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The 100 best phrases of disappointment and disappointment

Life is not just about victories. In this article we will see a selection of phrases of disappointment and disappointment that reflect through interesting reflections what happens in those moments in which our expectations do not match reality.

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Phrases of disappointment and disappointment

An unfair friendship, a love that disappoints us, a project interrupted prematurely... It is very easy for things not to go as we want. We simply do not have control over everything that happens in our lives. The pain that these situations produce can lead us to distrust or empower ourselves by learning from these low hours. In fact, in many phrases of disappointment we can find small lessons.

Below you will find exactly a compilation of disappointment phrases that will be helpful if you or a loved one is going through a similar situation.

1. The woman who abandons us when our love was older, saves us months or years of small disappointments. Man is ungrateful for this as for other favors (Paul Charles Bourget)

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This phrase of disappointment contains the message that in this type of situation we can learn a lesson.

2. There is no disguise that can hide love for a long time where it exists, nor fake it where it does not exist (François de la Rochefoucauld)

Many times we come to perceive the latter, but we take time to accept it.

3. It is very difficult to maintain a relationship based solely on mistrust. (Pierce Brosnan)

...since love is nourished by respect and trust.

4. Women may be able to fake orgasms, but men may be able to fake entire relationships. (Jimmy Shubert)

How much damage we can do to ourselves just by living in constant deception.

5. Most things disappoint until you look deeper. (Graham Greene)

It is when we learn a great lesson.

6. Love can sometimes be magical, but magic... sometimes it can be an illusion. (Unknown author)

When an illusion fades, the emotional stagnation.

7. Love, of course love. One year of burning and flames and thirty of ashes. (Giuseppe Tomasi of Lampedusa)

Sometimes recovering from disappointment can take a long time.

8. Join your forehead to mine and link your hand, and make oaths that tomorrow you will have broken. (Tennessee Williams)

On the fragility of promises.

9. Love never dies a natural death... he dies of blindness, of mistakes and betrayals. (Anais Nin)

For Anais Nin, love weakens until it perishes.

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10. Behind every cynical person, there is a disillusioned idealist. (George Carlin)

Sometimes we are not aware of the damage we can cause.

11. People are not always what you want them to be. Sometimes they let you down or let you down, but first you have to give them a chance (Chloe Rattray)

We are individuals in the process of evolution, and a certain amount of tolerance for failure can be positive.

12. Nothing is as difficult as not fooling yourself (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

A weakness to which we are all slaves.

13. A disappointment, however cruel it may be, is worth more than a pernicious uncertainty (Francisco de Paula Santander)

We will always prefer that calm that can be accompanied by disappointment than anguish in the face of uncertainty.

14. I already see the crystal of disappointment, that I am dust, nothing and wind (Pedro Calderón De La Barca)

Phrase of disappointment in which Calderón De La Barca tries to convey that feeling that being disappointed produces in us.

15. Disappointment walks smiling behind enthusiasm (Germaine De Staël)

Many times the enthusiasm can be so intense that we cannot control its effects and it blinds us when making some decisions.

16. Once his passion is satisfied, every lover experiences a kind of disappointment, because he realizes that he has been a victim of the deception of the will of the species (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Schopenhauer presents us with a different perspective on the experience we live when suffering disappointment.

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17. It's useless. They say that sometimes one drowns in disappointment; well then, resign yourself after having jumped into the abyss of my affection! (Murasaki Shikibu)

This phrase of disappointment very well accompanies feelings that we can have while it happens.

18. The ancients cultivated their celestial nobility and terrestrial nobility came to them in addition. Today's men cultivate their celestial nobility so that they can be given the terrestrial one, and once the latter is achieved, they forget about the former. Their disappointment is great because in the end they will also lose their terrestrial nobility (Mencio)

When disappointment involves brutally throwing ourselves into a reality that we have superficially constructed.

18. Disappointment is just the action of your brain readjusting to reality after discovering that things are not the way you thought they were (Brad Warner)

When we understand that everything was a mirage.

20. By dint of disappointment, I discovered that neither fairy tales nor true love exist (Elizabeth Eulberg)

When we charge the responsibility to elements that have nothing to do with it, it is likely that these situations will continue to occur.

