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The 105 best phrases about style and elegance

All human beings have our own style. thanks to him we manage to dress in an original way or make works of art that are totally unique in the world. This concept, which is perhaps a bit abstract, refers to our originality in everything we do.

A boxer may have his own style of punching and a great artist will have his own style of painting or writing, if Were it not for everything that differentiates us from the rest, the world would undoubtedly be a much less interesting.

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Famous phrases about style and elegance

Then you can enjoy the best phrases about style and elegance, some very interesting phrases in which various artists, thinkers or athletes tell us about the importance of this concept in their lives.

1. My mission in life is not just to survive, but to thrive; and to do it with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some flair. (Maya Angelou)

We can show that we are unique people, by the way we live our lives, perhaps we have a certain way of approaching it that no one else in the world has.

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2. God is really just another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He doesn't have a real style, he just keeps trying other things. (Pablo Picasso)

No doubt God is a truly imaginative being, if he were not so he could never have created such a tremendously diverse fauna.

3. Twitter was like a poem. It was rich, real and spontaneous. It really fits my style. In a year and a half, I tweeted 60,000 tweets, more than 100,000 words. I spent a minimum of eight hours a day, sometimes 24 hours. (Ai Wei-wei)

Twitter can be a tool that allows us to express ourselves quite freely and even free ourselves from of some censorship, a very interesting application that many people have incorporated into their day to day.

4. My style of speaking was criticized by no less an authority than Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was a low time, my friends, for my rhetorical skills to be denounced by a monosyllabic Austrian cyborg. (Boris Johnson)

Boris Johnson's style is really particular, a really controversial politician who sows friends and enemies wherever he goes.

5. A designer who has a fashion house cannot make a potpourri, he has to have a line and a style that goes with his house. (Carolina Herrera)

All great designers try by all means to maintain a unique and defined style, their sales and future success will most likely depend to a large extent on this factor.

6. The flowery style is not unsuitable for speeches or public speeches, which only complement each other. The clearest beauties are in place when there is nothing more solid to say; but flowery style should be banished from a plea, a sermon, or a didactic work. (Voltaire)

Our way of expressing ourselves can be very relevant depending on where we are, in certain situations we will have to modify our style in order to be more effective with our communication.

7. My style will be management while on the street, management while walking. Third parties will not have to tell me what is happening in our city. I will hear it, I will see it, I will play it myself. (Carl Stokes)

Some people when they travel get lost in the streets of the cities they visit, these people undoubtedly have a very adventurous style of seeing the world, which not everyone has.

8. Everyone looks at your watch and it represents who you are, your values ​​and your personal style.( Kobe Bryant)

Certain clothing or jewelry can help us express ourselves, in the case of men, watches are commonly the most used jewelry. A watch symbolizes more things than we usually think, such as social position or purchasing power.

9. My biggest challenge is cooking traditional French dishes, which usually require very specific techniques and methods. That's not my style... I cook from the soul. (Aaron Sanchez)

The kitchen can also be a good place to give free rein to our imagination, the best chefs in the world always tend to cook in unique ways and with a differentiated style.

10. My style is a bad white boy dance. I can swing a bit, but nothing more than that. My solo dance is sad. I use my arms, bad. (Robin Williams)

Robin Williams was an actor really loved by the public, his way of being was something that greatly differentiated him from all his colleagues.

11. Do I sometimes perform in a manic style? Yeah. Am I manic all the time? No. Do I get sad? Oh yeah. Does it hit me hard? Oh yeah. (Robin Williams)

An actor with a never-before-seen sense of humor that we will all always remember. The world of cinema lost one of its greatest exponents with his death.

12. The style is what indicates how the writer is taken and what he is saying. It is the mind that skates in circles around you as you go. (Robert Frost)

Our way of writing can be unique in the world, because the expressions we use and our vocabulary can give us a very different style from other people.

13. There is a style when people on the street dress like you. (Coco Chanel)

Some people come to influence the styles of others, how they dress or their way of acting, they will be so original for their time that, as they say, they will set a chair.

14. Switzerland is a small, steep country, much more up and down than on the side, and is full of big brown hotels built in the style of cuckoo clock architecture. (Ernest Hemingway)

In architecture, people are also capable of expressing themselves, the buildings of many cities show an originality, which we will not find if we leave that precise place.

15. To have style you need to know who you are.

In order for the human being to show the best version of himself, he must first deeply know himself.

16. In the past there were people who were not rich but were happy with their lifestyle, laughing and happy all day. But when the nouveau riche appear, people look at them and ask, "Why don't I have a life like that too, a beautiful house, a car and a garden?", and they abandon their values. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

As individuals we must always show ourselves faithful to our lifestyle and consistent with our thoughts. Society should never tell us how we should live our lives.

