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The 80 best famous phrases of Julio Cortázar

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Julio Cortázar was a famous Argentine writer and thinker born in 1914.. This writer is considered a master of the magical novel and poetry, being one of the most innovative authors in his time.

Of his works we could highlight some such as: The Awards, Book of Manuel, Bestiary or The Secret Weapons. Although he spent his childhood and adolescence in Argentina, Cortázar chose to obtain French nationality as a symbol of rebellion against the military dictatorship that his country lived at that time.

  • We recommend you read: "The 10 best poems by Julio Cortázar"

Great phrases and reflections by Julio Cortázar

For all of you who may not know the work of this great writer, We have made a selection of the famous phrases of Julio Cortázar, which without a doubt no one can miss.

1. Even the unexpected ends in habit when you have learned to bear it.

In life we ​​learn to deal with even the most unbearable situations.

2. Every morning is the blackboard where I invent and draw you.

Every day that we are lucky enough to be able to live, is a new day that we can make the most of.

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3. I think we all have a bit of that beautiful madness that keeps us going when everything around us is so insanely sane.

Having a bit of madness in our life can remind us that we are still alive, it doesn't have to be anything negative.

4. The explanation is a well-dressed mistake.

Even if an error has a plausible explanation, it does not stop being an error.

5. I was a tango lyric for your indifferent melody.

Tango is a very popular style of music in Argentina, the land of this great writer.

6. It cannot be that we are here to not be able to be.

Life has the meaning that we want to give it, it depends on us what we do with it.

7. Probably of all our feelings the only one that is not truly ours is hope. Hope belongs to life, it is life itself defending itself.

As long as we have life we ​​will always keep some hope within us, the hope of a better tomorrow.

8. I increasingly suspect that agreeing is the worst of illusions.

When a couple argues, they show appreciation to each other.

9. There is no way to share a pillow, that completely clarifies the ideas; sometimes he even kills them, which is reassuring.

In the life of a couple we learn to live with the other person and to know how to respect their ideas.

10. My interest soon turned analytical. Tired of wondering I wanted to know; behold the invariable and fatal end of all adventure.

Absorbing knowledge changes our personal perspective of the world.

11. I don't know how to talk about happiness, but that doesn't mean I haven't had it.

Explaining what happiness is for us can be a very complicated thing, but still we may have felt it.

12. The thing, that unpleasant feeling that where our presumption ends, our punishment begins.

We must value the people around us, just as we want them to value us.

13. You were always my mirror, I mean that to see myself I had to look at you.

The friendships and relationships we have identify us, as the saying goes, tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are.

14. It disgusted me to think like that, once again to be thinking everything that others just felt.

Society can upset us many times and make us feel very fed up with the life we ​​live.

15. Let me in, let me see one day as your eyes see.

Who wouldn't want to spend a day in the life of their partner? Something that many of us have ever thought about.

16. Nothing is lost if you have the courage to proclaim that all is lost and you have to start over.

We must recognize our own mistakes and know when we have to start something over.

17. See, there is only one way to kill the monsters; accept them.

We are all people, monsters do not exist. Furthermore, any living being deserves our respect and consideration.

18. Books are becoming the only place in the house where you can still be calm.

Reading is an activity that we should all know how to value and practice regularly.

19. And look, we barely knew each other and life was already concocting what was necessary to meticulously find ourselves.

Life without knowing why separates us from many of our closest friends and family.

20. That is why we will never be the perfect couple, the postcard, if we are not capable of accepting that only in arithmetic is two born from one plus one.

The perfect couple relationship does not exist, a relationship consists of accepting the other person as they are.

21. Insignificant gifts like a kiss at an unexpected moment or a piece of paper written in a hurry. They may be worth more than a gem.

The smallest things can convey to us the true love that a person feels towards us.

22. Who is willing to move, to unleash, to decenter, to discover?

In order to lead the life we ​​want, we must be brave and adventurous people.

23. I don't give up anything, I just do what I can so that things give up on me.

Being consistent with who we are will get us on the path to where we really want to be.

24. For my part, I had already gotten used to modestly exceptional things happening to me.

Life allows us to get used to all kinds of misadventures, it can be really incredible what we grow up to in the course of it.

25. Somewhere there must be a dump where explanations are piled up. Only one worrying thing in this fair scenario: what might happen the day someone manages to explain the dump as well.

For a bad action there are no possible explanations, we must know how to banish hypocrisy from our lives.

26. People think they are friends because they share a few hours a week on a sofa, a movie, sometimes a bed, or because they have to do the same job in the office.

