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The 80 best phrases (and reflections) of Valentino Rossi

Valentino Rossi is a former motorcycle racer of Italian origin who has been crowned nine times world champion in 4 different categories and seven times champion for the MotoGP. Which led him to become the driver with the most podiums in the entire history of the motorcycle world championships.

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Best phrases of Valentino Rossi

Debuting for the brands: Honda, Yamaha and Ducati, Valentino Rossi is one of the biggest names in this racing sport. For this reason, we bring a compilation with the best phrases and reflections of his personal and professional life.

1. Speed ​​is somewhat dangerous but very exciting.

A lover of extreme sports.

2. I try to have a different relationship with the bike. I don't give him a name, but I always talk to him. I don't know if the other pilots do the same.

You must always love the tools of your work, for you to be successful.

3. It's dangerous and incredibly fast and completely different from the kind of track I'm used to racing on.

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The more adrenaline the challenge, the better.

4. Riding a race bike is an art, something you do because you feel something inside.

Without a doubt, it is a risk that is worth paying for lovers of this type of sports.

5. I am completely focused on being strong, running fast and having fun.

If you don't enjoy what you do, it ends up becoming a waste of time.

6. I do my best when there is hardly any time left, when everything is on the limit and everyone is in a hurry.

Looking for adrenaline until the last moment.

7. You never get tired of winning, that's impossible, it's almost a vice.

A collector of victories. That's why it was very difficult for him, not having his tenth world championship.

8. God gave him the talent, he put in the rest.

Talent is worthless if you don't work to improve it, it ends up rusting.

9. The most important thing is to have a good relationship with the motorcycle... you have to understand what he wants.

Advising the best way to stand out on the track.

10. If I test the car for one year, I can be quite competitive next season.

Talking about becoming an expert in Formula 1, due to the offer to belong to Scuderia Ferrari.

11. My father raced a motorcycle. He gave me the passion very early. I had my first motorcycle when I was three or four years old.

A passion that was spread from his father.

12. There is no perfect driver, not even Valentino Rossi is, otherwise nothing would make sense to continue.

Nobody who is perfect seeks to continue improving, they end up stagnating.

13. I have been judged as a monster before I showed any proof.

Talking about his scandal and the way he was blacked out by the rpensa.

14. Winning again when you haven't done it for a long time is the same feeling as having sex again after a while without having it. Although I think winning is more exciting.

Showing himself proud of his victory upon returning to the track.

15. The motorcycle is like a woman, you don't have to make her angry. It is not a piece of iron, it has a soul because such a beautiful thing cannot be without a soul.

Talking about the way he perceives his bike.

16. I didn't know there were so many people waiting for me to make a mistake to piss me off.

Many people wait for the big ones to drop to feel better about themselves.

17. The biggest problem with young people is that they don't think with their own heads, they allow themselves to be influenced too much by others, by what the majority says.

A critique of the impulsiveness, arrogance and superficiality of the next generation.

18. Teenagers are always looking for technological novelty, phones, things that make you a slave.

Technology is a great ally, when we don't let it control us.

19. To feel strong, to get the most out of it, you have to be part of a team.

This is a sport where good teamwork is needed to succeed.

20. I have so many shortcomings and much room for improvement. What annoys me the most is that I'm always late.

Recognizing the defects that need to improve.

21. I like physical exercise. In fact, I like sports in general. I also really like snowboarding and playing soccer.

The adrenaline not only takes her on the track, but in other sports.

22. Fortunately, during my career I have won more or less everything, so I need to enjoy it to have the right motivation.

Wins should be a drive to keep growing, not to be arrogant.

23. My challenge is to win, and my ambition is to make the fans enjoy themselves.

Without a doubt, it caught the attention of many people to watch motorcycle racing.

24. I'm sorry for not having won ten World Cups. I failed in the Valencia GP because I fell, but that hurt me more. It is a great regret because I did not expect it and after 2015 nothing was the same.

The moment that weighs the most on your mind.

25. If sport did not exist, the world would be more boring.

Sports move people, help many find their passion and cheer up the spectators.

26. The rider who is proud of one thing above all: "My greatest achievement is to inspire people who don't like motorcycles."

About the objective that all pilots should have.

27. Once the races start it's more difficult and there's never that much time for testing.

Talking about how little time he had to prepare for his races.

28. It's easier to race with a broken leg because psychologically you don't care if you finish third or fourth.

About the way his mind moves in the face of an eventuality.

29. I am Valentino Rossi and I want to be a person, not an icon.

A person who helped make the sport great, but who always looked after his private life.

30. Perhaps you would understand that there are no winning machines, only winning men.

It's not just about the bikes, but about the preparation and passion of the rider.

31. If you think you're the best, you can't get any better. If you want to be the best, you should always do it.

A clear difference between perceptions that help us improve or worsen.

32. Riding a Ducati is like riding a swing but without having any fun.

A critique of the brand of vehicles and motorcycles.

33. I can handle the bike and think clearly about strategy and tyres. I also have a positive thought. I am very constructively critical.

A person made to run, with all that it implies.

34. I always really enjoyed preschool.

One of the spaces that most marked his childhood.

35. To err is human but to persevere is diabolical.

We can make many mistakes, but falling into the same failure is a problem.

36. What happens, do I have to go to the factory to tell how the bike should be made?

Pilots must not be responsible for the activities of another team member.

37. Racing for the Scuderia is the dream of every Italian.

Talking about Ferrari's proposal to join his team.

38. This is my passion, I love riding motorcycles and I would like to thank the Yamaha team for giving me another chance with them.

