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How much does a psychologist earn? Average salary in different countries

Mental and physical health problems, adjustment to the needs of different individuals and groups, training and selection of personnel... there are a large number of areas in those who need a professional who takes into account the different processes that make us people and shape our way of being, thinking, feeling, acting and relate.

Said professional can be found in the figure of the psychologist. And nowadays, these psychologists are being increasingly demanded due to the various problems that exist in our society. As a professional activity that it is, the services of psychologists are a regulated and paid activity.

How much does a psychologist charge? Let's look at the median salary these professionals earn in seven different countries and territories around the world.

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What does it mean to be a psychologist?

Psychologists are those professionals dedicated to the practice of psychology, the science dedicated to the study of the mind and the different processes that are part of it or in which it participates. The psychologist works by exploring and intervening at different levels and in different areas of specialization, both at a clinical, care, social, business or school level, among others.

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To become a professional in this sector will require great dedication, as well as extensive training and preparation that allows us to be efficient and guarantee the best possible service regardless of our field of performance. It is also necessary, as in many other professions, to be aware of new advances so that we can optimize the improvement of clients or patients as much as possible.

Those who dedicate themselves to psychology are in close contact with thoughts, emotions and behaviors of those who decide to trust him as a professional. Being a psychologist requires a high level of vocation, requiring a deep interest in people and the well-being of clients being above any other consideration.

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psychologist's salary

The specific remuneration that a psychology professional receives can vary enormously, since the final salary will depend on the field of psychology to which the professional is dedicated, the type of service and treatments offered and the degree of prestige of the professional. For example, someone who has just finished their degree will not charge the same as someone who has multiple years of experience behind it.

There will also be differences depending on whether you are in the clinical and health field, education or business. There will also be variations depending on whether the psychologist works privately or publicly. It must also be taken into account that if it is a self-employed professional, which is highly frequent, they will have to face multiple expenses in order to maintain the query in question.

Likewise, the code of ethics allows the salary that each professional receives for her work to vary greatly according to the criteria of each professional, as long as it does not discredit or degrade the profession and do not suppose unfair competition with other professionals. It is even possible that a professional decides to offer advice or therapy for free, as long as the person requesting it is in dire need of it and is not able to afford to pay the fees stipulated.

For all these reasons, the figures shown below are merely indicative, and may vary greatly depending on the case. In addition, it must also be taken into account that the lifestyles and purchasing power of the different countries diverges to a large extent, as well as the sociocultural assessment that the psychologist has as professional.


Professionals dedicated to psychology in Spain can have a highly variable salary. As a general rule, the average salary ranges between €1,000 and around €1,500 per month, and in some cases can reach €3,000. Therefore, per year, it usually fluctuates between €18,000 and €21,000 gross.

If we focus on the private clinic sector, in the field of health the salary per session of a psychologist clinician can fluctuate between €40 and €120, the amount obtained by school psychologists external to the center.

United Kingdom

The professional practice of psychology in the territories that are part of the United Kingdom is paid between £30,000 and £48,000 per year on average. In cases of senior positions such as hospital recruiters the figure can reach £80,000. In Britain, for example, a psychologist charges about £38 an hour.


In Mexico, the remuneration received by psychology professionals is usually around 9,000 pesos per month. In the private clinic each consultation tends to be charged for between 300 and 500 pesos. In the hospital environment, the salary is around 10,000 pesos per month.

As far as the educational branch is concerned, the average salary is between 8,000 and 12,000 pesos. Finally, the average in the business area ranges between 10,000 and 12,000 pesos per month.


The average salary of a psychologist in Australia is around $85,000 a year.. However, it should also be noted that the standard of living in this place is much more expensive than in other countries.


Argentina is one of the countries in which the profession of psychologist has had more expansion, especially from the psychodynamic branch. In this country, a private consultation usually costs between $207 and $600 per session. The median salary of a licensed psychology professional can range from $202,695 to $261,000 a year.


The average annual salary for a psychologist in Canada is around C$71,450.. Approximately the session is charged at about $37.12.


The median annual salary for psychology professionals in the United States is $51,000.. While that may seem like a high amount (around $4,500 per month), keep in mind that median salaries in North America also tend to be higher.

By sectors, we can see that the clinical sector receives an average of $60,000, while educational psychologists can reach $54,000. However, private practices usually have a much lower remuneration, around $37,000.

labor intrusion

It must be taken into account that the money that psychologists earn depends, in turn, on many other factors that are not They have nothing to do with their level of training and experience or with the effort they have put into building a career professional.

Specifically, today labor intrusion is one of the factors that most damage the prospects of getting a job and to progress professionally. This is something that is part of the problems of the labor market and its regulation in a good part of the countries with an abundance of psychologists.

Thus, the presence of people who present themselves as therapists of psychological aspects having done courses of a few months or weeks related to Coaching not only they take the job of many of the real psychologists, forced to abide by many more responsibilities, but also causes the salary of those who do have a job to drop due to unfair competition.

Addressing this type of problem related to regulation is very important to make psychologists can have access to the salary that corresponds to a profession that is accessed after more than 5 years of study and preparation.

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