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The 60 best phrases of Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is a former swimmer of American origin, who managed to put his name on the top of the Olympic podium, world and national competitions, with a staggering record of 28 medals. Among which are: 23 Olympic gold medals, 13 gold medals in individual events and 15 medals in men's swimming events.

He became a great inspiration to Olympic athletes, for his teachings of perseverance, commitment, hard work and humility in any sphere of personal and professional life. In this collection of phrases by Michael Phelps We will review his way of conceiving life and sport.

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The most memorable Michael Phelps phrases

As a tribute and to learn more about the personal and private life of this Olympic athlete, we bring a compilation Quotes and reflections from Michael Phelps on his success, his hard work and the importance of taking care of our life.

1. I want to be able to look back and say, 'I did everything I could and I was successful.'

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A vision that can only be achieved when we work for our happiness.

2. I believe that goals should never be easy. They should force you to work, even if they feel uncomfortable at the time.

Nothing that is easy helps us grow.

3. If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people are not willing to do.

Being different is what makes the difference.

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4. You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you go.

Limits exist in our mind.

5. I believe that anything is possible as long as you put your head into it and put in the necessary effort and time.

Dreams are not a fast race, but a path full of perseverance.

6. What I have done is teach people that achieving what they want is possible.

A great example for all those who have big dreams.

7. I am not a second Mark Spitz, but a first Michael Phelps.

Leaving his name at the top.

8. I only have time to eat, sleep and swim.

Talking about how his day to day was.

9. If you say you can't, you are restricting what you can or will do.

Remember that everything starts in your mind, where everything is positive or negative.

10. I like to think of myself as a normal person, who just has a passion, has a goal and a dream.

We are all normal people who can conquer great heights if we want to.

11. Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I feel comfortable and I know my surroundings. It is my home.

A perfect example of doing what we love.

12. Records are always made to be broken, no matter what they are.

Although it may not seem like it at first, we can always go further.

13. I love racing with the best people in the world and the fastest people in the world.

The best competitors, in addition to being excellent, are also humble.

14. Things won't be perfect. It's about how you adapt to those things and learn from mistakes.

Perfection does not exist, but that should not be an impediment to continue growing.

15. There will be obstacles. There will be skeptics. There will be mistakes. But with hard work... there are no limits.

There will always be a challenge to overcome, you just have to look at them as the opportunity to test our skills.

16. You can make a million mistakes, but not the same one twice.

Mistakes are a part of life, but repeating them means there is a lesson we refuse to listen to.

17. I found something I love and never gave up.

Never give up what you love the most.

18. When I feel tired, I just think about how great I'll feel once I finally reach my goal.

Sometimes our biggest challenge is facing ourselves.

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19. I don't want to look back and say I should have done this or that.

Regret is the worst burden we can carry with us.

20. I want to test myself to the maximum and see what I can do. I want to change the world of swimming.

With his own demand, he showed future swimmers what everyone is capable of.

21. What does God mean to me? I guess I was made the way I am for a reason, and I've been able to find the talent that I have, and I've been able to use it, so I'm thankful for that.

Explaining his way of seeing God.

22. With so many people saying it can't be done, what is needed is imagination.

Hold on to your beliefs and turn a deaf ear to other people's comments.

23. Nothing else matters. When you walk into your arena or anything you're good at. You are there to do your job.

It is necessary to make a distinction between your work and your personal life.

24. A hero should be someone who can encourage other people with his courage and dedication.

He is not someone who can do everything, but someone who encourages others.

25. I'm the same guy as before all this happened.

Never let the top change who you are.

26. I don't remember the last day I didn't train.

A commitment that he carried out every day of his sporting life.

27. If I played any sport, my dad's advice was simple: play hard and remember, good guys finish second.

Parental support is essential for children.

28. I listen to music before competitions to come up. It helps me stay focused.

Finding your disconnect to relax and have a better focus.

29. It was crazy, if you think about it, if you have a goal so high, so far away that no one really dreams of a goal like that, all those little things play a huge role.

Appreciate everything you achieve and celebrate, there is no such thing as small victories,

30. In swimming, it helps to be tall and skinny, but you can't be good without trying. There is a direct connection between what you put in and what you get.

