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The 10 best Psychologists in Pudahuel (Santiago de Chile)

The Clinical Psychologist Alejandra Cantillana Vasquez She has spent several years in her career caring for adults and also couples who may present alterations or psychological imbalances of all kinds.

Her intervention is offered online and in her sessions she attends to cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, grief, trauma, family conflict, stress, and diagnosis dual.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, she has more than 15 years of experience, she is a Specialist in Neurosciences and also in Clinical Hypnosis.

The Clinical Psychologist shenhui lin She is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology from UDLA, she has a Master's Degree in EMDR Psychotherapy from the Spanish National University and also has a Postgraduate Degree in EMDR Psychotherapist.

Her intervention has been offered online for several years and currently in her sessions She cares for adults, adolescents and also older people who may present psychological alterations in their day to day day.

Some of her main specialties are anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, emotional difficulties, divorce and suicidal ideation.

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The Clinical Psychologist Marcela Bulnes Capaccio Throughout her career, she has specialized in individualized care for adolescents, adults, seniors, and couples.

Her intervention is offered online and is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, the orientation with which she deals with anxiety cases, low self-esteem, stress, family conflicts, behavioral problems, emotional difficulties and deficits of relationship.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Central University of Chile, she has a Master's Degree in Programming Neurolinguistics, a Diploma in Practitioner in NLP and two Training Courses in Clinical Hypnosis and First Aid Psychological.

the psychologist Susana Zúñiga Pausic has a Master's Degree in Post-Rationalist Cognitive Therapy, has a Diploma in Comprehensive Sexual and Affective Education and also with Training Courses in Intervention in Intrafamily Violence, in Postrationalist Clinic and in Link Therapy Affective.

This professional cares in the online modality for adults and families who may present psychological alterations in their daily life, applying various effective therapies in an integrative manner.

Among his main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety, traumas, emotional or relational difficulties, stress, low self-esteem, domestic violence and conflict relatives.

The Psychiatrist Doctor Raul Riquelme Pena He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Los Andes, he is Graduated as a Surgeon from the same university, has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychiatry and also has a Master's Degree in Psychology Clinic.

His intervention is offered by video call to adults and also couples, always applying effective therapies such as Brief Therapy and Family and Couple Therapy, adapted at all times to the needs of their customers.

In his office you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of depression, the anxiety, ADHD, trauma, psychosis, developmental disorders, and disorder obsessive compulsive.

The Clinical Psychologist Julio Cesar Carrasco Rebolledo He has specialized throughout his career in caring for adolescents, adults and also the elderly, through the application of EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness.

His intervention is offered by video call and in his sessions he successfully attends to cases of anxiety, phobias, sexual abuse, gender violence, traumas, eating disorders and disorders dissociative.

This professional is a Graduate in Psychology from the University of the Americas and has a Master's Degree in EMDR Clinical Psychology from the National University of Spain.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Andres Astorquiza Lawn He is a Graduate in Psychology from the Diego Portales University, has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychotherapy and also has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy with a Constructivist-International Approach.

His intervention is offered online and in his sessions he attends to young people, adults and also couples who may be going through cases of anxiety, self-esteem deficits, emotional difficulties, family conflicts, personality disorders or disorder bipolar.

The Clinical Psychologist Jose Fuenzalida He has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and in his sessions he attends adults and also couples who may request his services.

In his office you will find a professional specialized in addressing relational difficulties, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress and trauma.

the psychologist Andrea Aburto Kramp She is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Central University of Chile, she has a Diploma in Legal and Forensic Psychology and also has a Degree in Addiction Therapist.

His intervention is offered online to adults and also families who may present cases of anxiety, depression, addictions, low self-esteem, codependency, stress or gender violence.

The Clinical Psychologist Felipe Antiman Sarro-Spandiar He has specialized throughout his career in caring for adults who may present cases of anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, emotional difficulties, obsessive-compulsive disorder or divorces, all of online way.

This professional is a graduate in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Chile, has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy and also has a Diploma in Clinical Psychology.

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