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Throne of glass: the right order of reading the saga

to saga glass throne It is one of the most popular series in current fantasy literature. Writings by the American Sarah J. More, the books were translated into more than 30 languages, becoming famous, mainly among the young public.

The series began to be published in 2012, being that correct reading order I'm following:

  1. To Lamina Assassina
  2. glass throne
  3. Coroa da Meia-Noite
  4. Herdeira do Fogo
  5. Shadow Rain
  6. Empire of Tempests
  7. Tower of Dawn
  8. Kingdom of Cinzas

Tracing a strong and fearless protagonist, who breaks gender stereotypes, an enveloping and well-constructed narrative, full of twists, mysteries and conspiracies.

The author is still inspired by fairy tales and ancient myths to create her rich and detailed fantasy world, addressing relevant themes, such as power, freedom and justice, friendship and love.

besides glass throne, the public writer of another saga of great success, known as delimit.

(Attention: contain some spoilers!)

To Lamina Assassina

Assassin's sheet book cape

This is the first book of the saga, we are introduced to the protagonist Celaena Sardothien, a relentless assassin, with an enormous sense of justice, but her code of ethics is so unfair.

instagram story viewer

We plunge into her world and understand how a girl raised on the streets and found dead by the two Assassins of Adarlan will become a real assassin.

There are 5 stories that make up the plot:

  • The assassin and the pirate lord
  • The assassin and the curandeira
  • Assassina e o deserto
  • A assassin and the underworld
  • The assassin and the empire

glass throne

book cape Throne of glass

The kingdom of Adarlan is in the hands of a powerful and cruel king who oppresses who causes us to rebel.

While there, Celaena is imprisoned in a salt mine, failing and having no hope of being released. Meanwhile, at a certain moment he was offered a chance of freedom if he won a deadly tournament. Likewise, she begins to discover mysteries and secrets that place the check on the security of the kingdom.

In the midst of all these events, she also needs to deal with her own inner demons.

Coroa da Meia-Noite

coroa da meia noite cape

After emerging victorious from the championship in which she faced 23 dangerous assassins, Celaena becomes champion of the king. In his new life, the young man has the comfort and attention of a counselor, Nehemia.

As the king is in perigo, the newest functionary of the kingdom will have to go in search of two crown enemies and execute them. To her surprise, a rebellious young lady is a long-standing friend, or one who places her in a dilemma and a complex plot of lies.

Herdeira do Fogo

book cape Throne of glass

Celaena discovers secrets about herself that will impact her life. Thus, she vindicates the crown of Terrasen and goes in search of the fairy Maeve to acquire knowledge about her own magic.

She also does exhausting trains as Prince Rowan and plans for a big battle.

Muchas reviravoltas e emoção marcam herdeira do fire We prepare male and female readers for upcoming events.

Shadow Rain

rainy shadows book cape

This is the moment that Celaena finally gets access to important elements that will allow her revenge to come to fruition.

After seeing several of her dead friends and allies, she will fight to win her throne, needing to create new alliances.

Empire of Tempests

book cape empire of storms

Now with the identity of Aelin Galathynius, the protagonist becomes Rainha de Terrasen. Ela seeks help to face the king of Adarlan, who is preparing to attack his kingdom with dangerous demons.

Além disso, velhos amigos resurgeme and she will enter into contact with other secrets about her past.

Tower of Dawn

book cover Torre do Alvorecer

After the Castelo de Vidro was broken and the King of Adarlan promoted a large cured meat, it is time for regeneration. The plot focuses on secondary characters, such as Chaol Westfall, who seeks the healers of Torre Cesme in search of a cure.

During this trip, Chaol discovers surprising things that change his life from her and two other characters.

Kingdom of Cinzas

book cape kingdom of cinzas

In the last book of the saga we have the conclusion of Celaena's journey, after which she is transformed into Aelin.

Here she still has more of a challenge if she wanted to liberate her povo. Thus, she and her allies face the king of Adarlan and his evil power.

Aelin will use all her repertoire and knowledge acquired to defeat her enemy.

With an exciting ending, Kingdom of Cinzas I concluded glass throne heroic and epic way.

Read also:

  • Delimit: saiba a correct ordem de leitura
  • Best fantasy books that are true classics
  • Best books for adolescents and young people who are unmissable
  • A vermelha rain: reading order and history summary
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