The 100 best phrases about adolescence
Adolescence is one of the most complicated stages of the life of any person, in it we learn to differentiate which behaviors are correct and which are not.
We all experiment during this stage seeking new experiences and testing the limits that our parents impose on us. Who has not committed some mischief during their adolescence? This is something completely normal and also necessary for the learning of any person.
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Phrases and reflections on adolescence
The experiences we live during this time of life and our subsequent maturity will make us the adult we will be in the future. Let young people learn from their own mistakes and be morally enriched by them.
Here we present a selection of the best phrases about Adolescence, a very beautiful stage that we all went through at some point and that possibly marked us for life.
1. You don't have to suffer to be a poet. Adolescence is enough suffering for everyone. (John Ciardi)
Adolescence is usually complicated for most people, this is completely normal.
2. Snow and adolescence are the only problems that go away if you ignore them long enough. (Earl Wilson)
This stage of life in the end always passes, often leaving us memories that will always be with us.
3. Small children; headache. Big kids; heart attack. (Italian proverb)
Young people can cause us more than one complicated situation, our patience to deal with them must be above the moment.
4. The best way to keep children at home is to build a friendly atmosphere at home. (Dorothy Parker)
The environment of our home is a very important factor for our correct development.
5. Never leave your car to someone to whom you have given light. (Erma Bombeck)
The moment in which our children learn to drive will mark a before and after in the life of the whole family.
6. Adolescence is the conjugation of childhood and adulthood. (Louise J. Kaplan)
Adolescence is the stage in which we go from being little children to being complete men. A time of mental and spiritual growth.
7. As a teenager, you are in the last stage of your life where you will be happy to hear that a call is for you. (Fran Lebowitz)
When we become adults we begin to see life with different eyes.
8. Too many children today have straight teeth and crooked morals.
If we don't raise our children the right way, we can cause problems for them in the future.
9. Mother Nature is providential. It gives us twelve years to develop our love for our children before they are teenagers. (William Galvin)
The natural stages we all go through help us forge our values and principles.
10. The best substitute for experience is being sixteen years old. (Raymond Duncan)
When we are young, we do not calculate risks in the same way. This can get us into more than one trouble.
11. Young people have always had the same problem; how to be rebellious and conform at the same time. (Quentin Crisp)
During our youth we still do not know what we want from life and that usually makes us live in a very peculiar way.
12. Teenage children seem the most difficult to educate, but if you succeed, your lessons will last a lifetime.
It is during these ages that we forge our character, many times by making mistakes.
13. Don't make mistakes; adolescence is a war. Nobody gets out unscathed. (Harlan Coben)
We all make mistakes during our adolescence, that's what this time of our life is about.
14. Adolescence: a stage between childhood and adultery. (Ambrose Bierce)
A really curious way of understanding adolescence, Ambrose Bierce undoubtedly had a very particular vision of life.
15. Teens complain that there's nothing to do, then stay up all night doing it. (Bob Phillips)
At some point we all have to learn to manage time, and this may be the one.
16. A babysitter is a teenager acting like an adult while the adults are out acting like teenagers.
Our youthful years will remain forever in our memories, and many of us will try to recreate them when we are a little older.
17. Adolescence is a plague on the senses. (Henry Rollins)
Maintaining concentration during our youth is often extremely difficult for us. Hormones are usually the owners of our actions and thoughts.
18. How strange it is that young people always think that the world is against them when in fact it is the only time for them. (Mignon McLaughlin)
When we are young, the world surrenders to our feet. This may be the happiest moment of our entire lives.
19. Adolescence is the time to develop feelings of friendship and generosity, to develop an understanding of human nature and character.
When we begin to mature, we also begin to be more of a person. Developing certain thoughts that no child possesses.
20. Adolescence has been recognized as a stage of human development since medieval times.
The study of human behavior dates back thousands of years. At present we know perfectly, all the stages through which the human being passes during his life.
21. Teenagers may not pay attention, but they learn just as much as the future adults they will be.
Many of the most important things for us, we will learn during our youth.
22. Adolescence is the first moment in life when we discover that we have something terrible to hide from the people we love.
We all keep our own secrets, the only ones who don't are the kids.
23. Development in adolescence is characterized by the oscillation between progress and regression.
In life we must learn that we also learn from mistakes. All experiences are equally important.
24. Teenagers are almost simultaneously overconfident and full of fear. They are afraid of overwhelming feelings, of losing control, of failure. If you don't understand them, remember that they don't understand themselves either.