17. Man, the living creature, the creative individual, is always more important than any established style or system. (Bruce Lee)

As human beings, we are capable of not letting ourselves be influenced by third parties or by society, if we are consistent with ourselves we will always show ourselves as we are.

18. Every time a high-profile leader dies, people try to sum up that person's life in one sentence. Critics and commentators often get caught up looking at the leader's style, or what political or philosophical camp he represented. (John C. Maxwell)

People are made up of a large number of characteristics and attributes, in order to explain who someone really was, we cannot just keep those that interest us the most.

19. Take every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when occasions arise important, have the gift, the flair, the wit, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people. (Jim Rohn)

The human being is capable of improving his qualities over the years, as long as, of course, we work on these qualities in depth.

20. When we see a natural style, we are amazed and delighted; because we expected to see an author and we found a person. (Blaise Pascal)

Some artists are able to convey the illusion that their art is easy to do. Something that once we study it in depth, we will easily discover that it is not so.

21. When an author is too meticulous about his style, he can presume that his mind is frivolous and his content is flimsy. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

As artists we must always be able to innovate, if we remain pigeonholed, in the long run we will undoubtedly be harmed.

22. Style arises when we know who we are, and who we want to be in the world. It doesn't come from wanting to be someone else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier. (Nina Garcia)

Our defects do not have to overshadow the person we are, it is possible that they are even capable of enhancing those more positive qualities that we possess.

23. The style is the substance of the subject incessantly called to the surface. (Victor Hugo)

If we want to show our best version, we must be totally transparent about our personality. Honesty can always be something that helps us a lot in life.

24. Simplicity in character, in manners, in style; in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Simplicity is a great quality, which says many positive things about us and currently, unfortunately, very few people in the world possess it.

25. I didn't start collecting records and listening to guitar players properly until I went to art school, when I had already been playing for five years. So my style was already formed, and that's why I think it's so unique. (Pete Townshend)

The things that happen to us throughout life shape us as individuals, some of these experiences it is very possible that we currently do not even remember.

26. I like to look at the style that the girls on the street wear, because they are different. I take inspiration from whatever they wear. (Anna Wintour)

The people around us can always inspire us, but if we want to be really unique or one of a kind, it is always best to adapt their style to us.

27. One man's style should not be another man's rule. (Jane Austen)

If we have an idol which inspires us, we can always base our way of acting or dressing on it. But this does not mean that we have to make the mistake of trying to imitate their way of life.

28. It's not the style of clothing you wear, the type of car you drive, or the amount of money you have in the bank that counts. These don't mean anything. It is simply the service that measures success. (George Washington Carver)

The type of person we are has nothing to do with the material goods we possess. The most important treasure that a person can possess will always be his personality.

29. An artist should never be a prisoner. Prisoner? An artist should never be a prisoner of himself, a prisoner of style, a prisoner of reputation, a prisoner of success, etc. (Henri Matisse)

Society does not have to direct those steps we take in our lives, we must always be free to do everything we really want.

30. I like Fender-style guitars because they have thin necks. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain was undoubtedly a vocalist with a very particular way of being, thanks to her and her eccentricities she is currently one of the most remembered world icons.

31. In this world, emotion has become suspect: the accepted style is bland, antiseptic, and passionless. (Joe Biden)

Society changes over the years, but not all the changes it undergoes are always for the better.

32. I never felt that he had enough personal style to remain just a guitarist. (Bruce Springsteen)

Springsteen knew very well that his future could become much brighter, so he did not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity that life gave him. He is currently one of the most influential singer-songwriters in the United States.

33. No change in musical style will survive unless accompanied by a change in clothing style. Rock is for dressing up. (Frank Zappa)

Music groups dress in such a way that their fans can like them. There are many more attributes apart from the musical, which we must take into account if we want to succeed in the world of music.

34. Some people create with words or with music or with a brush and paints. I like to do something beautiful when I run. I like to make people stop and say, "I've never seen someone run like that before." It's more than a race, it's a style. He's doing something better than anyone. It is to be creative. (Steve Prefontaine)

Steve Prefontaine was a great long-distance runner who changed the world of athletics forever. After having achieved great sporting success, he unfortunately tragically died in a car accident.

35. As for guitar picking, if I make the same mistakes at the same time every day, people will start calling it a style. (John Prine)

Our mistakes can be our hallmark, something that easily differentiates and identifies us, among all our fellow professionals.