Grateful to the team that showed him how to feel at home with his work.

39. I probably would have stolen cars, it would have given me the same adrenaline rush as racing.

A criminal fate if he hadn't turned to racing.

40. I have designs I like applied to my helmet, motorcycle, riding gear, gloves, and boots.

Adding your personal style to your team.

41. I have learned that if one accepts a challenge it must be thoroughly tested. This is something very important not only for the sport of motorcycles or any other sport but also for life.

A very important reflection to dare to do new things.

42. I have a lot of energy after 2 am. I like to sleep in the morning. I have some problems at the beginning of the day.

A nocturnal owl, he is most active during the day.

43. My normal life is like being on vacation.

A man who really enjoys his private life.

44. As for the level of spectacle of the two disciplines, he leaves it to the people who watch the races to comment.

Each person enjoys different sports.

45. I'm still here because I like to prove myself.

The only reason to do what we love is to please ourselves.

46. If I hadn't become a pilot, I probably wouldn't be as calm and collected as I am now.

He would have looked for some activity that would give him that adrenaline rush he needed.

47. I'm not an engineer, I'm a pilot.

About criticism of the performance of his motorcycle, when it is an engineering error.

48. When you really believe that you are part of a team, you don't play throwing balls out.

Teamwork teaches you that you have to be serious so that everyone can win.

49. Today's teenagers do not realize that it is the simple things that provide true satisfaction.

Young people tend to be more easily dazzled by superficial things.

50. You have to follow your own instincts and have the courage to go ahead with what you think with your own head.

It is important to follow our logic, but also to listen to our instincts.

51. I say that it is necessary to go beyond fashion and the dominant thought.

A man who prefers to think outside the box.

52. When you lose, you understand how people think and you know who your real friends are.

It is in defeat that you meet the honest people and the fake ones around you.

53. What would have happened if I hadn't tried?

A question that we all must ask ourselves to motivate ourselves to continue.

54. More has been said about me in recent days because of the fraud against La Hacienda Italiana, that when I won my 7 world titles, I am frankly disappointed.

A mistake can erase all the good that we have built.

55. It's the ultimate challenge for me for sure: a crazy challenge.

An epic finish for a big fan of adrenaline runner.

56. I am doomed to win. I am a prisoner of my success. Everything else makes me guilty.

A goal to which his north is always directed.

57. At the beginning I wasn't very confident with the bike, I had to find the right balance. But since this race I have more potential because I can drive better.

The beginning is always the most difficult. But once you have it, nothing stops you from getting ahead.

58. To be a great motorcycle racer, the most important thing is the passion for motorcycles.

You can't be the best at something if you don't feel passionate about it.

59. I think of a motorcycle as a woman, and I know it sounds silly, but it's true.

Talking about the way he views his bike.

60. Sometimes I am afraid of losing.

We all have that fear that can stop us from trying to move forward.

61. I never run for records. The motivation to try to break the record is not enough to continue. You have to enjoy it.

The obsession with winning can take its toll if you don't enjoy what you're doing.

62. I don't accept losing, I can't stand defeat.

Not just not having a win, but giving up something.

63. With the new generation of cyclists, only the stopwatch counts. I need to be faster than them on the track.

The younger, the more enthusiastic and faster they can be.

64. You try to make a technical characteristic: in front of me I had a strong driver who brakes hard and it is difficult to pass.

Sport also teaches us to learn from our rivals.

65. This is not just a piece of metal, there is a soul. The bike also responds. But not with a voice, with the components.

You have to learn to speak the same language to understand it.

66. When you lose, in front of the press, your team or your girlfriend, you blame the tires, the bike or the conditions of the circuit. That's for others, but in your head you know exactly what happened.

It is always necessary to have mental stability to face difficult losses or failures.

67. When I started racing I knew a lot of people and it was easier for me to find my first bike, so I had a good chance to be safe.

A world he was meant to belong to.

68. If we lose sight of important values ​​more and more, it is very difficult to move forward.

Stressing the importance of maintaining our values.

69. The work we do during the winter is very important; We have a new bike and it is important to develop it during this time.

Not only do you have to work on the season, but on the preparations before it.

70. I run to win. If I go by motorcycle or in a car, it will always be the same.

His motivation would always be the same, no matter what sport he was involved in.

71. Yamaha is my heart, I hope to be remembered as a Yamaha rider.

The team with which he always felt at home.

72. Who says you have to be serious when you're working? You have to laugh and joke. Life is much better in a relaxed environment.

Laughter is very important for our life, even in our work.

73. Big fights with your strongest rivals are always the biggest motivation. When you win easily it's not the same taste.

A reflection on the victories you enjoy the most.

74. I still like to ride my motorcycle on the track and enjoy the races. I still have good reason to be racing after so many years.

A passion that will not disappear, not even in his retirement.

75. How does Ferrari know what I will do next year when I don't know what I will do next week?

Making fun of the promises of advancements he would have as a Ferrari driver.

76. I am focused on racing. I enjoy it. It's a great feeling to be back fighting for the title.

When you feel at home, you always look to return.

77. I don't like being famous, it's like a prison. And driving for Ferrari would make it much worse.

One of the reasons why he refused to join the Team.

78. One is young-young when he is 22-23 years old. Then you get older, you change and then that's it, you stay as you are.

His opinion about the different stages in which we mature.

79. If a rider wins, it's because he makes the difference in the corners or because he has the best bike on the straights.

It all comes down to how they perform on the court.

80. The king has not returned, the king never left.

Valentino Rossi will always be remembered as the greatest of riders.

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