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What is the solar system and how is it formed

What is the solar system and how is it formed - Summary

Image: Unocero

Our planet Earth is located within the solar system, which is a set of planets that revolve around a large star, in our case the sun. All these planets make a total rotation on said star in a series of orbits. different, and depending on how far or close they are from the star, this will change their temperature. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring a summary about what the solar system is and how it is formed.

We can define it as a planetary system in which a series of planets and satellites revolve around a star, the Sun (hence its name) in different orbits. A curious element that we must take into account that 99'75% of the solar system is monopolized by the great star, leaving the rest for the eight planets with their various satellites that are also in he. Within this set, the sun is the only one that gives off its own light.

According to research, the Solar System was born about 4.6 billion years ago and it is located within the Milky Way, and more specifically in the so-called arm of Orion. Within this, we will also find the so-called dwarf planets, which have been discovered recently, being more difficult to identify since their orbits are not clean of asteroids and other debris galactic.

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In this other lesson we discover you how many planets are there in the solar system currently.

What is the solar system and how is it formed - Summary - What is the solar system?

Image: Slideshare

Then in this summary about what is the solar system, we focus on the different elements that compose it:


It is the great star on which the rest of the elements orbit, it has a diameter of about 1,400,000 km. And its composition is hydrogen (75%), helium (20%), oxygen, iron,... (5%). In this other lesson we will discover the parts of the sun so that you know our star better.


They are divided into two:

  • Interiors: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They have a similar composition, that is why they are called terrestrial planets.
  • Exteriors: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Its composition is gaseous in the first two, while the second are called icy planets, since the sun's energy barely reaches them.

Tiny planets

Made up of 5 planets, they are spherical masses that have not been able to eliminate space debris from their orbit.


They are elements that revolve around the planets, they are elements that are often large, such as the Moon (Earth's satellite).

Minor bodies

They are the so-called space debris, such as asteroids, comets ...

What is the solar system and how is it formed - Summary - How the solar system is formed: planets and stars

Continuing with the lesson on what the solar system is and how it is formed, we will now talk about some of the most famous theories that were generated throughout history on our planet and the rest of the elements of space.

For a long time it was thought that Earth was the center of the world. Mesopotamians themselves, and even the early Greeks, believed that the earth was sustained by a huge pillar and that the rest of the elements that were observed in the sky, revolved around is. We even know that, up to the time of Pythagoras, It was thought that the planet was not round, this author being the first to defend the spherical shape.

It would not be until the arrival of Copernicus when it began to be thought that the Earth could be rotating around the sun, reaching the conclusion of it by observing the sky. It was this author who compiled the definition of the rotational and translational movements and the one who stipulated that the day could be approximately 24 hours long.

After him and thanks to the invention of the telescope, he continued to advance in the study of the sky, gradually discovering planets and new satellites, thus observing the phenomena that took place in those places, thus corroborating the theory of Copernicus what lThe Earth revolved around the Sun.

In 1704, the concept of the solar system appeared, at the hands of Edmund halley, since he discovered that the only luminous body in our system was the sun and that thanks to it there was life on our planet.

After this, he has continued looking into space, finding various other systems, since we are in a galaxy called, Milky WayThere are other places where there are different stars like the sun, where perhaps there could be life.

What is the solar system and how is it formed - Summary - When was the Solar System discovered?
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