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The 100 best phrases (and reflections) of J.R.R. Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, better known as JRR Tolkien, was a writer, philologist, poet, linguist and university professor in the United Kingdom. He gained his worldwide fame after writing the fantasy books 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit', which were brought to the big screen and streaming series. With the arrival of these books, interest in fantastic literature and the creation of alternate worlds with their own language was revived.

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JRR Tolkien's best quotes

As a form of homage to the life and work of the creator of the best medieval fantasy stories, we bring you a compilation with the most outstanding quotes and reflections from JRR Tolkien.

1. I want to be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not sterile.

Nature deserves to have its life preserved.

2. Many are the strange opportunities of the world, and help will often come from the hands of the weak when the wise fail.

People can surprise us at the most unexpected moments.

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3. Fantasy is, like many other things, a legitimate right of every human being, because through it there is complete freedom and satisfaction.

In fantasy we can develop our goals.

4. Disloyal is the one who disappears when the path is dark.

You know when someone truly supports you, when they stay by your side in the most difficult moments.

5. I like them, and I even dare to wear on these dull days, ornamental waistcoats.

Over time we learn to enjoy the simple things.

6. It gives me great pleasure, a good name. I always start writing with a name.

Looking for his inspiration through the names of his characters.

7. There is always more in you than what one expects!

Sometimes it's hard to see our strengths.

8. Only you can decide what to do with the time you have been given.

No one should direct your life more than yourself.

9. My advice to all those who have the time and inclination to deal with the international language would be: “support Esperanto loyally”.

Showing your support for Esperanto as a world language.

10. Not even the wisest know the end of all roads.

No one knows what the future holds.

11. Beautiful words sometimes hide an infamous heart.

Kindness can be used as a mask to hide cruelty.

12. If with my life or my death I can protect you, I will.

Who loves deeply is not afraid to sacrifice himself for the other.

13. There is something good in this world and it is worth fighting for.

We must believe that we can make this a better world.

14. Shortcuts cause long delays.

You can take the lead, but when you don't do something right, the consequences will catch up with you.

15. I think that what they call fairy tales is one of the greatest forms that literature has given, wrongly associated with childhood.

Fairy tales should not be exclusively children's.

16. You can only come in the morning through the shadows.

The only way to improve is by addressing our weaknesses.

17. The world is full of danger, and in it are many dark places; but there are still many things that are fair.

The world is not always fair, but happiness is what should flood the hearts of each person.

18. Wars are not favorable to delicate pleasures.

Wars only destroy.

19. If you don't believe in god, the question is what is the purpose of life? It is indisputable. What address will you send the question to?

Showing his deep faith towards God.

20. The treacherous are always suspicious.

All people with bad intentions tend to be paranoid.

21. Although in all lands love is now mixed with pain, perhaps love is greater.

Love must multiply, it never divides people.

22. Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation.

Believers take risks, because they trust.

23. The world is not in your books and maps; it's out there.

If you want to understand people, you must travel the world.

24. Do not despise the traditions that come to us from yesteryear; It often happens that old women keep in their memory things that the wise men of another time needed to know.

Traditions help us maintain the culture that is part of our roots.

25. Now, it seems strange, but the things that are nice to have and the good days to enjoy are told too soon and not much attention is paid to them.

We pay very little attention to the good things that come to us.

26. Always after a defeat and a truce, the Shadow takes a new form and grows again.

Evil will always exist, but so will the hope of defeating it.

27. The greatest adventure is the one that awaits us. Today and tomorrow have not yet been said.

Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

28. The moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.

A person's talent should not intimidate you or reduce your own talents.

29. Only a friend has to censure the friend's madness.

A true friend is one who has the courage to face you when you need it.

30. I have a very simple sense of humor (which even my critical critics find boring)

Humor is not the same for everyone.

31. The canons of narrative in any medium are not completely different and the failure of weak films falls often in exaggeration and in the intrusion of unwarranted matters little connected to the heart of the matter original.

A critique of the cinema of the time.

32. I'm not complaining if someone who has read the book finds it boring, absurd or worthless, since I have a similar opinion about the comments of it.

Criticism exists all the time, but not all of it should be important to you.

33. It is not good to talk about certain things when shadows reign in the world.

Never act when your mind is confused.

34. Sooner or later the crime always comes to light.

No one goes unpunished when they commit a bad act.

35. They contain the seas, the sun, the moon, the sky and the earth and all things that are in it: trees and birds, water and stone, wine and bread, and ourselves, mortal men.

Fantasy worlds share the same essence as the real world.

36. Claiming communists are orcs is almost as stupid as claiming orcs are communists.

Your opinion on communism.

37. I like gardens, trees and non-mechanized farmland.

Showing his taste for natural things.

38. There are many powers in the world, for good and for evil. Many of them are bigger than me.

Good and evil are part of nature.

39. I would rather share a life with you than face all the ages of this world alone.

When you love a person, you are only able to see your life by their side.

40. Perhaps the paths that each one of you will tread are already set at your feet, even if you don't see them.

Do you believe in fate?

41. Do adventures never have an end? I suppose not.

An ending is just a new beginning.

42. Bravery is found in unexpected places.

Bravery shows itself in moments when we least expect it.

43. A traitor can betray himself and inadvertently do good.

Traitors don't even do good to themselves.

44. I'm glad you're here with me. Here at the end of all things.

You don't need to be surrounded by thousands of people, but by few who are faithful to you.

45. Not everyone who wanders is lost.

There are times when we need to step away to regain strength.

46. Still around the corner you can wait, a new path or a secret door.

Life is full of surprises.