Our partners are not our friends, real friends are extremely hard to find.

27. Words are never enough when what needs to be said overflows the soul.

The emotions We will not be able to explain the most heartbreaking events that we will experience throughout our lives, as these will be much more complex than any words that we can say.

28. When it rained, the water entered my soul.

Throughout our lives we will live the different situations that we find ourselves in very different ways, because over time we change and evolve.

29. I'm not going to tire you with more poems. Let's say I told you clouds, scissors, kites, pencils, and perhaps you ever smiled.

Cortázar was also a great poet, with internationally acclaimed works such as: Salvo el crepúsculo.

30. Poor love that feeds on thought.

He true love It is an emotion that comes from our heart, not from our mind. It is something we cannot rationally explain.

31. In reality, the truly difficult things are all that people think they can do at any moment.

There are many difficult tasks that we believe ourselves fully capable of carrying out, especially until we try to do them.

32. If the human personality does not acquire all its strength, all its power, among which the playful and the erotic are fundamental drives, no revolution will find its way.

Knowing how to express ourselves in all our essence is something very important, we must not limit ourselves to anything or anyone.

33. We would fall into a dialectic of magnet and filing, attack and defense, ball and wall.

We must not let a conversation stagnate, for this we must do our part.

34. And I will say the words that are said, and I will eat the things that are eaten, and I will dream the things that are dreamed of, and I know very well that you will not be there.

When a relationship doesn't suit us, we have to get over it and move on with our lives.

35. And if we bite each other, the pain is sweet, and if we drown in a brief and terrible simultaneous sucking in of breath, that instantaneous death is beautiful.

As we can see in this sentence, the poetic capacity of Julio Cortázar is very great.

36. We walked without looking for us but knowing that we were to meet.

We all have the feeling that there is an ideal person for us.

37. The island invaded him and he enjoyed it with such intimacy that he was not capable of thinking or choosing.

Certain places have the power to make us lose touch with reality.

38. You are looking for what you call harmony, but you are looking for it right there where you just said it is not, among friends, family, in the city...

In order to find spiritual fulfillment, sometimes we must cross certain limits that we usually impose on ourselves.

39. My evil way of understanding the world helped me laugh softly

Our particular way of understanding the world around us can bring us a very personal humor.

40. But the bad thing about the dream is not the dream. The bad thing is what they call waking up.

When we wake up we become aware that what we have experienced was nothing more than a simple dream.

41. Why not accept what was happening without trying to explain it, without establishing the notions of order and disorder?

Sometimes we just have to accept what life offers us.

42. There are absences that represent a true triumph.

Some people it is better to lose sight of, our life will win with it.

43. If you fall I pick you up and if you don't, I sleep with you.

A very beautiful phrase to indicate to our partner that we will always be with her.

44. He felt a kind of spiteful tenderness, something so contradictory that it must be the truth itself.

Many times the emotions we feel can be somewhat contradictory, an emotion that only we understand.

45. The anthropomorphic features of a monkey reveal, contrary to what most believe, the distance that goes from them to us.

According to Darwin, man comes from the same evolutionary branch as the monkey. Do you think that is true?

46. Behind this sad spectacle of words, the hope that you will read me trembles unspeakably, that I have not completely died in your memory.

As we can see in this sentence, Cortázar harbored the hope that that special person for him would read his words.

47. The only certain thing was the weight in the pit of the stomach, the physical suspicion that something was wrong, that it had almost never been right.

Certain sensations tell us when something is wrong, it is a kind of sixth sense that some people have.

48. In literature there are no good themes and bad themes: there is only a good or bad treatment of the subject.

Indeed, for a topic to be valued as good, the writer has to be good to be able to address it as it deserves.

49. Everything that I would like from you is so little deep down, because deep down it is everything.

A phrase that indirectly says what we want from that person to whom we dedicate it: everything.

50. You don't choose the rain that will soak you to the bone when you leave a concert.

As this phrase says very well, people do not control the weather, and the same happens with many other things that happen to us.

51. By then he had already realized that searching was my sign, emblem of those who go out at night without a fixed purpose, reason for compass killers.

Who has not gone out one night for a walk aimlessly? Cortázar also lived in his life some night wandering.

52. And deep down there is death if we don't run and get there sooner and understand that it doesn't matter anymore.

We will all have to live that moment as personal as our own death will be, we must know how to live with it.

53. What many people call love is choosing a woman and marrying her. They choose her, I swear, I've seen them. As if you could choose in love, as if it weren't lightning that breaks your bones and leaves you stuck in the middle of the patio.