21. All because of a fool?" someone might ask. Yes, and whoever has never suffered because of a fool should cast the first stone (Gabriel Rolón)

We have all experienced disappointment at some point.

22. His enemy was everyone who was what he wanted to be or who had something he wanted to do (Truman Capote)

When disappointment makes us get blocked and we act in only one way before it.

23. Youth is full of promises of happiness, but life only offers the reality of disappointments (Nicholas Sparks)

Or perhaps we make it prone to disappointment.

24. Disappointment is a blessing. If you had never been disappointed, you would never know what is important to you (Kamand Kojouri)

Since it balances the value placed on the projects.

25. The problem is that there is nothing in you that fills me (Haruki Murakami)

The emptiness that brings disappointment and disappointment.

26. Only old Benjamin claimed to remember every detail of his long life and to know that things never were, nor could they be, much better or much worse; Hunger, oppression and disappointment were, so he said, the unchanging law of life (George Orwell)

Disappointment as a learning element of life.

27. Too many trips maybe? Too many jet lags, too many hotel roofs and too many sleepless nights? Or too many lies (Anna Gavalda)

Sometimes what makes us feel fatigued and disoriented It's not so much the circumstances but one more disappointment.

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28. In the end it turned out that it was not life that was too big for me, it was you, your love, the one that was too small for me (Mónica Carrillo)

When the curtain that idealizes our partner falls, we see the sad reality. One of the phrases of disappointment with a more tragic and personal touch.

29. Do not ignore reality to comfort yourself, because when you do, you make it easier for others to deceive you too (Christopher Paolini)

Turning your face to the problems will not solve them. We must learn from them so as not to repeat them again.

30. Disappointment is not something you look for, but it has a wonderful way of clearing the mind (Stephen King)

To leave it empty to be able to fill it with reality.

31. In reality, it was much more what separated them than what united them (Rafael Reig)

Sometimes the conditions to save us a disappointment They are present, we see them but we do not want to take advantage of them

32. He has seen it on numerous occasions: hundreds of clients who refused to see the reality of things. That they did not admit betrayals or love disappointments, that they were stubborn no matter how much she tried to explain them (Erin Morgenstern)

As much as we want, people have time to understand their reality and adjust to it, but sometimes they never do.

33. How could she have been so stupid to think that they would keep their part of the agreement? Deceitful hope, often the companion of great love, had blinded me (Jasper Fforde)

This phrase of disappointment brings us closer to a dialogue that extracts learning from experience.

34. Never marry, Dorian. Men marry because they are tired, women because they are curious: and both are disappointed. (Oscar Wilde)

Phrase of Oscar Wilde in his work The Picture of Dorian Gray, where he expressed a reason for his position against marriage.

35. We must accept finite disappointments, but never lose infinite hope (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Always observing each situation very well without being fooled.

36. We all must suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment (Jim Rohn)

You have to make an effort to learn from your mistakes.

37. If we are calm and prepared, we should be able to find compensation in every disappointment (Henry David-Jim Rohn)

From that position it is more difficult to deceive yourself.

38. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed (Alexander Pope)

When we go out to face life without illusions but prepared for everything that comes.

39. Disappointment is a term for our refusal to look on the bright side (Richelle E. Goodrich)

We must not let it engulf us completely.

40. 20 years later you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. Release the moorings. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch favorable winds in your sails. Explore. Sounds. Discover (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

Do not stay in disappointment. There are new spaces to discover and enjoy.

41. Disillusionment is a kind of bankruptcy. The bankruptcy of a soul that spends too much on hope and expectations (Eric Hoffer)

A clear message that we should take seriously.

42. The earlier the refusal, the less the disappointment (Publilio Siro)

When we prefer to think that not everything can be perfect, reality becomes a comfortable but fallacious place.

43. When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment (Ryan Reynolds)

Somehow people seek to alleviate the inevitable reality.

44. A true desire to be or do something gives us the power - the reason - to get up every morning and start after every disappointment (Marsha Sinetar)

An honest desire with a clear objective.

45. Sometimes with disappointments you get stronger (David Rudisha)

Result of learning from experiences.

