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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of Bob Dylan

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman, but known around the globe as Bob Dylan, he came into this world to place a different point in rock and folk music, with his poetic lyrics., which over time, led him to become a Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016, for his literary works.

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Best Bob Dylan Quotes

His influence has not only been musically, but also socially and culturally, where he shows that lyrics can be a powerful voice against injustice and as a form of expression staff. As we will see in the following quotes and reflections that Bob Dylan left us throughout his musical and literary career.

1. What is my message? Have a good head and take a light bulb with you.

Fill your mind with positive thoughts.

2. Know? all my songs could be better written. This is something that worried me before, but it has stopped worrying me now.

Don't worry about what you didn't do right, everything passes.

3. The songs come to me the more isolated I am in space and time.

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By having a moment with yourself, ideas come quickly.

4. I have no hope for the future and just hope I have enough boots to change into.

Don't focus on the future, just live in the present.

5. What I hope is to sing what I think and maybe evoke something in others.

It is important to do what we really like.

6. When I die people are going to interpret all of my songs. They're going to interpret every last fucking comma.

A person really dies when he is not remembered.

7. Songs are thoughts that stop time for a moment. Listening to a song is listening to thoughts.

The songs are the result of the thoughts of their author.

8. I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.

When love unites two people, the company is perfect.

9. How does it feel? How does it feel? Being all alone, not knowing the way home. Being a complete stranger, like a rolling stone.

Loneliness kills like any disease.

10. He who is not busy being born is busy dying.

We all have something to do throughout life.

11. You have to be honest to live outside the law.

If you want to be outside the law, then you have to be honest with yourself.

12. My big fear was that my guitar would go out of tune.

Fear is a fundamental part of life.

13. Yeah, I wish that for just one time you could step into my shoes, you would know how upsetting it is to see you.

Learn to put yourself in the place of others.

14. The answer to anything is always in the wind.

Step back for a moment and let the wind take away all thoughts and worries.

15. I say there are no depressing words, only depressing minds.

Stay away from pessimistic people, because they can infect you with their ills.

16. So happy to be alive under the blue sky, in this new morning, new morning, in this new morning with you.

Happiness is found in such simple things.

17. May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be fast and may you have a strong base for when the wind suddenly changes...

In difficult situations, keep busy.

18. We had a fight, as lovers sometimes do, and the thought of how that night went still gives me chills.

When you fight, you have to solve it quickly.

19. I don't have a pretty voice or sing pretty nor do I want to.

Believe in your talent.

20. The starving artist roll is a myth. It was started by big bankers and prominent young ladies who buy art. They simply want to keep the artist under his control.

Don't let others dominate you.

21. I accept chaos, but I don't really know if he accepts me.

Even if you accept the problems, don't let them define you.

22. I change in the course of a day. I wake up and I am a person, and when I go to sleep, I know for sure that I am another person.

Life changes us completely.

23. He doesn't criticize what you can't understand.

He does not criticize without knowing the situation.

24. You can always go back, but you can't go all the way back.

There are paths that lead you back home.

25. You can never be wise and in love at the same time.

For many, wisdom and love do not mix.

26. A man is successful if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in the time between one and the other he does what he likes.

Continuous work leads to success.

27. Democracy does not rule the world, better get that into your head; this world is ruled by violence, but I think it's better not to say it.

Violence, unfortunately, rules the world.

28. A song is an experience: there is no need to understand the words to understand the experience.

Songs are stories that carry a message.

29. You don't have to starve yourself to be a good artist. You just have to feel love and have a clear point of view. And you have to fight depravity.

Talent is not about social status, but about perseverance.

30. Light the fire, throw in some logs and listen to them crackle and let them burn, burn, burn, on a night like this.

Enjoying a campfire is very pleasant.

31. If I didn't have money, I could go around being invisible. But these days it costs me money to be invisible. It's the only reason I need money.

Fame and recognition has its price.