36. People ask me where I got my singing style from. I didn't copy my style from anyone. (Elvis Presley)

Elvis Presley taught us how a totally unknown person can achieve, through the use of his personality, the triumph that he so desires.

37. I feel like my style has always been influenced by 'less is more'. The coolest looks are simple and classic, like a white t-shirt and jeans. Maybe you have a cool belt and cool shoes, but everything else you keep simple. (Chris Evans)

To dress correctly we do not have to wear expensive clothes, or clothes that are too exaggerated. Perhaps the most attractive way to dress is really the simplest and most classic.

38. If my style is too direct for some, maybe they should toughen up a bit. (Anna Wintour)

We must not censor aspects of our personality, to please third parties. If some people don't like our personality, it will be much better for us if they are not in our lives.

39. I make it clear why I write the way I do and why other poets write the way they do. After hundreds of experiments, I decided to follow my own style and see what would happen. (Carl Sandburg)

Life is too short to waste it trying to please others, in order to be happier, we must focus on those people who really like our way of being.

40. Self-plagiarism is style. (Alfred Hitchcock)

Using the same resources over and over again, in the end it will be something that identifies us. Whether it be in the cinema, literature or anything else we do.

41. I guess if you can't sing you better have a style! (Willie Nelson)

Some singers do not have a great voice, but with their great personality they manage to dazzle the audience for whom they perform anyway.

42. I think style is being as comfortable and confident in what you're wearing. That is the style, because everyone has a different style. (Tom Brady)

Comfort can be very useful in our day to day, in these times if we want to be really original, perhaps it is best not to get carried away by fashion.

43. I think cubism has not fully developed. It's treated as a style, pigeonholed and that's it. (David Hockey)

Cubism is a certain artistic style in which geometric shapes take on a special relevance, some great artists such as Picasso or Dalí, took this art to the limit of their odds.

44. Even when the characters are supposed to be used to wonder, I try to weave an air of wonder and awe that corresponds to what the reader should feel. A casual style ruins any serious fantasy. (H. P. Lovecraft)

Lovecraft is a famous writer known for writing horror novels and stories, in his works, as readers we can feel totally immersed in a really dark and gloomy world.

45. Intensive study of the Bible will prevent any writer from being vulgar, in terms of style. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

The Bible is a tremendously well written book, by practicing its regular reading we will undoubtedly be able to improve our writing level.

46. Joan of Arc had style. Jesus had style. (Charles Bukowski)

The great writer Bukowski wrote this interesting quote about Joan of Arc and Jesus, two people who with their lives helped change the world and taught us that without sacrifice victory will never be ours favorable.

47. When we want to have our own lifestyle, it is nobody's business but ours. What we do in private is our private business. (Eartha Kitt)

Private life must always be respected, no matter how famous the person in question may be.

48. I am no longer concerned with sensations and innovation, but with the perfection of my style. (Yves Saint Laurent)

A great designer who never disappointed any of his admirers. His way of working allowed him throughout his career, the fact of being able to innovate while always remaining faithful to his style.

49. One forges the style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines. (Emile Zola)

Time can be a factor that greatly limits our art, limited deadlines as we can imagine, are never good for genius.

50. There are no good or bad themes. From the point of view of pure Art, it could almost be established as an axiom that the subject matter is irrelevant, the style itself is an absolute way of looking at things. (Gustave Flaubert)

A good writer will always be able to write a great text, regardless of the topic at hand. Something that undoubtedly differentiates mediocre writers from talented ones.

51. You never get tired of what is well written, style is life! It is the very blood of thought! (Gustave Flaubert)

Some great authors, including Gustave Flaubert, had a great facility for expressing themselves. A very significant fact, which undoubtedly facilitated their development in the world of writing later.

52. There is no greater medal than being acclaimed for your style. (Johan Cruyff)

Johan Cruyff, legend of the famous football club F.C Barcelona, ​​changed the sport forever with his style of play. Thanks to him and many other great players, football is now a strategically much more developed sport.

53. When I cut my hair, the whole sound changed, my style changed. (Rihanna)

Look changes can change our personality in a certain way. When we adopt a new image, some of us show a self-assurance that we didn't seem to have before.

54. I understand that racism exists, but it is not a catalyst for my content. I don't need to talk about race to have material. My style of comedy is more self-deprecating. I think that makes me more relatable. When you deal with 'issues' - race, black vs. white - you are not separating yourself from the group. You are doing what everyone else is doing. (Kevin Hart)

Comedian Kevin Hart has always wanted to prove throughout his entire career that he is an artist with a large target audience. He was very clear that he would never focus on the jokes of his monologues, so that they are only funny towards a certain audience.

