More difficult one-digit division problems
We continue with the one digit division problems but this time I will introduce some new concept. Therefore, in this video I will teach you solve more difficult one-digit division problems.
Remember that for solve problems The first thing to keep in mind is to read the statement very well to know what data it gives us and what it asks of us. Once this is done, we will divide them into three parts: the data What do they give you? operation u operations that we have to do to solve the problem and the solution.
In this video I will introduce the concept of half and a third. This concept is usually taught right after teaching to divide, at approximately 9 years of age. Keep in mind that to find half of a number you will have to divide that number by two and to find a third you will have to divide it by three.
You will see this more clearly in the video where I explain how to solve some problems with these two new concepts.
In addition, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web. They are sure to help you get more practice in solving problems!