It is useless to have a natural talent if you do not develop it.

31. The one thing that is common to all successful people: they have a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do.

Nothing is achieved without hard work and sacrifice.

32. If I didn't swim my best, I would think about it at school, at dinner, with my friends. I would go crazy.

An obsession with always being the best.

33. You have to have a dream to be able to get up in the morning.

The best motivation is to have something to do.

34. Every day after waking up, I think: 'Wait... This can not be real; I'm still going to wake up.

A feeling of success that can be overwhelming.

35. I have been able to recover the emotion in the water.

When we focus on what makes us feel fulfilled, joy is the order of the day.

36. I believe in God; but I'm not saying I'm very religious.

Talking about his personal beliefs.

37. I would like to change things for the next generation of swimmers.

Thinking of leaving an important legacy for the new generations.

38. In the sport of swimming, my mother did not know my goals. The only person who knew my goals were my coaches.

Sometimes it is better to keep quiet, until we are in a better position.

39. Taking the sport to a new level would be an honor for me. There is no better time to try this than now.

Michael came to be great and with it, elevate the sport he loves.

40. I want them to know that the biggest thing is to really believe in yourself.

The first requirement to be successful is to have self-confidence.

41. I do it because I want to go back and because I like being in the pool and I enjoy swimming.

One of the reasons why he continued swimming.

42. I try to separate my personal life from swimming.

A recommendation that many of us should follow.

43. If you are not serious about training, conditioning and practice. You are not serious about giving your best.

You must take seriously each step you need to reach a goal.

44. Some nights (...) I visualize the exact point of what I want to do: the jump into the water, the transition, the stroke, turning around, touch the wall, to break time by one hundredth, then I return again for the necessary times to finish the career.

Not all plans go as we would like, but having it makes our steps more fluid.

45. Swimming is more than a sport every four years. My goal is to bring attention to swimming, give it some personality.

Thanks to his performance, many people became interested in Olympic swimming.

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46. I live a pretty conservative life, so I probably haven't done anything crazy.

Despite being a champion, he prefers to have a quiet and common life.

47. There are times in my sleep when I literally dream my race from start to finish.

Building your achievement even in sleep.

48. I think everyone pees in the pool. It's normal for swimmers.

Ensuring one of the most popular beliefs about swimming pools.

49. I felt like I had unfinished business. I didn't want to have that 'what if' moment 20 years from now, where I think back and wonder 'why didn't I swim a few more Olympics?'

That is why it never hurts to listen to our instincts.

50. It's the Olympics. If you can't get up for an early morning swim, don't go.

A wake-up call about the commitment you must have with a competition.

51. Every day is different and every day brings something more exciting.

Any day can be special if we look for it.

52. I have had extreme ups and downs. The most important thing I learned after breaking my wrist is to never give up. Nothing in life will ever be easy.

We all have bad days and failures, so we must find the positive message behind it, a valuable lesson for tomorrow.

53. People tell me, you're very lucky. You get to see the world. But not me. I go to the hotel and to the pools and come back again. That is.

He preferred to stay training than go exploring the places he went to.

54. I knew that I was not a failure by any means, just like those close to me.

Nothing is a failure if it is what makes you happy and you try with all your being.

55. I see my goals as personal and I have always had them. This is how I have worked.

All the goals you set for yourself should be exclusively for you, not to please someone else.

56. I will work with children the rest of my life.

One of his projects for the future.

57. It doesn't matter if you fall short; It's never a failure to go after goals with everything you've got.

It is always better to try than to be left with the regret of 'what if...'.

58. you dream You plan. You make it.

'Simple' steps, which need dedication and commitment to be carried out.

59. It depends on how you deal with those obstacles and how you overcome those obstacles. If you can overcome them, you are a stronger person. If you make mistakes along the way, as long as you never make the same mistake again, you are a successful person.

We never have to focus on our falls, but on how we should get up.

60. A typical breakfast? Three sandwiches with fried egg, cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried onion and mayonnaise. A tortilla. Cereals. A bowl of porridge. Three French toasts with sugar. And, as a finale, three pancakes with chocolate shavings.

Talking about his extensive diet, necessary to have all the energy needed to burn in the water.

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