47. A philologist speaks of Esperanto.

As an expert, he knew that this was the best way forward for the world.

48. Give me a name and it produces a story, not the other way around normally.

It is through the names of his characters that he created his stories.

49. In fact, I am a Hobbit (in all but size)

About the way Tolkien perceived himself.

50. No lack of enthusiasm and no worldly fears should keep us from following the light.

Falls will always happen, so you have to learn to get up.

51. As long as he was a cheerful Hobbit, he needed no hope as long as despair was put off.

Joy makes us have a positive vision in any eventuality.

52. Advice is a very dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise.

Good advice can change the course of a life.

53. An honest hand and a true heart can err; and the damage received can be harder to bear than the handiwork of an enemy.

We tend to be more disappointed in those who have never been wrong before than in those we know have bad intentions.

54. Often in the lies the truth is hidden.

In every lie there is an ounce of truth that we must listen to.

55. I like gardens, trees, and non-mechanized farmland; I smoke a pipe, and I like good simple (unrefrigerated) food, but I hate French cooking.

A sample of what he liked to do in his routine.

56. It is useless to satisfy revenge with revenge; it won't cure anything.

Revenge just creates a vicious cycle that never ends.

57. The old that is strong does not wither.

Things that are real never fall apart.

58. How do you move? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no going back.

The only way to get ahead is by keeping our steps.

59. The deeds are not less courageous because no one praises them.

Surely, the most important battles happened in silence.

60. My doubts went to sleep, but with a restless sleep.

A restless mind is not able to rest.

61. Someone else always has to continue the story.

The stories only change protagonists.

62. It is a strange fate that we suffer so much fear and doubt so much over such a small thing.

It is common to give too much importance to something that is not worth it.

63. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.

We all reach the same end, eternal rest.

64. The pain, he will not forget it; but it will not darken his heart, and it will give him wisdom.

Pain is the most difficult lesson, but also the most valuable.

65. Many of those who live deserve to die and some of those who die deserve life.

One of the worst injustices in the world.

66. A man who runs from what he fears often finds that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it.

You cannot escape for long from your problems.

67. The love of beautiful things made by hand with ingenuity and magic.

Love is a pleasant surprise that we pursue all our lives.

68. The setting of my story is this earth, in which we currently live. But the historical period is imaginary.

Taking inspiration from the historical events of his time, but with a different setting.

69. It is true that you almost always find something, if you look, but it is not always what you are looking for.

There are times when what we need comes to us, instead of what we want.

70. I go to bed late and get up late (when possible). I do not travel much.

Talking a bit about his routine.

71. Few people are capable of foreseeing where the path leads until it comes to an end.

Not everyone has the courage to take charge of their lives.

72. I really try to read a lot of books, especially science fiction or fantasy. But I hardly ever find a modern book that catches my eye.

Talking about the books he liked the most.

73. When in doubt, a good man must trust his own judgment.

Listen to your instincts.

74. Hope often comes in helplessness.

Seeing a glimpse of a way out of a problem gives us hope.

75. Every moment I spend without you is a moment of wasted time.

Don't go a moment without telling that special someone how much you love them.

76. The possibilities, the changes are all yours to make. The mold of your life in your hands is to be broken.

Everyone owns the direction of their life.

77. Can you bring life back? So do not rush to dispense death.

You have to accept death when it knocks on the door.

78. There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something.

We can see something and pass many things by sight.

79. Uncomfortable, shocking, and even horrible things can make a good story, and they also take time to tell.

Many anecdotes become an excellent source of inspiration.

80. A box without hinges, keys, or a lid can still hide a treasure of gold within it.

The best things can come in simple packaging.

81. I have been told that I can speak in shorthand and then blur it.

How people viewed Tolkien's talent.

82. Little by little, one travels far.

Every big goal is achieved with small objectives.

83. Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.

Despair makes us act compulsively and, most likely, we regret it.

84. You are just a simple individual in a huge world!

Don't take life too seriously, take advantage of all the time you have.

85. There was no choice but to go on and on, even after feeling like they couldn't take another step.

The only way to improve something is to keep moving forward.

86. The hearts of men are not as bad as their actions, and hardly ever as the evil of their words.

Evil can have a powerful reason within.

87. The work that is never started is the one that takes the longest to finish.

It's hard to get where you want if you continually look for excuses to start.

88. A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.

Our true being is found in our dreams.

89. Not all that glitters is gold.

Things and people are sometimes not what they seem.

90. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

Anyone who has perseverance and perseverance is capable of achieving success.

91. Where there is no lack of will there is always a way.

Who wants to be better, he will find a way to move forward.

92. If we valued food, joy and songs more than gold, this would surely be a happier world.

We tend to give importance to the most superficial things.

93. Dawn is always a hope for man.

We will always have the consolation of having a new day to come.

94. He who breaks a thing to discover what he has left, has left the path of wisdom.

The easy path never brings good fruit that lasts.

95. It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.

If you are not convinced of something, it is very easy for you to end up giving up.

96. I will not say: do not cry; Because not all tears are bad.

Crying helps us release stress and pain.

97. Do you wish me a good day, or do you want to say that it is a good day, whether I like it or not; or that today you feel good; or what is a day when it is convenient to be good?

He watches your words well, there can be many misunderstandings.

98. Whoever is unable to part with a treasure in a moment of need is like a slave in chains.

Money can bring us many benefits, as long as it does not control us.

99. He should not promise to walk in the dark who has not seen the sunset.

Be careful with promises you make and can't keep.

100. Do not meddle in the business of wizards, as they are subtle and quick to anger.

There are people who do not want to be helped.

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