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Learn about The circunference and the circle with this practical lesson from a TEACHER. In this video we detail what the circumference is and what the circle is, as well as their differences, their parts and several examples of each. As a summary we can indicate that:

  • Circumference It is a curved, closed and flat line whose different points are at the same distance from the central point. Some examples are the rings and wheels of a bicycle.
  • The circle it is the geometric figure delimited by a circumference or, more simply put, it is the surface of the interior of the circumference. Some examples are coins and pizzas.

If after this video lesson you want to learn more about geometry, keep browsing through our video lessons in this category and you will see more information about lines and geometric shapes.

This basic science class for kids was made possible through a collaboration with Wacom. We leave you a link with exclusive discounts for students, in case you want to buy any of their tablets, such as the one with the video, or other very useful products for both teaching and studying.

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