The 70 best phrases of Miley Cyrus
Destiny Hope Cyrus, better known as Miley Cyrus, is one of the most prominent pop and country singers, both for her sounds experimental mixed with classical tones, such as her deep and harmonious tonality, with which she manages to juggle vocals with of it different tones.
She was known worldwide thanks to her role as Hannah Montana, in the Disney series of the same name, where she worked alongside her father, Ray Cyrus. After this stage, she focused on her musical career, especially pop and country, although she has also released songs with a rock and hip-hop style.
In this selection of the best phrases of Miley Cyrus You will find a sample of her way of thinking and of conceiving life, art and effort.
The most interesting Miley Cyrus phrases
Miley is a complete artist, however, this has not left her free from scandals for her way of acting, her love relationships or her way of thinking; which shows us that, in order to move forward, it is necessary to turn a deaf ear.
For this reason, we bring you a compilation with the best phrases of Miley Cyrus about her life and her songs that can inspire us.
1. I want to dream big but dreams change.
We won't always get what we want, but we will get where we need to go.
2. You have a voice, use it. Don't let other people speak for you. \
Never be afraid to express yourself, your voice is valuable.
3. Life is uphill, but the view is great.
It is the reward after hard work, which brings satisfaction.
4. Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. She shares your wisdom. Radiate love.
Positivity is not denying problems, but knowing how to face them without losing energy.
5. For me, the most important thing is to really be a good person, and that doesn't depend on what you do on stage, it depends on how you treat people when you're off stage.
What makes us worth as people is our attitude.
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6. Beauty is the enemy. We try to conquer not feeling beautiful all our lives. It is a battle that cannot be won.
Beauty is subjective, remember that the important thing is to feel good about ourselves.
7. If someone tells you that you're not beautiful, turn around and walk away so they can get a great view of your fabulous butt.
Everyone has different tastes, so you must like yourself.
8. I understand that the pressure is hard, but I think that keeping your head in place is easier than it seems.
Sometimes, to find a way out, people resort to harmful practices that affect them in the long run.
9. My father always told me that nature never rushes, but always does things on time. Knowing that this is true fills my heart with peace and hope.
We should all teach little ones to take care of the environment.
10. When you do things right, nobody remembers. When you do things wrong, no one forgets.
It is easier to blame someone for their mistakes than for their triumphs.
11. You cannot lead a positive life with a negative mindset.
You will not achieve a good change, if you continue to think that you are a failure.
12. The dreams you dream at night are the ones you save for the future.
All dreams can come true if you dedicate yourself to building them.

13. She has taught me to respect the planet and its processes, and therefore I promise to do the same with myself.
We must all respect and appreciate the nature that surrounds us, because it is what gives us life.
14. When you are ready to move on or if you come to peace with the pain, you will find a silver lining.
Every obstacle is there to teach us the strength we acquire in the face of adversity.
15. The only advice my father has given me is: If you don't have fun, it doesn't work, so always have fun with what you do.
Excellent advice, you must enjoy what you do, because otherwise, it will consume you.
16. I don't want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mother always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect.
Perfection is also subjective, each person is valuable for the things they can do.
17. No matter how long what I'm doing here lasts, I want to be a songwriter for the rest of my life. I love it and it's my escape.
Explaining that music is an intrinsic necessity of his life.
18. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
Believing in ourselves is the fundamental step to conquer any goal.
19. People like controversy because that's what sells.
Everyone wants scandals, because it makes them feel good to compare them with their life.
20. You can't stop people from talking about you, but you can stop giving them something to talk about.
Never stop being who you are just because of the comments of others.
21. Fear is the only obstacle that prevents us from doing what we love. Fear prevents us from living the life we are made to live.
Fear is a paralytic that plays with our belief that we deserve a better life.
22. Music is what I breathe, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.
Music is a part of her, like her body or her soul.
23. I need more friends. It's like my quest right now just to have more true friends.
Do you think it is better to have many friends or a small circle?
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24. Just because someone with depression has a better day, it doesn't mean that person is better. The day is still gray but without rain.
If we don't face our internal problems, they will take their toll on us.
25. The best part of my career is meeting so many different people, because I learn a lot from everyone.
They all have something to teach us, if we take the time to listen to them.
26. I try not to work too many Sundays. At least on Sunday nights I try to relax a bit. I call it Sunday Funday.
It is necessary to take a break in the middle of the routine so that it does not consume us.
27. Anyone who hates you is always below you, because they are just jealous of what you have.
Remember that hate is a reflection of envy.
28. If we all do something small, we may be able to make big differences.
But that's the secret, working as a team to achieve a big change.
29. This is what I am. I think it's only hard to be yourself if you're trying to be something you're not. Being who you are is very easy.
Not everyone will like how you express yourself, but that shouldn't stop you from continuing to be you.
30. People talk about me, good or bad. But I only care about the opinion of the fans, I work for them.
The fans should be a boost to their artists.
31. We must never lose our identity, that is what makes us unique and special.
Our identity is our cover letter.
32. When you're younger, you're more selfish, because there's a lot of self-exploration, you're in your own mind.
All youth is a journey of making mistakes, building our confidence, and learning to love.
