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The 60 best lines (and quotes) from The Sopranos

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The Sopranos is considered one of the most successful television series in HBO history., with a duration of 5 seasons. The plot tells the story of the Soprano family, tied to the New Jersey mob and how it brings drama to life. personal and professional of the head of the family, Tony Soprano, his wife Carmela and his adopted nephew, Christopher.

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Best quotes from The Sopranos

This series taught us that all our actions have consequences and that we must be very careful in giving our trust to who really deserves it. Next we will see a compilation with the most iconic quotes from the Sopranos.

1. You're going to hell when you die. (Carmela Soprano)

The punishment that all believers fear.

2. Hope comes in many forms. (Jennifer Melfi)

But it only appears if you don't give up.

3. I won't pay, I know too much about extortion. (Tony Soprano)

If there is someone who can escape extortion, he is the specialist in it.

4. As my father used to say, a liter of blood costs more than a barrel of gold. (Little Carmine Lupertazzi)

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A death can mean the ruin of a third person.

5. I found out I have to be like a sad clown. Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside. (Tony Soprano)

The way he manages to overcome all the problems in his life.

6. A bad decision is better than an indecision. (Tony Soprano)

Staying without doing anything is what kills us.

7. Sometimes it's important to give people the illusion of being in control. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

So they can let their guard down and open up.

8. How much white castle did you have? I can smell it. (Corrado Soprano, Jr.)

Talking about his cocaine possession.

9. I've been away a long time. Let me hear it. (Pussy Bonpensiero)

Far away, we do not know what is happening around us.

10. Next time there won't be a next time. (Tony Soprano)

Take advantage of every moment, because you don't know when it will be the last.

11. Unless they're paying your way, no one has the right to tell anyone how to make a living. (Christopher Moltisanti)

Only you can take the reins of your life.

12. You're too fucking worried about what I'm giving you. Worry a little more about what you give me. (Paulie 'Nuts' Gualtieri)

A relationship must be balanced, because it is a commitment of two people.

13. Poverty is a great motivator. (Carmela Soprano)

To get out of that situation you must work hard. Although you don't always get out of there taking a good path.

14. Buy land, because God is not going to make any more of it. (Tony Soprano)

Everything we do in nature must be respectful.

15. Death simply shows the ultimate absurdity of life. (A.J. Soprano)

A vision about the meaning of death.

16. You're only as good as your last envelope. (Silvio Dante)

Excellence is in doing well what you do for a long time.

17. Even a broken watch is right twice a day. (Tony Soprano)

We all have the opportunity to grow.

18. She is so fat that she goes camping, the bears have to hide their food. (Paulie Gualtieri)

An insult that goes straight to the jugular.

19. Hello, my name is JT, I am an alcoholic and an addict. I'm also a TV writer, which by default makes me a jerk. (J.T. Dolan)

Even if you are good at something, you may be lost in life.

20. You steer the ship the best way you know how. Sometimes it's smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks. Meanwhile, you find your pleasures where you can. (Corrado Soprano)

There won't always be good times, but what we learn is what gets us through the bad.

21. In my thoughts, I used a positive visualization technique. How come I always feel undermined? (Christopher Moltisanti)

If you don't believe in what you do, it won't have any effect.

22. Never say you hate life. That is blasphemy. (Jason Cahill)

Life is only one, take advantage of it or it will pass you by.

23. We are soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. (Tony Soprano)

Justifying their actions, whether or not they are correct for others.

24. Other people's definitions of you, sometimes it's more about feeling better. You have to define yourself. (Christopher Moltisanti)

When we know who we are, no other opinion has an effect on us.

25. Psychology does not address the soul, that is something else, but this is a start. (Carmela Soprano)

Psychology helps us understand where our sufferings come from, to leave them behind.

26. Well, when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce. (Tony Soprano)

It is essential to maintain the health and quality of life of your loved ones.

27. You will not believe this. The guy killed 16 Czechoslovakians. He was an interior decorator. (Paulie Walnuts)

Not all people are what they appear to be.

28. I'm living in moral Neverland with this patient. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

Without a doubt, having a mafia patient is not easy.

29. Don't believe anything you hear, or half of what you see. (Tony Soprano)

It is better to make sure of what you are told than to believe blindly.

