Education, study and knowledge

Learn to divide by a number

In this video we will continue with the simple one-digit divisions but this time with the inaccurate. Remember that there were two types of divisions: those that had a zero in the rest (exact) and those that had a number other than zero in the rest (the inaccurate)

In order to learn to divide by a number with inaccurate divisions We will follow the same procedure as for the exact divisions. We will have to find a number that multiplied by the divisor gives us the dividend. In the inaccurate divisions we will not find it so we will have to look for the number that is closest but without going over the dividend. The difference between the result and the number we have in the dividend will be the remainder. All this explanation you will understand much better with the video since I explain it through examples.

In addition, I have prepared you some printable exercises with their solutions With which you can make divisions similar to the ones I have taught you in class and correct them yourself.

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Teach to divide by three figures

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Trick to do divisions faster

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