Get the FRACTION of a quantity
![Get the fraction of a quantity](/f/301426f7c22f14319a63b9c24f75bc4e.jpg)
In this new lesson from a TEACHER we bring you a topic related to division in mathematics. This time, it's about how to get the fraction of a quantity.
To that end, we are going to start with some theoretical concepts as they are the fraction, to later enter how to get the fraction of a certain number. As is customary, throughout the lesson we will be helping you with certain examples that can clarify your doubts from the theoretical texts.
- How to get a fraction of a quantity - with VIDEO!
- Example of how to obtain the fraction of a quantity
- What is a fraction?
- Exercises to obtain fractions
- Results of the exercises (using both forms)
How to get a fraction of a quantity - with VIDEO!
In this video of a teacher we will teach you how to get the fraction of a quantity, that is, how to know the result in whole numbers of a fraction of a specific quantity. To obtain the fraction of a quantity we will use two methods (you can use the one you like the most or is easiest):
- Divide the total amount by the denominator of the fraction and multiply the result by the numerator of the fraction.
- Multiply the fraction by the total amount divided by 1.
You will understand these two methods much better in the video, since we propose examples so that you are clear how to do it.
In mathematics, a fraction or a fractional number, it is the expression of a quantity divided by another quantity; in other words, it represents a division or an unrealized quotient of numbers. Remember that common fractions are made up of: numerator, denominator and dividing line between them (horizontal or oblique bar).
Here is an example of how you can get the result of a fraction of a quantity specifically, for example, to know the result of 3/4 of 20:
Example of how to obtain the fraction of a quantity.
What we have done in this example has been to obtain the fraction of a quantity according to the first method that we have commented before, so we have to divide the number of the total amount by the denominator (20: 4 = 5) and then we must multiply this result by the numerator (5 x 3 = 15), therefore we now know that the result of 3/4 of 20 is 15. In addition, we can check it by seeing if the result of the remaining part complements the result obtained now. That is, we had 3/4 of 20 so the fraction that is missing to complete the total value is 1/4 of 20. We can then find the value of 1/4 of 20 by dividing the denominator by the number of the total quantity (20: 4 = 5) and multiplying it by the numerator (5 x 1 = 5). Therefore, now we can check that 15 + 5 = 20, so we see that we have calculated it correctly.
Likewise, we can follow this example by doing it in the other way mentioned at the beginning. To get the result using the second method we will have to pass the total number to a fraction, simply adding a 1 as a denominator so that no change its value, and then multiply the two numerators (3 x 20 = 60) and the two denominators (4 x 1 = 4). Thus, we have obtained a new fraction (60/4) and when we do it we obtain the result we were looking for (60: 4 = 15). Therefore, with this method we can also know that 3/4 of 20 is 25.
In the video you will see more examples and everything well explained step by step to know how to obtain the fraction of an amount but, also, if you want to practice what you learned in today's class you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that we have left you on the web.
What is a fraction?
As an introduction and also as a theoretical review, it is important to remember that, a fraction is a number that is obtained by dividing another number into equal parts. The fraction of a quantity comes to be a division into equal parts of a quantity determined by the same fraction or operation. We see it in a brief example.
If we have the fraction 5/3, this means that the quantity of this fraction is 5 divided into three equal parts, or what is the same, the result of this fraction will be 5 divided by 3. Yes, in the end the fraction is a numerical representation of a division.
Exercises to obtain fractions.
Here we leave these exercises for you to put into practice the knowledge that we have indicated. In the next section you will have the solutions.
Exercise - Get the fraction of:
- 3/4 of 100
- 4/5 of 60
- 2/3 of 12
Remember that you can use the option with which you feel most comfortable, the two that we have presented are completely valid for the purpose of the lesson that we are seeing today.
Results of the exercises (using both forms)
To finish, here are the results of the fraction exercises:
3/4 of 100
Option 1:
- 100 / 4 = 25; 25 x 3 = 75
Option 2:
- 3/4 x 100/1
- 3 x 100/4 x 1 = 300/4 = 75
Therefore, 3/4 of 100 is 75
4/5 of 60
Option 1:
- 60 / 5 = 12; 12 x 4 = 48
Option 2:
- 4/5 x 60/1
- 4 x 60/5 x 1 = 240/5 = 48
Therefore, 4/5 of 60 is 48
2/3 of 12
Option 1:
- 12 / 3 = 4; 4 x 2 = 8
Option 2:
- 2/3 x 12/1
- 2 x 12/3 x 1 = 24/3 = 8
Which means that 2/3 of 12 is 8
With these examples you can appreciate that it is an exciting and simple topic if you carry out the operations with order and care. As is our custom in a TEACHER, we encourage you to continue reviewing this syllabus with different examples and exercises, and if it arises If you have any questions, always consult our website to review the theoretical contents that will help you to continue advancing in your learning.
If you want to read more articles similar to Get the fraction of a quantity, we recommend that you enter our category of Arithmetic.