33. Some of the worst things that have happened to me in my career, like leaks, have been the best for me because people knew when I was on that show that I was really growing.
The best way to get over something is to accept it and put it behind you.
34. Talk is cheap.
Everyone has an opinion, right or wrong. That is why we must be careful what we say.
35. My dad says he could sing before he can talk, if that's possible. He was always humming and stuff like that.
Carrying music inside her since her first months of life.
36. When you write or sing a song that means something to you, you're saying, you know what? This is who I am.
For a composer, his songs are a reflection of themselves.
37. My mom always tells me that it takes a long time for her to get to the top, but a short time to get to the bottom.
One small mistake could cost you everything you've built in years.
38. I'm an artist and I don't care about criticism, as long as I'm satisfied with what I do.
The opinion that you must listen to at all times is your own.
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39. I'm not romantic or cheesy, that's boring. I'd rather go skydiving than watch a movie.
There are people who prefer to express their love by giving everything.
40. I like to keep my mind as far away from money and the material aspects of my job as possible.
Money is a great reward, but it's not necessarily the priority when doing what we love.
41. I only stick my tongue out because I hate smiling in photos. It's so awkward. It looks so cheesy.
Explaining the reason for their expressions in the photographs.
42. I like to think of myself as the girl that no one can have, that no one can get their hands on.
You do not own anyone, nor are we an object to possess.
43. I love sleeping. I would sleep all day if I could.
Sleeping restores our energy, because it disconnects us from the world.
44. I take a break from time to time, but I'm not good at it.
About her need to be busy all the time.
45. A true friend is someone who is always there through the ups and downs, in fact I have a song called 'True Friend'.
This is the surest way to find out who your real friends are.
46. I guess if I learned anything this year, it's that you can pretend to be whoever you want. But when it comes to love, I mean true love, it's best to be yourself.
If you want to build something real, honesty must be at the foundation.
47. This is what I am. I think it's only hard if you're trying to be something you're not. Being who you are is very easy.
Being different can be perceived as a threat to some, but it's only because they don't know how to be individual.
48. Alone we can't do much, but together we can change the world.
Change is built with small but constant steps.
49. Someday we will look back, smile and laugh, but now we only cry. Because it's so hard to say goodbye.
Things may not make sense now, but eventually, we come to understand.
50. He was an adult when he was supposed to be a child. So now I'm an adult and I act like a child.
An explanation of the change in her life when she was exposed to fame.
51. Always look ahead and try to leave negativity behind. I believe that everyone is beautiful and deserves to be happy no matter what.
Happiness is a decision and an attitude that we must practice daily.
52. I think turning on the charm without being fake is really important.
The greatest attraction will always be to be ourselves.
53. Pink is not just a color, it's an attitude!
Colors do not define us.
54. Those minutes I'm on stage are the best! Being there and looking at the crowd and seeing their faces, hearing them sing the positive words of the songs.
The stage as your second home.
55. The greatest opportunities in life come with fear and risk.
There are times when it is necessary to take risks to get something better.
56. If you don't love it, there's no reason to. And don't do it for the fame or the money, do it because it feels right to you.
If you dedicate yourself to something you don't like, eventually you will see life as a tragedy.
57. God wants my life to be successful and happy and to bless other people and be blessed.
Showing his gratitude to God, as part of his religious belief.
58. My life feels so surreal. That's why I made a joke about being me.
Many use humor as a way to carry the responsibilities of their life.
59. My job is not to be perfect, because otherwise I would not have a happy life.
Those who seek perfection do not have the time to enjoy their life.
60. Even difficult times are part of the story of your life. If you recognize and overcome them, they eventually add up to the experience that makes you wise.
Life is a roller coaster, there are ups and downs.
61. I don't care what they say about me, I only know what I am and what I am not.
When you know who you are and love who you are, other people's opinions become empty words.
62. Do not fight against evolution, because you will never win.
That is why it will always be better to have a good adaptability.
63. The struggles I face, The chances I take, Sometimes they can tear me down, But no, I'm not breaking.
Giving up is the equivalent of giving up trying out of fear.
64. Shame is the worst! It's the feeling of having your whole body numb and not knowing what to do with yourself during that moment.
We have all felt frozen before any act of shame of our own or others.
65. There is no definition of beauty. The only way to achieve beauty is to feel it from within without breaking down into individual physical attributes.
The only beauty that prevails is self-confidence.
66. There are multiple personalities in all of us. Who we are and who we could be if we followed our dreams.
The best thing is always to separate our personal life from the professional one.
67. Going out doesn't make you a bad person, just like going to church doesn't make you a good person.
Society condemns us for 'rebellious acts' that deviate from the norm.
68. I always say that the moment I stop making mistakes is the moment I stop learning and I have definitely learned a lot.
Mistakes are the best teachers.
69. I write when I sleep. I don't know how, but I work on a song, I go to sleep and when I get up it's finished.
A boost of sleepwalking creativity?
70. I have four shelves full of journals that I wrote.
An artist always has a large portfolio of his work.