32. We've always felt the same, we just see it from a different point of view.

Each person has their way of seeing things.

33. People carry roses and make promises every moment, my love laughs like flowers, Valentines can't buy it.

Beware of promises.

34. If you try to be someone other than yourself, you will fail; If you are not true to your own heart, you will fail. On the other hand, there is no success like failure.

Don't be something you're not.

35. What I can most hope for is to sing what I think, and perhaps evoke something in others. Don't insult me ​​by telling me I'm a person with a message.

Songs have the power to evoke memories.

36. The best advice I can give is to always have a good head.

There is nothing more important than having good thoughts.

37. You adjust the triggers for others to fire, and then stand back and watch the death toll climb. Let me ask you something: Will the money you have buy your forgiveness?

Do not do anything that may harm others.

38. All those horrible things I've heard I don't want to believe, what I want is your word. So baby please don't let me down, tell me it's not true.

Telling the truth is what really matters.

39. Love is all there is, what makes the world go round. Love and only love.

Love is the engine that moves the world.

40. Suddenly I found you and the spirit within my song, you don't have to look too far, you are the soul of many things.

We always have someone to inspire us.

41. Anything I can sing, I call a song. Anything I can't sing I call a poem.

There is a very fine line between a poem and a song.

42. Although the rules are made for the wise and the idiots, I have nothing, aunt, to live by.

Rules can be broken, but you have to be prepared for the consequences.

43. Time is an ocean but it ends on the coast, maybe you won't see me tomorrow.

Life is very short and time goes by very fast.

44. Is your money that good? Will it buy your pardon? Do you think it will?

Money doesn't buy everything.

45. I'm not trying to make you feel like me, see like me or be like me, what I really want, baby, is to be your friend.

Friendship is a true treasure.

46. Politics is bullshit, everything is unreal. The only real thing is inside you, in your feelings.

What you carry inside is what really matters.

47. I consider myself firstly a poet and secondly a musician. I live like a poet and I will die like a poet.

Poetry is part of music and this is how he demonstrated that he is a great singer.

48. The only thing people really have in common is that we're all going to die.

Death is everyone's destiny.

49. Baby let me follow you, I'll do anything in this big world of God, if you'll just let me follow you.

When we love someone, we always want her company.

50. I have never written a political song.

In music there should be no room for politics.

51. Take care of all your memories, because you can't relive them.

Treasure your memories, they are very precious assets.

52. There is a wall between you and what you want and you have to jump over it.

Don't let obstacles stop you from reaching the goal.

53. I have never been able to understand the seriousness of all this, the seriousness of pride.

Don't give way to pride.

54. Life is more or less a lie, but then again, it's exactly how we want it to be.

Only you have the responsibility of knowing how to live your life.

55. What you have given me today is worth more than I can pay and no matter what they say, I believe in you.

Value what others give you.

56. I'm only Bob Dylan when I have to be Bob Dylan. Most of the time I want to be myself.

Never lose your essence.

57. I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul...

Don't give your best, your soul.

58. Young people can be passionate. Older people have to be wiser.

Old age brings wisdom and youth is the owner of great passions.

59. Now, each of us has his own special gift. And you know this was meant to be true. And if you don't underestimate me, I won't underestimate you.

We all have unique talents.

60. You can always go back, but you can't go back at all

When we leave home, we return to media.

61. People talk, act, live as if they were never going to die. And what do they leave behind? Nothing. Nothing but a mask.

How you act will be remembered.

62. If you're around for a while, you leave certain things to the young. Don't try to act like you're young. You could really hurt yourself.

Accept the passing of the years.

63. The walls of pride are high and wide. You can't see the other side.

Avoid pride, it is not a good adviser.

64. When you cease to exist, then who are you going to blame?

Do not blame anyone for your failures, that is only your responsibility.

65. Songs can't save the world. I've been through all of that.

The world will change when we change.

