The 90 best phrases of very direct hints
Hints can say more than any text or deep conversation between people. And it is that many people keep their emotions or thoughts for fear of hurting others or for insecurity, for this reason, when they are comfortable they are able to take out everything that they carry inside.
- We recommend you read: "50 phrases for false and hypocritical people"
Best very direct indirect phrases
Although good communication is a fundamental pillar in any type of relationship, be it personal, casual or professional, we can never escape throwing a very direct hint at that person who seems not to want to hear. Here we will show you some phrases that can help you in this regard.
1. Hypocrites are like cockroaches: you don't run away from them out of fear, but out of disgust.
Stay away from those fake people, they are not trustworthy.
2. In a world full of hypocrites, the sincere ones are the bad ones.
Telling the truth is often an act of falsehood.
3. There are interesting people and interested people.
Beware of those who only approach you out of interest.
4. I admire my ability to put up with people who deserve a kick in the face.
Within our circle of friends, there are some that are not worth it.
5. You didn't fail me, you just confirmed that you're not worth it.
When we are the victim of a betrayal, we are facing a person who does not deserve our friendship and loyalty.
6. From you I learned mistakes that I don't want to repeat.
The mistakes of others are teachings.
7. No one deserves your tears and whoever deserves them won't make you cry.
The one who makes you cry, he is not worthy of your love since the one he truly loves does not betray.
8. Hello… Ah sorry I forgot that I only exist when you want to.
If someone looks for you when they are interested, they are not worthy of your friendship.
9. You know the best of the broken hearts? That can only really be broken once. The rest are scratches. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
When we are deceived, the heart covers itself so as not to suffer again.
10. I don't blame you for being the same as everyone. I blame myself for thinking you were different from them.
Not all the people we think are different are actually different.
11. Your great talent is to lie to me, mine is to pretend that I believe you.
Many times we pretend to those who lie to us.
12. Who does not show what he feels, maybe lose what he wants.
It is important to show what we feel.
13. Better alone than in bad company.
It is better to be alone than to be in the company of someone treacherous.
14. If I had a flower for every time I think of you, I could walk in my garden forever. (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
When we say that we are going to forget, we must fulfill the promise.
15. I never thought that anyone was capable of shining brighter than the sun.
There are people who think they are more important than others.
16. To those who talk about me behind my back: thank you. It is a sign that I am ahead of you.
We should not worry about what others say as it is a sign of envy.
17. I prefer to fall ill for sincere than well for hypocritical.
It's important to be honest even when someone doesn't like us.
18. Not all hints are for you... It's your problem if you identify with one.
Hints are a problem for those people who identify with them.
19. I don't fear the enemy that attacks me, but the false friend that embraces me.
Traitors are usually people close to our friends.
20. Envy is the suffering of those who will never become our true friends. (Anonymous)
Envy should have no place in our life.
21. And I thought that Judas had died...
Around us there may be a traitor.
22. Fake people are like shadows. They follow you when there is light and leave you in the dark. (Anonymous)
Beware of friends who are only by your side when everything is going well.
23. I would rather be judged as an honest sinner than a hypocritical liar.
At all times he acts honestly.
24. They hurt you and then ask why you react like that.
There are people who get upset because they hurt and then act like it's nothing.
25. He who sows distance can only hope to reap oblivion.
Do not walk away from your loved ones as you can forget them.
26. Envy is a disease. Hope you feel better.
Who suffers from envy, suffers from a serious illness.
27. Don't argue about truths with addicts of lies.
A liar is not given importance.
28. There are no fake friends, there are only fake friends.
Fake friends must be kept away.
29. Crazy people don't go to therapy, but those who have the maturity to take charge of their emotions.
If you don't know how to master your emotions, seek help.
30. Some people should eat makeup, to see if they can also be pretty on the inside.
Inner beauty is what counts.
31. If you see that you don't shine by your own light, don't try to turn off mine.
Each one must shine with their own light.
32. If you see that they don't call you, maybe it's because they don't need you.
Don't worry if they don't look for you, it's just that they are waiting for the moment when they need something from you.
33. Let those who don't feel lucky to have you in their life leave.
Let go of the one who doesn't want to be by your side.
34. They will never change you for something better, only for something easier.
Nobody is better than you, focus on that.
35. When mediocre people don't understand, they attack.
When a person is vulgar, he only knows aggression.
36. I see that your mind is very closed, could you do the same with your mouth?
If you don't have anything nice to say, staying quiet is the best option.
37. You will learn to value me when I am gone.
We won't know what we have until it's gone.
38. From you I learned mistakes that I don't want to repeat.
Don't bear the mistakes of others.
39. Was it clear to you that I like you or did we throw a thousand more hints?
Always say what you feel bluntly.
40. You make my world more beautiful even if you don't know it.
How will anyone know what you feel if you don't express it.
41. Hints on Facebook are like a grenade, you throw one and hit several.
When you have something to say, say it in person and up front, that's more honest.