30. In this Jungle you will be abandoned, your friends will betray you and no one will remember your name. You will die in your own arms. (Olivia)

When you are a despicable person, no one will stay by your side.

31. Isn't that what you said once? Do you try to remember the times that were good? (Anthony Soprano, Jr.)

In order to balance our life, we must give more importance to the good times over the bad ones.

32. Respect?…He told you to shut up and he told me to fuck off. (Richie)

A clear difference between the way to command respect.

33. Oh listen to you! You hang out with Tony Soprano for 15 minutes and it's all Fuck this and Fuck that. (Jeannie Cusamano)

It is easy to let ourselves be influenced by those with whom we connect.

34. Those who want respect, give respect. (Tony Soprano)

Respect is a double way, it is given and it is received.

35. Genetic predispositions are just that: predispositions. It is not a destiny set in stone. People have options. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

Evil or goodness is not inherited, it is built.

36. It is war. Soldiers kill other soldiers. (Tony Soprano)

Explaining his way of acting within the mafia.

37. What kind of person can I be, when his own mother wants him dead? (Tony Soprano)

Having a bad family relationship is a stain that is not always overcome.

38. Some people take pleasure in keeping things simple. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

Simple things are capable of offering us calm.

39. Daughters are better at taking care of their mothers than sons. (Livia Soprano)

Do you think this statement is true?

40. The fundamental question is, will I be as effective a boss as my dad was? And will I be, even more? But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective. (Little Carmin Lupertazzi)

Inheriting a family position can be a terrible burden.

41. I don't care how close you are. In the end, your friends will disappoint you. Family. They are the only ones you can trust. (Tony Soprano)

Our family should be the most important pillar of our life.

42. Cancer respects nothing. (Giunta Fury)

It is a terrible disease that does not look at people, it comes equally.

43. I don't want to judge but try. But now I have judged. I took a position, damn it, and I'm afraid. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

An error that can cost the direction of a therapy.

44. For every 20 mistakes a child makes, they ignore 19. (Janice)

Children are not afraid to try and be wrong, because they never lose motivation.

45. The state can crush the individual. And if our rights can be trampled on like that, imagine what it's like for newcomers. (Meadow Sopranos)

A criticism of the government's actions with the rights of the people.

46. Is this a women's thing? You ask me how I feel. I tell you how I feel and now you're going to torture me with it. (Tony Soprano)

If you are going to help someone, judging is the wrong way to go.

47. More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision. (Carmela Soprano)

Reminding us that it is better to try than never having taken the first step.

48. Each and every one of us is alone in the ring, fighting for our lives. (Paulie 'Nuts' Gualtieri)

You can have support and help, but in the end, it's you against the world.

49. There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem. (Christopher Moltisanti)

It is useless to attend therapy if we do not have the personal commitment to improve.

50. I have eaten more queens than Lancelot. (Pussy Bonpensiero)

A reference to his passionate adventures with women.

51. Hear about the Chinese godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand. (Corrado Soprano, Jr.)

A fun reference to how complicated the Chinese language is.

52. People only see what you allow them to see. (Dr. Jennifer Melfi)

No one will get close to you if you are always on the defensive.

53. What do you prefer me to call you, Corrado or Junior? (Junior Soprano)

We also decide the identity with which we want to make ourselves known.

54. The victor gets the spoils. (Bobby Bacala Baccalieri)

Does the winner take it all?

55. Share the power? What is this, the fucking UN? (Johnny "Sack" Sacrimoni)

Sharing can be dangerous.

56. I don't care if they fear me. I run a business, not a fucking popularity contest! (Tony Soprano)

In this world it is better to be feared than to be loved.

57. Sometimes we are all hypocrites. (Meadow Sopranos)

No one is saved from ever doing something wrong.

58. She was part of that generation that grew up during the Depression. But the depression for her was like a trip to Six Flags. (Tony Soprano)

There are people who find their best moment after being at their lowest.

59. I would follow that guy to hell. (Christopher Moltisanti)

A show of absolute loyalty, even if it is not always ideal.

60. We are in a situation where everyone involved knows what is at stake and if you are going to accept it, you have to do certain things. They are business. (Tony Soprano)

If you are inside, you must assume the consequences.
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