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Differences between extortion, coercion and blackmail

Extortion, blackmail, coercion: the three concepts respond to a criminal typology which can entail, if proven, criminal sentences of a minimum of one year to a maximum of five if such activity is proven.

Although all these actions are despicable and intolerable alike, there are crucial differences between them that distinguish them for legal purposes.

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Coercion, extortion and blackmail: how to distinguish them?

In this article we will objectively analyze each of these cases and clarify what distinguishes them from each other.

What is extortion?

Extortion is a type of crime or criminology that refers to situations in which a subject in question forces another subject to alien, owner of property and patrimonial wealth, omits or performs a legal act against him (of the owner, the extorted party), all this through intimidating acts such as violence or threats.

In this case, the passive subject or victim is seriously disadvantaged financially

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, since the ultimate purpose of the extortion activity is profit, the intention of benefiting economically, leaving no option to the person affected by their narrow margin of reaction or negotiation.

The methods to successfully carry out the practice of extortion are usually intimidation which, to ensure the persuasion of the affected party, usually happens directly to physical violence, having first verbal threats to try to convince the victim, since discretion is preferred by the criminals.

Defining the concept of coercion

Coercion has a defining complexity worth analyzing. The coercive act is, legally and technically speaking, a voluntary act by a subject A who, in turn, has been intimidated by another subject B to subtract, steal or take possession of a movable or immovable property of a third subject C.

Although the action is, as we have pointed out, voluntary, the subject in question is not and has not been free to determine his conduct since he has previously been threatened by the delinquent individual.

However, it is worth mentioning the threat element as a variable dependent on the attitude of the coerced, since this cannot be a simple verbal threat. There must be clear mitigating factors for serious harm, even going so far as physical injury or the threat of violence against a family member or friend, for example.

In addition, said threat by coercion must be of an imminent, irremediable and unavoidable nature without the coerced party having any opportunity to react or evade the threat.

And blackmail, how is it defined?

Finally we find the definition of blackmail. In this sense, blackmail is part of another process by which a person decides to benefit from lucrative way of another person by threatening to harm the blackmailed if he does not attend to his requests.

In short, blackmail refers to the defamation or dissemination of something private into the public sphere in order to do emotional damage in particular. For example, a husband who is unfaithful to his wife is photographed red-handed and another person contacts him to ask for a sum of money to silence the scandal.

Within blackmail we find another type, of a non-profit nature: the emotional one. In this case it is used so that one person can influence the thoughts of another, sensorially, manipulating the thoughts of the affected. No benefit is expected in return, just that the recipient changes their attitude.

  • Related article: "Emotional blackmail: a powerful form of manipulation in the couple"

The main differences between the three concepts

It is not always easy to know how to identify and interpret the differences between the three crimes, since they all pursue the same goal, that of harming another for one reason or another, in favor of oneself. Therefore, the cases should be investigated individually, studying the elements and variables involved to conclude which one corresponds to reality.

However, there are some elements that distinguish such similar concepts. In the case of extortion, the offense can be plural. Movable and immovable property, the physical integrity of third parties or freedom are harmed.

On the contrary, coercion is usually a direct and immediate action, which must be consumed ipso facto, and makes the affected person act for him (coercor). Although in many cases the coercion responds to a lucrative purpose, it can be of another nature. That is, making a person hurt another against her will for the simple pleasure of doing physical harm.

Finally, blackmail is perhaps the one that is the furthest from the previous two. Blackmail can also be of a lucrative nature, but the violence is minimal and the gift of speech is what usually consummates the act of convincing the victim. In addition, emotional blackmail is not considered a crime or is very difficult to prove, so it is extremely complex to prevent these cases from occurring.

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