Hormones can make us live more than one bad experience during our adolescence, over the years our emotions will become much more controllable.
25. The stage of adolescence is as necessary for life as water or food.
Nature is very wise and never does anything without a good reason.
26. Adolescents must be allowed to make mistakes so that they act more correctly in adulthood.
A great quote that as parents we should all remember, you learn from mistakes and not from victories.
27. Adolescence is a time of deconstruction and construction, a period in which the past, present and future are united and do not follow the laws of chronology.
Throughout our lives we learn things and evolve, and it may also be in our youth when we grow the most as people.
28. The time of adolescence can make the difference between a lifetime of success or a lifetime of failure.
Young people must experiment and make mistakes, but we must help them discern between what is right and what is wrong.
29. Adolescence ranges from euphoria and self-confidence to self-loathing and despair.
Emotions can fluctuate during this stage of life, this is totally normal as a result of the hormonal level we have at that time.
30. One of the main tasks of adolescence is to achieve an identity, not necessarily a knowledge of who we are, but a clarification of what we could become.
This period is usually a good time to know our dreams and set our goals in life.
31. Adolescence is the time in life when young people stop believing in fairy tales and start believing in love.
We will live our first loves during our youth, these loves will accompany us for the rest of our lives.
32. The problems of adolescence go from one moment to another. It's like a very long cold. (Dawn Ruelas)
As we mature, we leave our adolescence behind and our attitudes often change radically.
33. It is difficult to convince a teenager that they will find problems much more difficult than algebra or geometry. (Edgar W. Howe)
The lack of experiences that young people have in those moments makes them live life in an unreal way and totally alien to the explicit situation of the moment.
34. Show me a struggling teenager and I'll show you a thriving adult.
Those values that we demonstrate during our youth will be reinforced in our maturity.
35. Poetry is adolescence fermented and therefore preserved. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)
Poetry has many similarities with adolescence, such as the ability to see life in a much more romantic way.
36. At fourteen you don't need sickness or death for tragedy. (Jessamyn West)
The first problems we encounter may seem extremely serious to us, although these are still simple setbacks.
37. Adolescence is society's permission to combine physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility. (Terri Apter)
We all deserve to have the opportunity to learn, because as we all know, no one is born knowing everything.
38. There's nothing about teenagers that twenty years can't cure.
Physical fullness is undoubtedly one of the best things we experience during our youth.
39. Adolescence is a new birth, as fuller and higher human traits are born with it. (G. Stanley Hall)
It is during adolescence when many of us experience the so-called growth spurt, our body ceases to be that of a child and becomes that of a man.
40. Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giving a fish a bath. (ArnoldH. Glasów)
When we are young, our immaturity prevents us from seeing beyond our own problems, many of which are not really as important as they seem to us at that moment.
41. It takes courage to grow and become who you really are. (AND. AND. Cummings)
Growing up is a stage that in a certain way can be somewhat hard, since many of us realize that life is more complicated than it initially seemed to us.
42. Maturity is a single break in adolescence. (Jules Feiffer)
When we become adults, the problems we had until then will stop worrying us.
43. What laughter is for childhood, sex is for adolescence. (Martha Beck)
The discovery of sex undoubtedly marks a great milestone in the life of any person.
44. When the boy grows up, he has a wolf in his belly. (German proverb)
During youth it is normal to have a great appetite, the body is growing and needs to stock up.
45. To tell if a human being is young or old, it offers food of different kinds at short intervals. If he is young, he will eat anything at any time of the day or night. (Oliver Wendell)
Adolescents can eat at any time of the day, as their bodies ask them for nutrients in order to develop properly.
46. Adolescence is perhaps nature's way of preparing parents for the empty nester. (Karen Savages)
In these chaotic times, it is normal for parents to want their children to mature as soon as possible.
47. You can tell when a child is growing up when he stops asking where she came from and starts saying where she's going.
As we begin to mature, we all begin to wonder what our future will be. A question that is natural to ask and which does not have a predetermined answer.
48. Adolescence is the time to live and experience life before the monotony of adulthood.
Adulthood will undoubtedly be more monotonous and tedious, but it will also be very rewarding for us.
49. Be faithful to the dreams of your youth. (Friedrich Schiller)
We must not abandon our dreams, they will guide us on our way to success.
50. We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public. (Bryan White)
Experience tells us which things we can do in public and which are best saved for another time.
