Education, study and knowledge

Learn the numbers up to 100

To be clear about the numbers up to 100 it will be necessary to know how to write and understand the first 10 numbers perfectly. With these, the rest of the numbers that we know are formed and that is why it is so important to know them perfectly.

In this video, children will be able to learn to writenumbers up to 100. First of all, I will review with them the numbers learned in the previous videos (from 1 to 20) and then I will continue explaining how to write the rest of the numbers up to 100.

All the numbers follow the same order from 0 to 9 so if in the units we have a 9 and in the tens we have a 1 (19) to know the next number the only thing we will have to do is put a 0 in the units and change the 1 of the tens for the next number, that is, the 2 (20). This is how we will do it with the rest of the numbers, it is very simple. In this video apart from learn numbers up to 100 they will learn to order them.

Also, thanks to the printable exercises with their solutions children will be able to practice everything they have learned in the video.

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If you have any doubts or questions about the numbers, do not hesitate to ask me through the space dedicated to this on the web.

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