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New planet with 3 suns, in which it is always day

New planet with 3 suns, in which it is always day

If it weren't for the fact that the finding is published by a prestigious scientific journal, such as Sciencie, this discovery would seem more like something of science fiction. And not only because according to science it should not exist, but also because of its surprising and fascinating characteristics.

But let's start by introducing this exoplanet, located in a wide orbit within a triple star system. Baptized with the name of HD 131399Ab, is in the constellation Centaurus, 320 light years from us. In a PROFESSOR we are going to talk to you with details about this new planet with 3 suns where it is always day.

It is about 16 million years old, a size that is four times that of Jupiter and its orbit is twice as far as Pluto's. In addition, its orbit lasts more than a thousand Earth years and has a temperature of 580 degrees Celsius. Still, it is one of the colder exoplanets captured with direct image.

Once submitted, your representation is not necessary as we have your image. This has been possible thanks to a device known as SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research), an instrument state-of-the-art sensitive to infrared light designed to "hunt down esplanates" installed at the European Southern Observatory of Chili.

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Its sensitivity makes it possible to visualize a planet in light up to a million times fainter than its parent star. This has been how they have been able to verify their unusual three-star system and, what is even more strange, its stability in an orbit that poses such difficult conditions is strange.

New planet with 3 suns, in which it is always daytime - The day lasts for years and the seasons longer than a lifetime

After analyzing this case, the scientists affirm that the systems of multiple stars or suns are not that rare as we believed, in the same way that a planet can orbit in an apparently unstable system.

In his opinion, the reason is none other than an insufficient understanding of the conditions of instability, since if it were, he would have been expelled from it.

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