55. My style has remained pretty consistent over the years. She always wears what I like and what is appropriate for the occasion. (Melania Trump)

The wife of the current president of the United States, has always lived her life in a way consistent with herself. Those goals that she set for herself in childhood, she has undoubtedly achieved today.

56. In essence, the optimistic style involves taking credit for successes but little blame for failures. (Daniel Kahnman)

If we learn from our mistakes, over the years we will become much better people. successful, the mistakes that we often make unintentionally can be our best opportunity to improvement.

57. I think the old school 'I'm your father and I'm bigger than you' style doesn't work. What I establish with my children is a partnership. (Jada Pinkett-Smith)

As parents we can raise our children in a way that perhaps has never been done before, but we do. It is important to transmit to them those values ​​and principles that they will need later during their maturity.

58. The fighting style of the movie is completely over the top with exaggerated movements. You would be completely beaten if you fought like that in a real fighting situation. (Jason Statham)

Throughout history, each civilization has created its own fighting style, self-defense was very important in those places where authority was not usually present.

59. Fashion needs incredible women, alive, stimulating, with a style like Diana Vreeland. She is the most. The way she talks expresses all her values. (Gianni Versace)

The person we are is found in our values ​​and principles. Our appearance, no matter how good it may be, will never lead us to success if our way of being is not adequate.

60. I always admired Frank Sinatra. She had her ups and downs, but she didn't give up on her style. She had what could have been a tough life or character. (Ralph Lauren)

Sinatra was a man worthy of the time in which he lived, the values ​​and principles of those men helped to forge the society in which we currently find ourselves.

61. Diana Ross is a great inspiration to all of us. We all grew up seeing everything about her: her miking, her grace, her style, and her class. (Beyoncé Knowles)

A quote in which Beyoncé Knowles, commonly known as Beyoncé, reveals what was undoubtedly her greatest source of inspiration.

62. Men's fashion is all about subtlety. It's all about good style and good taste. (Alexander McQueen)

A man can dress very classically and still project a lot of underlying ideas. How we dress says a lot about who we are.

63. The essence of style is a simple way of saying something complex. (Giorgio Armani)

What we call style is a very abstract concept and its meaning can vary depending on the person who uses it. Perhaps it refers to his way of dressing or playing the piano, but that will depend on the context in which we find ourselves.

64. My style is not that great. I wear heels, tight pants and I wear diamonds. (Donatella Versace)

Donatella Versace has always been a stunning woman, surely she learned more than one trick during the time she spent with her brother, the man who was the founder of the famous Versace brand.

65. I have my own style on the guitar, of course, and I play rhythm in a certain way, and I use certain inflections. People have told me that, and I understand it. (Noel Gallagher)

Oasis would never have become the cult group it is today, if it weren't for the contribution of this great singer. As a composer he has always shown a very different style than the musicians of his generation.

66. Find your own style. Don't spend your savings trying to be someone else. You're not more important, smarter, or prettier because you're wearing a designer dress. (Salma Hayek)

The clothes we wear do not define who we are, our personality, although it is not visible, is most likely our most distinctive feature.

67. My style is a bit eclectic and I don't like to do the same thing over and over again. I like to have fun and explore myself so you don't see the same design. (Venus Williams)

A great tennis player who encourages us to be braver in life. We can always find new hobbies that allow us to live in a different way than before.

68. As I watched him work on the set of the movie based on my life, Patch Adams, I saw that every time there was a stressful moment, Robin took advantage of his improvisational style to lighten the mood of the cast and the equipment. (Patch Adams)

In this quote, Patch Adams tells us about the late comedian Robin Williams, a man who undoubtedly managed to make a huge impact on everyone around him.

69. I have an open personality, which makes people think, and my fighting style is aggressive. Everything is at stake all the time. In my fights, there is drama. (Tyson Furry)

The current world heavyweight champion, he is an athlete with a way of living life that has gotten him into more than one problem. Drugs and alcohol were part of his life for some time, but luckily today he has managed to give up those bad habits.

70. I don't think she reinvented me. Using my hair differently or changing my style of clothing is playing dress-up. I don't take it too seriously. (Mariah Carey)

A person as consecrated in music as her cannot play lightly with so many years of dedication. Carey has always shown herself to the public as she is.

71. No one has really given me any style advice. I wear what I want and it doesn't matter what other people think. (David Beckham)

Former soccer player David Beckham teaches us a great lesson with this quote, what other people think should never matter to us.

72. My daughter, Lila, is my style critic. She'll say, 'No, Mom, you can't wear that.' She is very good, I trust her instinct. (Kate Moss)

Our children can be very good advisors, because we can be totally sure that they will never lie to us.

