11 Highly Recommended Child Psychology Books
The child psychology is a branch of psychology that is dedicated to the study of the child and the development of her physical, motor, cognitive, perceptive, affective and social development, both from normality and abnormality.
Therefore, deals with different topics, such as: learning, linguistic development or psychopathology characteristic of these ages, among other issues.
Totally recommended Child Psychology books
Child psychology, therefore, is not only of interest to psychologists, but this knowledge is also useful for parents or teachers. The latter spend many hours surrounded by children, and the knowledge of how the mind of the little ones works, what is the best way to relate to them or what are the best teaching methods to apply can really work for them tools. Childhood is a stage of change and no one is born an expert on this subject. For this reason, this field of research and intervention helps to understand the mental processes and behavioral styles typical of the youngest.
There are many books that have compiled the knowledge that various investigations have contributed over the years. Whether you are a psychologist, teacher or parent, in this article you will find several child psychology books that will be very helpful.
1. To love without fear of spoiling (Yolanda González)
This book by psychologist Yolanda González, an expert in attachment theory, deals with many of the problems that parents encounter when raising their children.
Especially intended for mothers, it deals with topics such as pregnancy, natural childbirth, lactation and the vital circumstances of the first years of life. A great work, written in a very clear and entertaining way, which provides tools for a better understanding of how we can better educate our children.
- buy it here.

2. Look at me, feel me (Cristina Cortés)
This book focuses on the issue of infant attachment, and the way in which it affects both mental development of the little ones as well as the relational dynamics that they learn when interacting with the rest of people. In its pages, attachment is explained and described as a protective tissue in which children grow physically and psychologically in a balance between freedom and protection, and always in contact with affection and love.
In its chapters we see developed with a narrative format how good attachment is being formed through the history of Eneko, since its gestation until he reaches 7 years of age, and how psychotherapeutic intervention can help in cases where discomfort arises in this aspect.
This is a very good book on child psychology for those who are interested in understanding the implications that attachment has. both in daily life and in the therapeutic management of crises which, if not worked properly, can give way to disorders. On the other hand, the way in which EMDR therapy helps to correct dysfunctional elements of the type of attachment that one has is explained.
Its author, Cristina Cortés Vinegra, is a psychologist and psychotherapist, and directs the Vitaliza Psychology Center, from Pamplona.
- To buy this book or learn more about it, Click here.

3. Manual of educational psychology: For teachers of early childhood and primary education (Various authors)
This work is ideal for infant and primary school teachers.. It is a theoretical-practical text, written by various authors, which provides teachers with a frame of reference in the psychology of the first years of schooling.
The text reviews different variables (cognitive, metacognitive, affective, etc.) and factors that influence the learning, and provides the opportunity to learn different useful strategies for the design of learning situations. teaching. The text revolves around a personal, social and cultural perspective.
- you can buy it easily through this link.

4. Happy upbringing (Rosa Jové)
Rosa Jové is a psychologist who has managed to write possibly the most practical book on this list. Undoubtedly, a recommendable book and full of wisdom, which is written so that the reader finds it entertaining, and talks about topics such as valuing the child as an individual, respecting him, understanding her demands and accompanying him during his early stages of life.
It is a text that opens the minds of parents, and among the contents it is possible to find topics as interesting as: tantrums, jealousy or the relational styles of parents. Children are seen from a positive perspective and not as little tyrants.
- buy it here.

5. How to talk so your kids will listen and how to listen so your kids will talk (Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish)
This work has been a true best-seller and has caused a lot to talk about thanks to its great success.. People tend to think that we listen to others, but many times our needs tend to take precedence over others.
This book helps to really listen and not just to hear, always from the parent-child relationship. In the text, the authors leave us tips and tools to make it easier for us to listen actively.
- you can buy it here.

6. Far from the Tree: Stories of Parents and Children Who Have Learned to Love Each Other (Andrew Solomon)
Without a doubt, a book different from most and impressive for its content. This is an inspiring text and a true lesson for life, which touches on such a delicate subject as the relationship of parents with a disabled child.
Throughout its ten chapters, the author reviews topics such as down syndrome, hearing deficits, autism spectrum disorders or schizophrenia. To write it, the author has closely followed more than 300 families with these characteristics. A beautiful book that you cannot miss.
- buy it here.

7. Child and adolescent emotional intelligence: Exercises to cultivate inner strength in children and adolescents (Linda Lantieri)
emotional intelligence (EI) it is key to our well-being, which is why this concept has become so popular in recent years. It is necessary to educate children with EI from an early age, to help them correctly manage their emotions, not to be afraid of them and to better relate to other people.
Emotionally educating in the present means a better future for our children. This is a practical guide to make it easier for parents in this regard. The book also contains an audio guide prepared by daniel goleman, the person who popularized this concept, and in which you can listen and practice different beneficial exercises.
- buy it here.

8. Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Manual: General Disorders (Several Authors)
This text is intended for clinical psychologists who want to know more about the different psychopathologies that children can present at these ages. And it is that, the psychological problems of childhood and adolescence are of the utmost importance, although historically they have not had great prominence.
Psychological science has made great advances in recent times regarding this matter, and in this text it is possible to find a large part of this knowledge. This work brings together the work of various researchers of international relevance in this field, always from a current perspective.
- buy it here.

9. Learning to educate (Naomi Aldort)
This text deals with the influence of parents on the development of children, and how these can either favor the correct development or, on the contrary, suppose an obstacle, for example, destroying their self-esteem.
Parents are role models and, furthermore, the most important people in the child's life. With knowledge, it is possible to better educate and help children to develop in a happy and healthy way. Here you will find the way to do it.
- buy it at this link.

11. For Your Own Good (Alice Miller)
"For Your Own Good" is a book written by Alice Miller, a successful psychotherapist. This is a book about child abuse, a controversial issue for which few psychologists have raised their voices or have delved into this topic. and in the effects that these behaviors have for the children.
Children do not have the possibility to flee or defend themselves against these acts, and must suppress and repress their emotions and their suffering, which in the future may appear in the form of strong discharges emotional. A hard book, but necessary.
- buy it here.

11. The child's brain (Daniel J. Siegel and Tinja Payne)
A book that, despite not being very long, is surprisingly complete. It explains many of the concepts that need to be mastered in order to understand the logic by which the mind of the little ones operates, and what this implies in parental care or in education in general.
- If you are interested, you can get it here.