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Creation of the World According to Science

Creation of the world according to science

Throughout the centuries, human beings have searched for the origin of our universe, either through religious and mythological beliefs or through scientific research and theorizing.

Currently, there is a scientific theory that is often used to explain the birth of our universe: this theory is called the Big Bang. To know this and other theories, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the creation of the world according to science.

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  1. How the Universe Was Created: Big Bang
  2. Inflationary theory: short summary
  3. Steady state theory
  4. Oscillating universe theory

How the universe was created: Big Bang.

Cosmology is the part of science that is responsible for studying the origin and evolution of the universe, based, mainly, on the study of certain theories that speak about the creation of the universe and all the matter it contains. Among those theories is the Big Bang, considered the most important option of all.

The Big Bang is, at present, the theory of the origin of the universe most accepted by the scientific community. According to this theory, the birth of all life took place between 14,000 and 15,000 million years ago.

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The Big Bang (or theory of the big explosion), was born by the study of some scientists on the theory of relativity General of Einstein, and says that millions of years ago all matter was concentrated in just a small point until a huge unknown explosion happened. This explosion is the reason why all this matter began to expand in what we know today as the universe. The expelled matter was uniting with each other, accumulating and forming the first galaxy stars in the universe.

The theory is not perfect and still has errors and ignorance that prevents it from being absolutely correct, however it is the most respected and is considered the theory of the creation of the official universe. The main doubt of the theory is whether the universe will continue to expand forever or whether, on the contrary, there will come a time when the occurrence of an event similar to the Big Bang, called the Big Crunch, in which all matter will re-contract to a small point.

Creation of the world according to science - How the universe was created: Big Bang

Inflationary theory: short summary.

Although the Big Bang is the main theory about the creation of the universe, there are others that have contributed to our vision of the origin of the universe. Therefore, in this lesson we are going to comment on three of them, some of which are related to the Big Bang.

The inflationary theory was proposed by Alan Guth in the 1980s, and his main intention was to explain the expansion process that the universe underwent in its origin. To do this, Guth used his studies of gravitational fields found near black holes.

Guth thought that at the origin of the universe there was only one force, and by dividing this into the four fundamental forces, the origin of the universe was given and, consequently, the origin of life on Earth. The force of inflation caused by these four forces made the universe observable. Once again, we must bear in mind that inflationary theory, as an individual theory, has its flaws; but many times it is used to demonstrate part of the Big Bang theory, serving as a model to solve the horizon problem that the Big Bang theory has.

Creation of the World According to Science - Inflationary Theory: Short Summary

Steady state theory.

The steady state theory was proposed in the 1940s by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle. This theory does not believe that the universe is in continuous expansion, but neither does it believe that it has an origin and an end; discarding, therefore, everything related to the big bang.

This theory defends that the universe has always been and always will be, not having been born from nowhere, and never disappearing.

For a time this theory was widely accepted by the scientific community, but today it is rejected by practically all scientists. Even so, it is true that there are certain experts who still believe that this theory is more acceptable than that of the big bang, one of the most famous being the scientist Jayant Narlikar.

Creation of the world according to science - Steady state theory

Oscillating universe theory.

To conclude this lesson on the creation of the world according to science, we must talk about the theory proposed by Richard Tolman: the oscillating universe theory. It should be noted that these four theories are not the only ones that claim to demonstrate the creation of the world, but they are the most relevant.

According to this theory, there have been many universes before ours, all being born with a Big Bang and all disappearing with the Big Crunch. Therefore, this theory defends that the universes are in a constant process of explosions and contractions of which we are only one more part. The universe will expand for centuries until it collapses, undergoes a Big Bounce from contraction, and returns to the center to make way for a new universe.

For a time, the theory was accepted by the scientific community, but different studies have shown that this theory is practically impossible, since some of the existing basic scientific principles collide with it. Some of the scientists who proved the oscillating universe theory false were Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, and George Ellis.

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