We cannot choose who we fall in love with, because the feelings we feel are not the result of any thought.

54. It is enough for me to look at you to know that with you I am going to soak my soul.

Some people just by seeing them we know what we want from them, simply without knowing why an instant connection arises in us.

55. And I must say that I fully trust the chance of having met you. That I will never try to forget you, and that if I did, I would not succeed.

Coincidences can bring many positive things to our life, the best is always the result of chance.

56. What I like about your body is sex. What I like about your sex is the mouth. What I like in your mouth is the tongue. What I like about your language is the word.

For this writer, the word was the main source of attraction that a person could have.

57. Since you didn't know how to hide it, I immediately realized that to see you the way I wanted it was necessary to start by closing your eyes.

In order to have an honest relationship with our partner, we must accept them as they are.

58. She loved the unbelievable troubles she always got into because of the failure of the laws in her life.

Our way of being and our principles will make our life easier or more complicated.

59. Life, as a commentary on something else that we cannot reach, and that is there within reach of the leap that we do not take.

To live life as we really want, we must be brave and act when the situation calls for it.

60. Come sleep with me: we won't make love, he will make us.

Being able to spend the night with our partner is something that we all want to do every day of our lives.

61. How could I suspect that what seemed so false was true.

Some things that we thought were not true, over time we discover that they are great truths.

62. What do you want? Love asks for the street, asks for the wind, does not know how to die in solitude.

When we are in love we feel much more active, because our hormones are through the roof.

63. I am tormented by your love, which does not serve as a bridge for me because a bridge does not hold on one side...

Love has great power over us, the power to make us unhappy or completely happy.

64. Music! Melancholic food for those of us who live on love.

Music can help us explore our own feelings, as it allows us to connect with them much more easily.

65. I don't think I love you, I just want the obvious impossibility of loving you. Like the left glove in love with the right hand.

Many times we fall in love with people we know are impossible for us, but life is like that, we don't choose who we fall in love with.

66. Culture is the deep exercise of identity.

A very profound phrase that perfectly summarizes the human cultural phenomenon.

67. Being alive always seems like the price of something.

Some of his stories are truly distressing.

68. In short, since I was little, my relationship with words, with writing, is no different from my relationship with the world in general. I seem to have been born not to accept things as they are given to me.

Nonconformity was always a constant both in his life and in his work.

69. Subtotal: I love you. Grand total: I love you.

Cortázar's declarations of love have fascinated millions of readers over the decades.

70. When friends understand each other well, when lovers understand each other well, when families understand each other well, then we believe we are in harmony.

Interpersonal relationships, couples and family nuclei are some of the themes in Cortázar's work.

71. You pay too much attention to a few metaphors.

Fantasy and surrealism were profusely cultivated in Cortázar's work.

72. And this is how those who enlighten us are the blind.

One of the many famous phrases that we find in the book "Rayuela"

73. He used the hashes as penicillin.

In "Rayuela" we can find truly special phrases and scenarios.

74. You couldn't, he said. You think too much before doing anything. —I start from the principle that reflection must precede action, bobalina.

Fragment of "Rayuela", one of the most important works of 20th century literature.

75. You look at me, you look at me closely, more and more closely and then we play cyclops, we look at each other more and more closely and the eyes get bigger, they get closer to each other, they they overlap and the cyclops look at each other, breathing confused, their mouths meet and fight lukewarmly, biting each other with their lips, barely supporting their tongues on their lips. teeth

Cortázar's descriptions are among the most remarkable in the history of literature in Spanish.

76. Sometimes I feel that between two who punch each other in the face there is much more understanding than between those who are there watching from the outside.

Sometimes the disagreement between two people creates relationships much more intense than love.

77. The scorpion stinging itself, tired of being a scorpion but needing its scorpion to kill the scorpion.

The reflections of this great Argentine author have fascinated entire generations of readers for decades.

78. Happiness had to be something else, something perhaps sadder than this peace and this pleasure, an air like a unicorn or an island, an endless fall into immobility.

Happiness, sadness, love and relationships were some of the topics that Cortázar dealt with.

79. She smiled without surprise, convinced like me that a chance encounter was the least casual thing in our lives.

The stories told in Cortázar's books are always special and fantastic, sometimes surreal.

80. Patriotism Why not nationalism, into which it so easily leads? It horrifies me to the extent that it tries to subject individuals to an almost astrological fatality of descent and birth.

Cortázar criticized throughout his career all kinds of nationalism and extremism.

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