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How does depression affect the family context?

Those who have seen depression up close know that this is a psychological disorder that, On many occasions, it does not limit its damages solely to the person who develops it in their own meats.

It is true that some people tend to try to hide that they are in a very bad mood, but depression usually manifests itself in objective facts that attract the attention of those who are part of her close circle, especially if they have known her for a long time time. And frequently, the way in which this psychopathology is not only a warning sign for these people, but also harms themin a more indirect way.

In this article we are going to focus on those who spend the most time in the company of depressed people, and that they are also, normally, the ones who feel the strongest emotional bond with them: their relatives.

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How does having someone with depression affect a family?

It is clear that there is no single family model and that if each person is a world, the characteristics The unique characteristics of each family unit multiply, since many more of their own characteristics and characteristics come into play. unrepeatable

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That is why both in theory and in practice, no household experiences depression the same way.

However, the large amount of research that has been carried out on the effects of this mood disorder makes today Let us know a series of psychological patterns that, statistically, are relatively frequent in families in which there is someone who has developed depression.

Based on that, here you will find a summary about the way in which this psychopathology affects the family context of the person; but let us bear in mind that this will not happen in all cases, and that the best way to know the impact of depression on a specific group of people is to go to a psychologist, so that this professional analyzes the case specifically and personalized.

1. Generates a greater propensity for arguments

Depression frequently produces problems of coexistence in the family environment, since the person who expresses these symptoms feels down and with little energy, not too willing to get involved in tasks that are not considered essential.

This easily leads to frustration on the part of family members, who observe in the other person a passivity that is not they are always capable of understanding, and on the other it generates irritability in the depressed person, who feels that everything that I would want. The mixture of both elements results in situations of confrontation, which sometimes becomes hostility on both sides.

2. Gives rise to guilt

Guilt is a relatively common feeling in family members traditionally assigned a protective role towards the person with depression: specifically fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters of a similar or older age.

This occurs to a lesser extent in cases in which these people are well informed about the characteristics of depression. and they know that it is a psychopathology whose causes in most cases are beyond the control of the family in a principle. In any case, where this feeling of guilt has appeared, it is important that it be transformed into a willingness to help by collaborating. in the therapeutic process to the extent possible, rather than leading to self-sabotage and attempts to avoid thinking about the problem.

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3. Increased propensity to develop depression

Of course, depression is not contagious like some medical illnesses, but it is true that when expressed through actions, it can contribute to creating contexts that facilitate the appearance of psychological disorders in those who are regularly exposed to them.

Thus, for example, it has been seen that the young sons and daughters of people with depression also have a higher risk of developing it, even taking genetic factors into account.

4. Promotes isolation

Many families feel ashamed because of the suffering they see in the person with depression, and adopt a lifestyle in which privacy is valued more and there is a tendency towards seclusion, either total or partial. For example, families in which someone suffers from depression are less likely to go to social events together.

This, in turn, often makes it more difficult for the depressed person to recover, since they now have access to a number of much less stimuli and activities, and with less ability to propose novel situations with which to connect emotionally.

Looking for psychotherapeutic help?

Advance Psychologists

If you think that you and/or someone in your close family are suffering from discomfort that could be caused by depression or some other psychological disorder, please contact us. In Advance Psychologists We have been helping patients with these kinds of problems for more than 20 years, and currently, in addition to psychotherapy for people of all ages, we also We offer family and couples therapy, counseling for fathers and mothers, psychiatric assistance and neuropsychological rehabilitation, and services of sexology. In addition, you can count on us both in person at our center located in Madrid, and through online therapy. To see our contact information, click on this link.

Bibliographic references:

  • American Psychiatric Association -APA- (2014). DSM-5. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Madrid: Pan American.
  • Balaban, C.D.; Thayer, J.F. (2001). Neurological bases for balance-anxiety links. J Anxiety Disorder. 15 (1–2): p. 53 - 79.
  • Bettis, A.H.; Forehand, R.; Sterba, S.K.; Preacher, K.J. & Compas, B.E. (2018). Anxiety and Depression in Children of Depressed Parents: Dynamics of Change in a Preventive Intervention. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 47(4): pp. 581 - 594.
  • National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Depression, Parenting Practices, and the Healthy Development of Children; England, M.J. & Sim, L.J. (eds) (2009). Associations Between Depression in Parents and Parenting, Child Health, and Child Psychological Functioning. Washington (DC): National Academies Press.
  • Sander, J.B. & McCarty, C.A. (2006). Youth Depression in the Family Context: Familial Risk Factors and Models of Treatment. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 8(3): pp. 203 - 219.
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