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The story of a black hole

The story of a black hole

One of the most exciting mysteries in the Universe are the black holes, a cosmic singularity that arouses great interest among scientists and simple amateurs and that has been the object of study in innumerable investigations. The latest known data are published in the specialized journal, The Astrophysical Journal, where it is rebuilt the story of a black hole. In this article by a PROFESSOR we are going to show you this publication so that you better understand what this conformation of the cosmos is like.

A team of American and British specialists has unveiled mass, rotation, and distance from Earth of the famous black hole,Cygnus X-1. In other words, all the possible information that this type of phenomenon can contain.

The space object in question rotates approximately 800 times per second, is located 6,070 light years from us, and has a mass 14.8 times that of the Sun.

Another significant fact is that despite being about six million years old, Cygnus X-1 it is relatively young, from an astronomical point of view. Scientists also know that this black hole

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it is one of the most massive in the galaxy and it spins much faster than any other known to man.

All these data have been revealed thanks to the latest technological advances and especially, NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope.

As for its origin, astronomers have revealed that Cygnus X-1 it must have arisen after a stellar collapse. However, unlike other black holes, in this case there was no explosion, which is a very common situation in this type of cosmic formation.

An interesting discovery that helps us better understand the mysteries of the Universe, allowing us to have more data to be able to explain the origin, evolution and end of the cosmos. Still unsolved questions that have the scientific community in check, despite the incredible astronomical discoveries experienced in the last decade.

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