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Steps to live without stress from day to day

Today, October 2022, two and a half years after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, those of us who have worked in health for a long time are seeing how people are still somehow showing the psychological effects of having gone through this stage that changed our lives all.

A resisted adaptation to physical isolation that in many cases also became the emotional isolation of being alone, uncertainty, fear of getting sick, job loss, breaking or abandoning certain personal ties due to the physical distance imposed, changing habits and also abandoning several of they…

And now, going back to normality seems more like a set phrase, because the current normality is not and will not be that of past times. Anyway, all of this means that people need to be accompanied in our "daily discomforts", and if your burden or discomfort is often due to the fact that you already "loaded your backpack" too much of all that I just listed, many others can simply because you need to manage your emotions differently, heal in the broadest sense and continue your life lighter and happy.

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I am a psychologist, life and business coach, and director of my consulting firm CoachingyPsicología, for almost twenty years. In all this time, he has worked with hundreds of people, to manage the best of themselves, live and work with better quality. Not long ago, I discovered in myself something that I like to call: "it is invisible to your eyes... And it's called stress." Not without giving myself more than one whack with physical symptoms of discomfort not attributable to any specific condition, and after go through a lot of fatigue that at that time I didn't even understand where or what it came from, I realized that this was called stress.

  • Related article: "Types of stress and its triggers"

Learning to live without stress problems

It is a complex picture, which I began to investigate, very typical of this current era that I have just described to you, and that I myself study and work on. currently, from three areas in which I help you balance, resolve your conflicts, harmonize and finally give you tools of personal self-regulation.

1. in your everyday life

The first of those areas is your everyday life. If you are overwhelmed by different demands -be they family, work or even social-, you are undertaking a new work or personal project, or simply for various reasons you have almost no time for your own care and rest... Not to despair! You are among the large percentage of people in the world who live this reality every day but will also become stressed in the short or medium term.

So in this area we work on:

  • An equation to change your mood quickly and keep it all day... Because that's the key!
  • How to redirect energies to be able to respond to your daily responsibilities.
  • How to do your daily work without sacrificing your health or putting off your most precious projects.
  • You may be interested in: "10 daily habits that improve your emotional balance"

2. In meaningful relationships

The second of the areas that can undoubtedly stress you out is that of your relationships, especially your relationships as a couple. And yes: the more intimate a relationship is... More chances you have to stress you out. This is almost another one of my favorite equations.

Thus, in the field of love or family relationships, there will always be differences, discussions and of course conflicts that they will test not only your feelings, but also your personal capacity (both physical and emotional) to respond, fix the situation, solve it... AND sometimes the most complex: continue with the relationship, without feeling that you were damaged or that you harmed the other.

Of course: the fact that you can overcome these situations does not mean that, sometimes, you can and it is convenient for you to end a relationship that has become toxic for you.

So in this area we get to work to resolve relational conflicts, especially aiming for you to heal that bond, provide balance, harmony and also healthy conversations, so that it can grow, if you so decide, and sustain itself over time.

Of course in this area it is important:

  • Distinguishing when a relationship may or may not be toxic (and what to do to manage it and eventually end it).
  • Find tools to get out of couple and family conflicts, before they exhaust you, and worst of all: by not resolving them, they return to you cyclically, charging you with more and more personal energy.
  • Avoid and/or overcome negative emotions, those that make you sick that originate when the conflict itself begins.

3. in personal development

The third area that must be addressed, if you want to live without stress, is that of your spiritual development. Beyond the fact that you manage to manage your daily stress and / or your conflictive relationships, it is also super effective that daily you prepare so that more and more these situations pass through your life without destabilizing you, much less leave you in negative moods or emotions, such as sadness, fear, anger, or apathy itself.

That is why in this third area I invite you to:

  • Work with meditation practices.
  • Do spontaneous Mindfulness exercises that take you away from tension.
  • Develop your internal sensor to detect when you are on the verge of entering stress, to get out of there quickly.

Nothing happens from one day to the next, but a good process of personal accompaniment in these three areas, I assure you that it can help you a lot to overcome this picture, so typical of our time, and one of the major responsible for both the physical and psychological illness of millions of people in the world.

I leave you my favorite phrase, in case you want to keep it and that personally identifies me a lot: "Awakening to a life of purpose and presence is the only thing you need to be happy"

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