone with the Blessed Sacrament is essential.

54. Oh blessed poverty that gives riches to those who love and embrace it. (Santa Clara de Asís)

Poverty, as long as it is not from the heart, leads us to the Lord.

55. Prayer is to the soul what food is to the body. (Saint Vincent of Paul)

We need to pray to feed the spirit.

56. How is it possible that someone who believes in God can love something outside of Him (San Felipe Neri)

With God all; without him, nothing.

57. All the evils that burden us on earth come precisely from the fact that we do not pray or do it wrong. (Holy Cure of Ars)

Spending time alone with God helps us stay on our feet.

58. Do not think that pleasing God is so much in doing a lot as in doing it with good will, without property and respect. (Saint John of the Cross)

Good works are not enough. It takes more than that to please the Lord.

59. Be careful, my dearly beloved sister, not to let yourself be crushed by adversity or puffed up by prosperity. (Santa Clara)

Both in difficulties and in joy, one must be in contact with God.

60. He who listens devoutly and with perseverance to the Holy Mass will not die a seedy death. (San Agustin)

To listen carefully to Mass is to get closer to Jesus.

61. We can walk what we want, build many things, but if we do not confess Jesus Christ, things do not go. (Pope Francis I)

In the little things, God is also present.

62. Therefore, persevere in his conduct and follow the example of the Lord, not hating anyone and helping each other with the goodness of the Lord. (Saint Polycarp)

Living in harmony with the people around us is to imitate goodness.

63. Always try to live in the friendship of God. (Saint John Bosco)

Let's make God our best friend.

64. Oh Lord, you are so adorable and you have commanded me to love you, why did you give me just one heart and this one so small? (San Felipe Neri)

Our heart is small but it can house the great love of God.

65. Have great trust in God: his mercy infinitely surpasses all our miseries. (Santa Margarita Mª de Alacoque)

Don't worry about anything, just focus on the Lord and everything will be fine.

66. If you don't want to suffer, don't love, but if you don't love, what do you want to live for? (San Agustin)

Without love, life is not worth it.

67. You learn to speak by speaking. To study, studying. To work, working. In the same way, you learn to love by loving. (Saint Francis de Sales)

You have to do things for yourself in order to learn.

68. Take great care to preach the truth in such a way that, if there is a heretic among the listeners, serve as an example of Christian charity and moderation. Do not use harsh words or show contempt for their mistakes. (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)

You are an example for someone, so do it well.

69. The technological society has managed to multiply the occasions of pleasure, but it finds it very difficult to engender joy. (Pope Francis I)

God knows what is good for us.

70. The more we work on earth, the more merits we will earn in heaven. (San Leopoldo Mandic)

Let us behave on earth in such a way that we win heaven.

71. Without prayer no one can progress in divine service. (San Francisco de Asis)

Pray. Pray without ceasing.

72. The Eucharist and the Virgin are the two columns that are to support our lives. (Saint John Bosco)

Communion and the rosary help us to preserve on the way to heaven.

73. The one who asks with malicious intent does not deserve to know the truth. (Saint Ambrose)

We must not be disrespectful to others.

74. Death: Remember that when you leave this earth, you will not be able to take with you anything that you have received, only what you have given: a heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and value. (San Francisco de Asis)

When we die we are not going to take anything material, only our love for God.

75. This is, gentlemen, very good devotion of the Virgin, following her virtues. (San Juan de Ávila)

The Virgin Mary is an example to follow.

76. A single Mass offered and heard in life with devotion, for one's own good, can be worth more than a thousand Masses celebrated for the same intention, after death. (Saint Anselm)

Living the Mass with all our senses fills us with blessings.

77. In good times and in bad, we have to carry the cross of Jesus, not in front of him, but behind him, like Simon of Cyrene, to the top of Calvary. (San Damiano)

Remembering what Jesus suffered helps us patiently carry our own cross.

78. Always be cheerful, but let your smile be sincere. (Saint John Bosco)

True joy infects others.

79. He who, by obedience, submits to evil, adheres to rebellion against God and not to submission. (Saint Bernard)

Works done with love are truer than words themselves.

80. Work on something so the devil will always find you busy. (St Geronimo)

Leisure is a bad counselor.

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