46. There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love (Martin Luther King, Jr)

Luther King tries to explain to us that everything comes back to us to the same extent that we also strive to improve reality.

47. The principles of living grandly include the ability to face problems with courage, disappointments with joy, and trials with humility (Thomas S. Monson)

When we have already reached understanding of life.

48. Life is one long preparation for something that never happens (W.B. Yeats)

This is where many of our frustrations reside in various aspects of our lives.

49. Every moment in life when you experience setback or disappointment, put your head down and push (Les Brown)

Advice from Les Brown in this type of situation.

50. Disappointment is to a noble soul what water is to hot metal; it strengthens it, encourages it, intensifies it, but never destroys it (Eliza Tabor Stephenson)

Because somehow, it also nourishes it.

51. If you are betrayed, quickly release the disappointment. That way, bitterness doesn't have time to take root (Toba Beta)

An intelligent exit to get rid of situations that chain us to unhappiness.

52. When we focus on gratitude, the current of disappointment leaves and the current of love marches on (Kristin Armstrong)

We can always feel grateful even in the face of bad times, as we learn to know them and try to avoid them in the future.

53. Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which there is no remedy except laughter (Kurt Vonnegut)

An excellent alternative to help us face all kinds of setbacks.

54. If you meet a lonely person, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy their loneliness. It's because they've tried to blend in with the world before and people have continued to disappoint them (Jodi Picoult,

A space that offers protection and tranquility, but spending a lot of time there can make us lose many things.

55. A minute of sincere gratitude can wash away the disappointments of a lifetime (Silvia Hartmann)

The power of gratitude is enormous.

56. There are always failures, disappointments and losses. The secret is to learn from them (Michael J. fox)

In this message of disappointment we can see learning as a tool to mature.

57. God makes life fertile by disappointments, just as he makes the earth fertile by frost (Henry Ward Beecher)

Everything has a purpose if we fight to make our lives an exciting project.

58. Assuming is the root of all disappointment (Rogienel Reyes)

Convincing ourselves that what is in front of us is not reality, it is a way of fall again and again into deceit and disappointment.

59. Disenchantment, be it a small disappointment or a big shock, is the sign that things are in transition in our lives (William Throsby Bridges)

Everything is in continuous movement.

60. One of the best protections against disappointment is having a lot to do (Alain de Botton)

You have to focus on useful and productive things.

61. Hope is tomorrow's cure for today's disappointment (Evan Esar)

A hope leads us to focus on real goals.

62. It is easier to forget an enemy than a friend (William Blake)

Since the disloyalty of a friend is a disappointment difficult to overcome.

63. Nobody gets what they want when it comes to love (Scott Turow)

Because expectations are sometimes too inflated.

64. Expectations should not be taken as reality, because you never know when you will be disappointed (Samuel P. huntington)

Let's not get wrapped up in them.

65. The greatest successes come after the greatest disappointments (Henry Ward Beecher)

As long as we have learned to handle the mistakes made in the past.

66. If you expect nothing, you can never be disappointed (Tonya Hurley)

A disappointment phrase that includes simple and direct advice.

67. Enthusiasm is followed by disappointment and even depression, and then renewed enthusiasm (Murray Gell-Mann)

Sometimes it can become a vicious cycle.

68. The early disappointment of a hope leaves a scar that is illuminated when the hope is fulfilled (Thomas Hardy)

And we realize that we have learned a life lesson.

69. It is not defeat that destroys you, it is being demoralized by defeat that destroys (Imran Khan)

Defeat can show our vulnerabilities, making us feel disappointed.

70. Disappointments are often the spice of life (Theodore Parker)

These situations make our life a varied experience.

71. The effort? Not only not precisely the effort, but something like disappointment. But what disappointment... The fear of having illusions about himself. Because the illusions placed on an ideal are not fearsome: the ideal does not disappoint but is the ideal of a cretin (Rosa Chacel)

In the end we are the ones who create our disappointments.

72. Sometimes heartbreak is a lesson. And the best we can do is learn from it. (Jon Voight)

Some disappointments can be the best thing that has happened to us in life because of how much we learn from them.