42. And in the end you realize that retiring is not losing, it is loving you.
If a relationship isn't working anymore, it's time to take a step back and follow another path.
43. You speak ill of me, and I didn't even know you existed.
Those who speak ill of you are those who do not really know you.
44. There are some people who want you to do well, but not better than themselves.
The joy that others feel for your achievements are often not true.
45. I realize everything, another thing is that I tell you.
We have to say things, although sometimes we are silent.
46. The only thing I want when you talk is for you to shut up.
It is better to remain silent than to say something that will later cause regret.
47. My diagnosis is that you suffer from a disease called 'believing important'.
If someone thinks they are more important than others, it is not worth knowing.
48. You can pretend something you are not, but you will never be.
Don't be one of those people you criticize.
49. Those who are in a hurry to leave are those who never intended to stay.
Those who run away at the first opportunity, did not want a commitment to you.
50. Pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable and wait until I care about your opinion.
The opinions of others should not matter to you.
51. Sometimes I feel that trying to talk to you is like doing it with a wall, you don't know anything
Talking to another person can be difficult as many do not do their part to pay attention.
52. The fake person shows the true face of him when he doesn't need you anymore.
If someone doesn't look for you anymore, it's because he doesn't want anything with you anymore and he wasn't really your friend.
53. Good people bring us happiness. Fake people, experience.
Don't worry about fake people, just learn from her and let her go.
54. Judging a person does not define who they are. Define who you are.
If you criticize someone, it's you who's in trouble, not her.
55. Karma is like credit cards, enjoy now, pay later.
The one who hurts, he always has the reward from him.
56. Me without wanting to fall in love and you come and smile at me.
Love comes unexpectedly.
57. It made me addicted to see your eyes.
Falling in love is part of life, suffering is not.
58. If you can't love, pass by.
Don't delude anyone you can't love.
59. Sometimes I don't even care about my opinion, imagine yours.
Don't let other people's opinions influence you.
60. Sometimes I forget my mistakes, what was your name?
We all make the mistake of forgetting names.
61. Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
Don't let some jerks stay by your side.
62. If you are going to play with me, make sure that I have fun too.
Don't let anyone play with your feelings.
63. I need a person who's done with their jerk stage.
Surround yourself with people who are truly emotionally mature.
64. Do not insist, that door will not open for you.
Do not beg love, you are worth a lot.
65. Do not criticize my steps without putting yourself in my shoes
Do not criticize without knowing the lives of others.
66. My friendship is neither bought nor sold. I give it to those who deserve it and take it from those who don't value it.
Friendship is given selflessly, beyond those who do not value it.
67. I'm not like you, that's why I pass on your publications, as I pass on you.
Don't pay attention to what they say about others, you know what your value is.
68. No grudges, but with memory.
Forget and forgive, even when it's hard.
69. We have a bad habit of clinging to people who don't like us.
Don't be like those people who stay with someone even when she knows they don't love her.
70. I have reached a point in my life, that to offend me I have to care.
Focus on being a person who doesn't give much importance to offenses.
71. Before cultivating the field, ask yourself if you will be able to irrigate it.
When you have a relationship, keep it and cultivate it, don't let it wither.
72. A friendship that can cease has never been real. (St Geronimo)
True friendship does not end.
73. Someone fake can do more damage than five enemies.
Enemies are sincere, fake people are not.
74. The lies were delicious, I almost swallowed them all!
People who tell lies never change.
75. Those who criticize others often reveal their own shortcomings.
When someone criticizes another person, it is because they see themselves reflected in it.
76. To care so little about my life, you spend a lot of time talking about it.
People who say they don't care about you are lying.
77. I take responsibility for what I say, not for what you understand.
Your responsibility covers what comes out of your mouth, not what others understand.
78. You are more false than the applause of my colleagues when I finish exposing.
The send is everywhere.
79. How nice to be away from gossip, problematic people and fake friendships.
Live surrounded by good people and true friends.
80. Your only flaw is not waking up next to me.
We don't always have what we want.
81. Happiness could be before your eyes. Pay attention!
Pay attention to every moment, because happiness can be by your side.
82. Today I remembered you because I stepped on poop.
Very intense expression to say that someone has been bad, cowardly and treacherous.
83. It's very easy to say I love you, the hard thing is to really feel it.
Take care of your words, sometimes it's not what we feel.
84. Even the blind prefer to be led by a dog rather than a human being.
Dogs are more faithful than some people.
85. I would say 'dog' but you lack the faithfulness.
You have to learn from the fidelity of dogs.
86. Never give anyone a chance to waste your time twice.
Do not continue with a person who has betrayed you twice.
87. You have to learn to leave the table when love is no longer served. (Nina Simone)
When love dies, cry, but move on.
88. I was going to love you like nobody else, but I better forget you like anyone else.
If the person you love leaves you, don't chase him, just forget him.
89. Maybe you lose what you want, for not showing what you feel.
Sometimes we lose the one who loves us just for not showing what we feel.
90. Just like when I fall, I get up. And as I love, I also forget.
When a love leaves, what remains is oblivion.