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The 50 best phrases (and reflections) of Conor McGregor

Conor McGregor is an Irish-born mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter who has been a double UFC champion.At both lightweight and featherweight, he currently competes under the lightweight and middleweight classes. He has become famous for his career and his matchup against Floyd Mayweather.

Despite being classified as a rude player and an arrogant person, the truth is that McGregor has gone through different difficulties and prefers to focus on the positive and the that he has achieved, for which he "puts on" a high security and unstoppable armor, although this has given him the reputation of being inaccessible and having a very heavy humor that not everyone appreciate.

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Conor McGregor best quotes

Conor McGregor has taught us that we should never give up, despite obstacles or time, if we want to achieve a goal. That is why we bring a compilation with the best phrases of this mixed martial arts champion.

1. Doubt is only removed by action. If you're not working, that's where the doubt comes in.

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You will never know if you can do something, unless you dare.

2. There is no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession.

For McGregor, talent is worthless without hard work.

3. Life is about getting better and better.

We can always keep growing.

4. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. Keep proving people wrong and proving me right.

His biggest goal is to show people what he is capable of in the ring.

5. If you deserve it, go get it.

Follow your dreams, no one else is going to do it for you.

6. Smart work pays better. Trust it.

There is a saying that goes: 'work smart, not hard'.

7. There is a new king in the world and they are looking at him.

A sign of his great confidence in combat.

8. Your restrictions amuse me. You will end up unconscious before the fourth round. And if it were a real fight, you wouldn't stand a single one.

Taking advantage of his opponents' doubts to create a weakness in them.

9. I don't see any man who is an expert in just one area as a specialist, in fact I see him as a novice in 10 other areas.

For Conor, as a mixed martial arts fighter, you have to know everything.

10. I say things and then I go out to prove it.

Fulfilling his promises.

11. Actually, it's not that important: you ignore it and come back. Defeat is the secret ingredient of success.

On the best way to see failure, a step for success.

12. I'm just trying to be myself. I'm not trying to be someone else.

Despite receiving much criticism for his attitude, McGregor prefers to remain true to himself.

13. I wish you all the best, but you must focus on yourselves.

You can worry about others, but never more than yourself.

14. Failure is not an option for me. Success is all I visualize.

Chasing victory at any time. The failure is to stop trying.

15. I go to the stars and then I pass them.

McGregor isn't afraid to take on the biggest.

16. Don't tell me this gold belt on this table wouldn't look good paired with this ivory elephant outfit.

Many of his phrases tend to be controversial, although he prefers to play with heavy humor.

17. The more you seek out the uncomfortable, the more comfortable you will feel.

You will never get far if you stay in your comfort zone.

18. I enjoy the competition. I enjoy the challenges.

They are in the challenges, where you can test yourself and be better.

19. The only weight I care about is the weight of the checks and my checks are super heavy.

Knowing what it's worth and not afraid to express it.

20. He is a hard pill to swallow, but we can run from adversity or face it head on and conquer it. And that's what I plan to do.

Even if you try to run away from something, a new challenge will arrive at any moment.

21. I was always a dreamer and my first ambition was to be a footballer.

His first professional dream. Can you imagine him as a soccer player?

22. My success is not the result of arrogance, it is the result of belief.

If there is one thing that McGregor has taught us, it is the importance of believing in ourselves.

23. Do I hate my opponents? How can I hate someone who has the same dreams as me?

An adversary is not a life enemy, he is a person with the same goals.

24. Approach everything with an open mind, with a learning mind.

Having an open mind we are able to better adapt to the world.

25. I'm not afraid to say something and go get it. That's all. I see it in my mind. I say it out loud. I go and do it.

Once he sets his eyes on something, he works hard until he gets it.

26. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You'll get to the top, and that's it.

Explaining his beliefs about what talent is to him.

27. What defines us is how well we get up after falling.

It's not doing everything perfect, it's how you analyze mistakes to grow.

28. Always looking to learn. Learning something new is a great feeling. The feeling of progress.

The only way to progress and be better is by learning and practicing.

29. To do something at a high level, it has to be a complete obsession.

An obsession that leads you to a good path.

30. Why go through life if you are not going to challenge yourself?

By letting our guard down and trusting ourselves, that's when true failure makes its way.

31. Nothing good comes from worrying or sitting there feeling sorry for yourself... stay positive and keep going and things will work out.

Negative thoughts lead us to get stuck, while positive thoughts lead us to seek a solution.

32. Do you think I'm scared? Because when I go head-to-head with my opponents, they seem to break down.

Arrogant or self-confident?

33. You will never stop learning as long as you maintain the mindset that everything works, because everything works.

There is never only one solution to a problem, so you have to find the one that works best for you.

34. I believe in myself so much that nothing is going to stop me.

A strong example of how we should perceive ourselves.

35. I loved football and I always liked playing it more than watching it. However, when I found the combat sport, it just took over. Now it's non-stop.

Sometimes things don't end as planned from the beginning, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

36. I had no money before this. He was collecting 188 euros a week from welfare.

Talking about his tough past.

37. My preparation is all about precision. it's a science.

Everyone has their personal and particular way of preparing.

38. If there's a challenge in front of me and it appeals to me, I'll go ahead and beat it.

You will never be able to turn your back on a challenge.

39. Call me mystic, for I predict these things.

Predicting, whatever happens, you will always be a winner.

40. When I say that something is going to happen, it is going to happen.

Always trying to comply with what he says.

41. Excellence is not a skill. Excellence is an attitude.

For McGregor, it's impossible to go far if you don't have a winning attitude.

42. You have to stop reaching out. They all want brochures. Everybody wants free stuff.

Be careful with your generosity, there will always be those who take advantage of it.

43. I keep having vivid dreams of success. Then it's time to sleep.

We must never stop dreaming, because it is what motivates us every day.

44. At the end of the day, you have to feel some way. So why not feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable?

It is better to feel powerful than insecure.

45. I have not arrived to participate in the sport, I have arrived to dominate it.

After so much work, he has managed to make a name for himself in the sport.

46. If you can box, what will happen when I manage to grab your legs?

Explaining why it is necessary to know various martial arts.

47. I like to beat up and look good, it's who I am and what I like to do.

A very simple way to summarize his life.

48. I not only knock them out, but I choose the round in which I do it!

Showing confidence in their abilities to achieve their victories.

49. I stay ready so I don't have to prepare.

The only way to do that is to keep learning and be humble with what we know.

50. Be attentive to those who care for you. Loyalty is everything.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you.

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