73. For me, music and life are all about style. (Miles Davis)

Miles Davis is undoubtedly one of the greatest trumpet players in history, a man with a way of playing that has never been seen before. It will be a long time before someone matches his artistic level again.

74. Style tips? Always wear clothes... That this... clean to begin with. An added bonus if pressed too. Unless you're wearing clothes that are supposed to look wrinkled. (Steve Carell)

Steve Carell is a very simple man who, thanks to his fantastic sense of humor, has managed to establish himself as one of the most beloved actors by the comedy-loving public.

75. I like to take risks. I like to try new things, be it style or restaurants or whatever. (Lewis Hamilton)

For those who do not know Lewis Hamilton, he is a famous Formula 1 driver, his outgoing personality since his beginnings as a pilot, has led him to gain a large number of admirers and of course also some detractors of him.

76. Everything that is fashion goes out of style. The style, never. (Coco Chanel)

The style is far above fashion and is something eternal.

77. Fashion can be bought, style you must own. (Iris Apfel)

Style is one of the most sought after values ​​and at the same time the most difficult to find.

78. It is false that we have imposed the style of Barcelona on Javier Clemente (Josep Guardiola)

One style of play or another can make us win a difficult game.

79. Elegance implies resignation. (Coco Chanel)

Elegance is a mature, avant-garde and special way of relating to the world.

80. That's not flying, that's falling with style. (Toy Story)

Having style can save us from many uncomfortable situations.

81. Be elegant. I know anything, but don't be cheesy. (Coco Chanel)

Some of this designer's advice was truly groundbreaking and original at the time.

82. Give a woman the right shoes and she will conquer the world. (Marilyn Monroe)

Marilyn Monroe was throughout her career a true icon of fashion in the world.

83. Elegance is the only beauty that never disappears. (Audrey Hepburn)

A truly inspiring phrase about elegance and the passage of time.

84. Fashion does not only exist in dresses. Fashion is in the sky, in the streets, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live and what is happening. (Coco Chanel)

A very accurate definition of fashion and elegance.

85. I don't do fashion, I am fashion. (Coco Chanel)

A quote that tells us about the degree of influence that this woman reached in international fashion.

86. Elegance is an attitude. (Karl Lagerfeld)

Without a doubt, it is a quality with which you are born.

87. Elegance is not a privilege of those who have passed adolescence, but of those who have taken possession of their future. (Coco Chanel)

This fashion professional always attached great importance to elegance.

88. Dress vulgar and they will only see the dress, dress elegant and they will see the woman. (Coco Chanel)

Some of Coco Chanel's advice is still fully valid in the world of fashion.

89. Ornaments, what science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!

The three values ​​that this world-renowned designer highlighted the most.

90. Changing the lifestyle and appearance of youth around the world was not something that just happened. It was something we set out to achieve. (John Lennon)

John Lennon and his band managed to change the style of the entire Western world thanks to their music.

91. How many worries disappear when you decide to be 'someone' instead of 'something'. (Coco Chanel)

This French designer always advocated having a defined style at all times.

92. If you can't be better than your competition, at least dress better. (Anna Wintour)

A tip that can help us in our professional day to day.

93. Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.

Elegant people convey an aura of beauty and good taste.

94. Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality. (Shawn Ashmore)

Knowing the style of a person we will also have a lot of information about who he is.

95. Style is not only what you wear but what you project. (Carolina Herrera)

The projection is of great importance in the world of fashion.

96. Freedom is always elegant. (Coco Chanel)

A woman who arduously claimed women's freedom in her time.

97. To have style you must know who you are. (Iris Apfel)

Style is an important part of our personality and ultimately our identity.

98. Elegance is a balance between simplicity, neatness, spontaneity and distinction. (Christian Dior)

4 elements that we must take into account and promote if we want to be elegant.

99. Style is a way of saying who you are without having to speak. (Christian Dior)

One of the most remembered phrases of this French designer.

100. A woman should be two things: elegant and fabulous. (Coco Chanel)

Two qualities that will undoubtedly make us succeed in life.

101. Style is everything a man uses to express himself. (Georg Simmel)

Style is the way in which we present ourselves to the outside world.

102. The secret to great style is to feel good in what you wear.

One of the tips that we can follow to succeed with a winning style.

103. I imposed black. It is still a strong color today. Black destroys everything around it. (Coco Chanel)

This designer was so influential in her time that her dogmas are still valid in the world of fashion.

104. Create your own style; make it unique and identifiable to others.

One of the keys to succeed in the world of fashion and in life in general.

105. Elegance is not about putting on a new dress. (Coco Chanel)

Elegance has little or nothing to do with the clothes we wear.

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