73. I search and I can't find an explanation, only disappointment, that your kisses were false (Navajita Plateá)

One of the most remembered songs by this great group from Jerez de la Frontera.

74. Have you ever had a love that does not know its own depth until the time of separation? (Kahlil Gibran)

Some loves seem to be infinite until the moment of separation arrives.

75. There is no greater disappointment than the one that comes from someone you thought was different.

When we place all our hope in someone and they fail us, it really hurts.

76. When you have loved someone unconditionally and lost that love, it leaves a wound that never heals, a sad and broken heart, a permanent void.

Heartbreaks can have a very negative effect on those who experience them.

77. When love is lost, don't lower your head and sink it in sadness; better keep your head up and admire the sky, as your heart was sent there to heal

A phrase that can help us to alleviate heartbreak or to dedicate to someone who is having a hard time.

78. When they leave you without a reason, don't come back with an excuse.

An advice that we can follow in our sentimental life.

79. The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the same as the heals... (Nicholas Sparks)

A phrase loaded with positive energy and inspiration for people who are suffering.

80. When they don't love you, you'll know, even if they don't tell you. You will feel it from the depths of your soul, because indifference never goes unnoticed.

Sometimes it is necessary that we realize what is the state of the relationship in which we are immersed.

81. The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel pain.

A really discouraging phrase that prepares us for the worst in heartbreak.

82. The heart is the only instrument that even broken, works.

No matter how much pain a disappointment in love has made us feel, we must move on.

83. A disappointment is nothing more than a situation that will make you leave the wrong place.

A phrase that can help us get ahead in unpleasant situations.

84. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

Even if it costs, it is important that we learn to overcome that person and continue with our lives.

85. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. (Robin Sharma)

In love, as in any other area of ​​life, we are masters of our future.

86. Each pain makes us stronger, each betrayal more intelligent, each disappointment more skilful, and each experience gives us more wisdom. That's how love works and that's how life works.

Everything we go through teaches us valuable life lessons.

87. I would like to be a girl again, because bare knees are easier to heal than a broken heart. (Julia Roberts)

There are many adults who long for childhood due to the lack of worries that they have at that stage.

88. Growing up is learning to love what is beautiful, to miss in silence, to remember without rancor and to forget slowly. (Frida Kahlo)

A great advice that this great Mexican artist gave us.

89. If you want to forget someone, don't hate them. Everything you hate will be engraved in your heart; if you want to put something aside, if you really want to forget, you can't hate it. (C. Joy Bell C.)

One of the best strategies that we can put into practice to be happy in life.

90. Love who shows the same delivery of love, not the one who only thinks of himself, forgets you and makes you shed tears.

Good advice to avoid future disappointments in love.

91. Stop trying to "fix" yourself; You are not broken!, love has only been broken for a moment, you are someone perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure. (Steve Maraboli)

A phrase that advocates self-love and having high self-esteem.

92. Who to give the flowers to when there are no loves to conquer, if love leaves? (Roberto Carlos)

A feeling that many of us have experienced in heartbreak.

93. Sometimes the difficult thing is not to leave a person, the impossible is to forget about them.

A situation that many of us have gone through throughout our lives.

94. Time can heal wounds, but scars will always remind us of the past.

Something remains in ourselves that reminds us of the bad experience of a disappointment.

95. Tell him that I don't love him anymore, tell him that I have forgotten him, but that he never finds out, that when he said it, she was crying...

Some people who passed through our lives are very difficult to forget.

96. I thought that if I wasn't going to have this anymore I would die. But she was wrong, no one dies from lack of sex. It is the lack of love that kills us. (Margaret Atwood)

This Canadian poet has spent her entire career writing about the nature of human relationships.

97. If she decides to distance herself from a person you love and she doesn't look for you, don't hesitate: you did the right thing.

A good way to find out who is worth it and who is not.

98. You made me fly with you and then let go into the void.

This is what some heartbreak feels like.

99. We don't become cold because of a lack of feelings, but because of an abundance of disappointments.

Some of the coldest people in the world are cold due to a series of bad experiences.

100. There is no worse disappointment than being lied to when you know the truth.

A truly unpleasant feeling that many of us have gone through.

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