51. Good habits formed in youth make all the difference. (Aristotle)
Good habits, we acquired during our youth, these will mark the best aspects that we will have.
52. I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that I looked horrible. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was obviously weird. (Uma Thurman)
Even those people who will later become true movie icons will not show the best version of themselves during their adolescence.
53. The wine of adolescence does not always clarify as the years go by, sometimes it becomes cloudy. (Carl Jung
Some people do not fully develop in their teens, acquiring bad habits and behaviors over time that can become self-destructive.
54. In the years of my adolescence and in the first years of my youth I have firmly believed that I had born to cultivate the philosophical and political sciences and to be a splendid star within they. To become a respected and solemn sage was my only ambition between the ages of fifteen and twenty. (Armando Palacio Valdes)
During this stage we all discover our goals in life, goals that we will always try to achieve.
55. One of the most memorable events in the life of each individual is the completion of school studies. It is the moment in which the summary of adolescence is made and broad perspectives are opened in the future. (Aleksandr Kotov)
When we finish our studies, a world full of possibilities opens up before us.
56. I can add that the cinema has been a kind of refuge in my adolescence; That is why I have an almost religious love for him. I cannot have the same interest in a politician as in the filmmakers I admire, and I think firmly that, in the history of 20th century England, Charlie Chaplin is more important than Winston Churchill. (Francois Truffaut)
Discovering our hobbies will be something experienced as very pleasant by all of us. Hobbies are obviously a big part of who we are.
57. These days that we hastily squandered, in the worry of adolescence and in the happy boredom of childhood, really have an end; the sky closes like the shutter of a huge camera. (John Updike)
Life has its stages and we must live all of them to the fullest. Live in the moment, because this will not happen again.
58. Adolescence is a fun time in life, because you think you know everything, and you don't get to the point where you realize you know almost nothing. (Anthony Kiedis)
The unconsciousness of this particular stage will allow us to live in an apparently much happier way.
59. That thing about being left out as a teenager, like being trapped in a closet on Venus when the sun rises for the first time in a hundred years. (Junot Diaz)
Adolescence is a time of constant discovery, and we often learn a lot about ourselves.
60. I don't believe in eternal adolescence. Neither in life nor in music. The one who hides there is because he resists growing. (Juan Carlos Baglietto)
We must face the future and recognize that one day we all grow up. Life is undoubtedly a constant evolution.
61. Where children grew older by listening. (Erri DeLuca)
The experiences of others can help us in any situation, in life it is necessary to learn to value the advice that others try to convey to you.
62. There were better things and far worse, and the only way one can learn to assimilate one's youth is to accept both parts of the proposition. (Nick Hornby)
Over time we will learn to value things that we did not value before, maturity will undoubtedly change our way of thinking.
63. Being left alone in a house without parents is, along with being invisible in the girls' locker room, the most exciting situation in adolescence for a future writer. (Hernan Casciari)
Privacy will be essential during our adolescence, a privacy that we will obviously use to get to know ourselves.
64. Meeting Enrique was for Anastasio the most important event of his adolescence. Enrique came into life like a blinding whirlwind. His personality was so strong, his activity so tireless, his ability to influence so overwhelming, that for many years Anastasio did not speak or see or give an opinion except through his mouth, eyes and Henry's ideas (Torcuato Luca De Tena)
Meeting our best friends will be a before and after for all of us, these true friends will accompany us throughout our lives.
65. Ah! The infinite egoism of adolescence, studious optimism: how full of flowers the world was that summer! (Arthur Rimbaud)
When we are young everything seems much easier to us than it really is, learning to calculate the difficulty of a fact will be something that we will learn over time.
66. In the ardor of adolescence, the life-giving spirits contained and distilled in his blood, produce in his youthful heart a warmth that shines in their looks, that is felt in their speeches and manifests itself in their Actions. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Emotions and feelings are lived very intensely during our youth, during this stage of our life we all have our nerves very close to the surface.
67. Friendships in childhood are usually a matter of chance, while in adolescence they are more often a matter of choice. (David Elkind)
Learning to choose with whom we should relate is something that we undoubtedly learn during this particular time in our lives.
68. I have always had the feeling that we are all more or less alone in life, especially in adolescence. (Robert Cormier)
In the difficult moments of life, we all tend to feel perhaps a little more alone.
69. Adolescence is when girls experience societal pressure to let go of their authentic selves, displaying only a small portion of their gifts. (Mary Piper)
Boys and girls experience adolescence as slightly different times, since our sexual gender usually determines the behavior that society expects of us.
70. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired at eighteen years of age. (Albert Einstein)
Everything we learn during our youth will accompany us in the future and help us define the person we will become.
71. Adolescence is a time in which everything is lived with more intensity. (Edward Zwick)
Feelings and emotions are on the surface due to the hormonal release produced in the body.
72. Adolescence was for me a true initiation into defeats. (Adolfo Bioy Casares)
Some people first learn the harshness of real life in their teens.
73. Maybe one day they will let young people invent their own youth. (Cinchona)
Young people must be free to make mistakes and learn their own lessons.
74. Adolescence is the last time in which I have learned anything. (Marcel Proust)
In adolescence we will learn a great deal of knowledge about the world around us.
75. Youth is a disease that is cured with time.
Many young people do not realize their mistakes until they mature over time.
76. What laughter is for childhood, sex is for adolescence.
A truly suggestive image that tells us about the entrance to sexuality in adolescence.
77. At 17, the border of a passing age stands out, the age of innocence, of nameless emotions; the age at which ambivalence, indeterminacy begins to weigh. (Soledad Puertolas)
Adolescence is a stage of changes in which the person decides who they will become in the future.
78. The greatest risk of youth is not to risk anything.
If we do not risk we will not be able to get where we want.
79. Youth wants to be stimulated rather than instructed. (Goethe)
Guiding and advising will always be better than commanding and imposing.
80. Adolescence is the best stage of life
For many people, it is the happiest moment of their lives.
81. Where there is a hormone, it does not send a neuron.
The hormonal changes experienced during adolescence often make us make unwise or thoughtful decisions.
82. I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that I looked horrible. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was obviously weird. (Uma Thurman)
A large number of Hollywood actresses agree that during adolescence they did not find themselves beautiful.
83. Teenagers are not difficult. It is difficult for us to set limits, reinforce positive things and rules.
The correct education of children depends on the discipline imposed by their parents.
84. Accompanying my son during puberty makes me understand why some animals eat their young.
A humorous phrase that tells us about how difficult it is to raise adolescent children.
85. Adolescence represents an internal emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human desire to cling to the past and the equally powerful desire to move on to the future. (Louise J. Kaplan)
In adolescence there are many struggles and sometimes great feelings of discomfort, anguish or fear are experienced.
86. The conflict between the need to belong to a group and the need to be seen as unique and individual is the dominant struggle of adolescence. (Jeanne Elium)
One of the definitions of this stage of emotional and physical changes.
87. You can tell when a child is growing up when he stops asking where she came from and starts saying where she's going.
Adolescence is characterized by a period of greater freedom in which the son or daughter begins to make their own decisions.
88. Once you get to that peak of puberty, you make a lot of progress.
Puberty is the beginning of adolescence and constitutes a moment of great changes that will allow us to be adult men and women.
89. Young people today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble up their food, and disrespect their teachers. (Socrates)
Ruthless criticism of young people has been a constant for more than 2,000 years.
90. Youth, divine treasure. (Paco Ibanez)
Some people realize too late that they have lost their youth.
91. Today's youth love luxury. She is rude, despises authority, does not respect her elders. (Socrates)
Some young people who have not acquired good values in adolescence may end up like this.
92. There are no bad young people, but misguided young people. (Saint John Bosco)
The guidance and education of both parents and teachers is essential to become a good person.
93. Too many children today have straight teeth and crooked morals.
A phrase that can also be applied to adolescents who have not been well educated.
94. Youth has a quick temper and weak judgment. (Homer)
Adolescents often make hasty decisions and without much prior reflection.
95. Youth without rebellion is early servitude. (Jose Engineers)
Rebellion is a common condition of both youth and adolescence.
96. The young no longer stand up when the older enter the room.
They contradict their parents, cross their legs, and bully their teachers. (Socrates)
A reflection that could be perfectly valid today.
97. Life is beautiful, until puberty hits.
A humorous phrase to refer to one of the most problematic stages of human growth.
98. I usually say that I came out of puberty at 58 years old. (Ingmar Bergman)
Some people live as if they had an eternal adolescence.
99. I really hit puberty before everyone else. (Emily Ratajkowski)
This great actress has more than proven to be truly mature and responsible.
100. Puberty was the most horrible time of my life. (Brigitte Nielsen)
For some people this phase of adolescence can be really difficult.