66. A lot of people can't stand touring but for me it's like breathing. I do it because I feel compelled to do it.

When you do something, you have to do it with passion.

67. A song is anything that can walk by itself.

The songs are magical.

68. I don't feel old, but I notice that there are certain things that don't attract me as easily as before.

The world changes before our eyes as we age.

69. With willpower you can do anything. With willpower one can determine one's own destiny.

Never lose your willpower, because it is the weapon to achieve anything.

70. It seems to me that you will discover when your death takes its toll, that all the money you made can never save your soul.

Death takes us as we were born, with nothing.

71. Oh, but if I had the stars of the darkest night and the diamonds of the deepest ocean, I'd give them up for your sweet kiss, because that's all I want to have.

A kiss from the person you love is the most precious treasure.

72. Shine your light, shine your light on me, you know I couldn't do it alone, for I'm too blind to see.

Let your inner light shine in all its magnitude.

73. Anything I can't sing and it's too long to be a poem, I call it a novel.

A song can inspire a novel.

74. When you feel in your gut what you are and then you go after it dynamically, don't give up and don't give up, then you're going to baffle a lot of people.

Keep going and never get discouraged.

75. My songs are nothing more than a dialogue with myself.

The songs are experiences and imagination of who writes them.

76. It doesn't matter if you have money or not. Also, there are other things that make up wealth or poverty apart from money.

Money is not the only thing that defines poverty.

77. Trying to understand the full meaning of words can destroy the feeling of the experience as a whole.

We cannot understand everything.

78. Being famous can be a big burden. Jesus Christ was crucified because he made himself known. So I often disappear.

Fame is not everything in life.

79. My songs used to be about what I felt and saw. My other songs, at the very least, were about nothing.

Bob Dylan was inspired by his experiences, but also by everything and nothing.

80. All I can be is myself, whoever that is.

Don't pretend to be someone else, you shine with your own light.

81. If you don't think there's a price for this sweet paradise, just remind me to show you the scars.

Life is hard, but it has its flavors.

82. Sometimes silence can be like thunder.

In silence there is also noise.

83. How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see?

He cannot live without looking around.

84. I hate myself for loving her, but I'll get over it. Hating me, I mean.

Sometimes we love the wrong person.

85. Everyone is helpless even if we do the impossible to deny it.

People lack love and empathy.

86. If I wasn't Bob Dylan I would want to be Leonard Cohen.

Sometimes we pretend to be someone else.

87. And though our separation touched my heart, it still lives inside me as if we had never been apart.

A separation is painful.

88. Love is all there is, what makes the world go round, love and only love, cannot be denied. No matter what you think, you won't be able to do anything without it.

Love is a very powerful force.

89. May your heart always be happy, may your song always be sung.

Try to be cheerful at all times.

90. The man in me will do just about any task, and as compensation he would ask for very little. It takes a woman like you to reach the man inside of me.

The female figure is important in a man's life.

91. A poem is a naked person... Some people say that I am a poet.

Through poetry very intimate emotions are expressed.

92. Oh, by the angel by my side I find that love has a reason to shine.

New opportunities in love are very valuable.

93. The homeless man who is knocking on your door is wearing the clothes that you once wore.

Don't turn your back on someone who needs your help.

94. You will never be more amazing than yourself.

Never stop being who you are.

95. There is nothing as stable as change.

Change is an important part of life.

96. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.

We do not lose what we do not have.

97. I think a hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.

Freedom is a highly prized commodity.

98. You, who make the big guns. You who build the planes of death. You, who build all the bombs. You, who hide behind the walls. You guys hiding behind desks… I just want you to know that I can see you through your masks.

There are people who pretend to be something that they are not.

99. Behind every beautiful thing, there is a certain kind of pain.

Not everything is pretty in life.

100. Death does not knock on the door, it is there from the moment you wake up. Have you ever cut your nails or hair? Well, there you have the experience of death.

Death is a faithful companion that does not abandon us.

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