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The keys to understanding the phenomenon of cyberbullying

Today anyone can become an anonymous attacker, who hidden behind the cell phone damages the life, image and integrity of someone. That is why today bullying is no longer limited to the realm of physical interactions, but can also exist in the virtual world of the Internet.

The term cyberbullying is contemporary to this digital age, so we invite you to know what it really means and what to do about it.

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What is cyberbullying?

There is no precise definition of what this means, although we can come close to knowing the concept as an aggressive act that is intended to inflict harm on a person who becomes a victim, through the use of technology, and specifically, the one linked to the world of ICT: social networks, chats, messaging platforms, etc.

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Why does this phenomenon occur?

It has been proven that the strength of social validation through the media is a great factor, that is, that

instagram story viewer
the action becomes meaningful when there is support from others.

It even spreads outside the original sector, reaching people outside the conflict, which can be considered something “viral”.

The reasons that lead the aggressor to carry out cyberbullying may be related to:

  • Anonymity: the security of doing something without giving your name, your face, your data.
  • Feeling superior to others.
  • Not realizing the repercussions of their actions.
  • I get rid of hostile instincts.
  • approval of others.
  • Revenge of any kind.


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When can we classify something as “cyberbullying”?

There are several features to know that what you suffer or someone suffers is cyberbullying:

  • It can be persistent.
  • It is difficult to detect, since there is not one person responsible, but many.
  • It becomes anonymous.
  • It is of a public nature.
  • It comes to mentally and socially hurt another person.

What are the types of cyberbullying?

These are the main variants of this type of attack:

  • Grooming: this occurs when a loving relationship is established online, making the person believes that they have an emotional connection with someone, in order to manipulate and even abuse them of the. It becomes more common in minors.
  • Phishing: it is classified as a cybercrime, in which a person creates a false identity of a legitimate institution to obtain sensitive data from the victims in order to defraud them.
  • Cyberstalking: refers to the persecution of someone through the network, it can become harassment.
  • Trolling: Bullies create conflict in hostile posts or comments on various platforms.
  • Happy Slapping: they are commonly posted videos where we can observe harassment and attacks on people that are recorded without their consent.
  • Fraping: Happens when someone destroys content that doesn't belong to them by impersonating the creator.

What happens on an emotional level when you suffer cyberbullying?

It has been proven that cyber-victims have:

  • feelings of anxiety
  • Depression
  • suicidal ideation
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of trust
  • feelings of anger
  • Frustration
  • feelings of helplessness
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • somatizations
  • Sleep disorders
  • Difficulty concentrating

That they can be presented individually or collectively, but that without a doubt lead the person to the loss of mental health, it can even happen that there is a personality conflict, where the victim comes to doubt himself so much, that there is no return to go back to being as he was.

What happens on an emotional level when you do cyberbullying?

Anyone thinks that the victim is the most affected person in this problem; however, it is necessary to pay attention to the one or the one who does it, since out of the reasons they have for doing this, things also happen at the intrapsychic level in the abuser.

Cyber ​​bullies tend to:

  • A higher chance of moral disengagement
  • Lack of empathy
  • Difficulties in compliance with the rules
  • Problems for their aggressive behavior
  • criminal conduct
  • Alcohol and drug intake
  • truancy

What to do in the face of cyberbullying if I am a victim?

There is a list of recommendations you can follow if you suffer this phenomenon:

  • Ignore: Bullies tend to need a response from the victim to continue their action.
  • Discuss it with an adult: it is necessary to make known what is happening to you.
  • Block the stalker: if there are many people, eliminate them all.
  • Complaint: there are policies on the internet where you can make your complaint, even on social networks.
  • Go to a therapeutic accompaniment: it is always necessary to vent about what happened.

What to do if I need to help someone who is suffering from cyberbullying?

  • Know that your response must be immediate: not many people are capable of asking for help, if someone trusts you, support them.
  • Respond immediately (does not mean hastily): you have to listen to the victim and find the best solution together.
  • Encourage him to report: it is necessary to report the abuser at all times.
  • Get different perspectives: convince him to talk about it with someone more professional, be it his parents, psychologists, teachers or some authority.
  • The goal is to be able to restore your confidence.
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