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What is Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents like?

Being a teenager is not easy. Adolescence is the transition stage that occurs between childhood and adulthood, this includes a wide range of transformations. During this period -which goes from 12 to 18 years old- adolescents experience a series of important changes both in their bodies and in the way they relate to the world.

The amount of physical, social, emotional, sexual, and cognitive changes that occur in the adolescence can cause different feelings and reactions both in children and in their environment nearest. This is part of the typical adolescent experience.

Teenagers often exhibit strange behavior, they may even act impulsively, due to the unusual feelings and thoughts they experience as part of growing up. They may also spend a significant amount of time worrying about how to act in different social situations.

It is crucial to understand the difference between the normal behavior of a life stage and the symptoms of a mental illness. In this article we explore in depth borderline personality disorder in young people.

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, to help distinguish and decide when typical adolescent behavior occurs and what signs might need attention.

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What is borderline personality disorder?

Dealing with borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms can be confusing and frustrating for those close to you. This also happens in the case of adolescents: parents who have children with BPD do not understand exactly why their behaviors and reactions.

In addition, in the case of borderline personality disorder in adolescents there is some controversy in the diagnosis. In fact, we don't know much about how the disorder presents in adolescents; although the symptoms of adults with BPD are well known. This means that some patients are not correctly evaluated until they reach adulthood, which implies a series of problems in their development.

BPD in adolescents

Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness manifested by a pervasive pattern of unstable emotions, relationships, and behaviors. People with BPD frequently present the following symptoms: self-esteem problems, changes in mood, self-image imbalances, lack of impulse control, and fear of abandonment and anger inappropriate. In some cases, they may include self-harm.

People with BPD have difficulty controlling their emotions in certain situations. It is common for BPD sufferers to also live with other mental disorders that can include: anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders.

BPD affects approximately 2% of the world population. However, many people with BPD are misdiagnosed as having PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, or depression. Consequently, the actual prevalence of people diagnosed with BPD may be higher than what is estimated, especially in those under 18 years of age.

It is essential to understand the signs and symptoms of BPD in adolescents. By recognizing the disease early on and making an early diagnosis, it can be treated faster and more effectively.

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Symptoms of borderline personality disorder in adolescents

There are a series of criteria collected by the DSM-5 for the diagnosis of BPD. This is defined by the presence of at least 5 of 9 of the signs, which include:

  • Depression
  • Frequent and intense mood swings
  • Fear of abandonment or rejection
  • Difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships
  • Impulsive and risky behavior
  • Paranoia
  • self harm
  • unstable self image
  • empty feelings

Some of the symptoms collected, such as impulsive behavior, maintaining an unstable self-image themselves and feelings of emptiness, may manifest differently in people under 18 years of age than in Adults. In addition, there are sometimes Difficulty distinguishing between the symptoms of borderline personality disorder and the typical challenges of adolescence. However, there are a number of criteria that can help identify BPD in adolescents.

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behavioral dysregulation

Behavior problems that involve self-destructive behaviors are one of the first signs that can show the presence of BPD in adolescents. Some teens with BPD may cut themselves, burn their skin, or hit the wall in order to harm themselves. Other additional problems can also arise: adolescents with BPD may have risky sexual encounters or use substances.

relationship problems

Children and adolescents with BPD frequently face different difficulties in managing their relationships. Some may have a strong fear of abandonment, while others may display uncontrollable anger. In situations of extreme emotional distress, some teens with BPD may develop paranoid or irrational beliefs. This makes it difficult for them to establish and maintain relationships over time, these ties include both friends and romantic partners.

strong emotional reactions

People with BPD often overreact to problems. The slightest setback can seem like the end of the world., even if it is quite insignificant. It is also common for adolescents to experience a series of intense emotions when interacting with others, which can lead to sudden changes in behavior and difficulties in be related.

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self esteem issues

Adolescents with borderline personality disorder may negatively compare themselves to other people who seem to be able to easily handle the things they feel incapable of. They can also ask themselves: "Why don't others act like me?" These questions lead to serious self-esteem problems and a devalued self-image..

As we have noted above, it is difficult for healthcare professionals and parents to determine if a adolescent has early symptoms of BPD or is going through a normal phase of adolescence when symptoms are observed these signs.

Taking into account the symptoms that we have just detailed, if an adolescent experiences intense emotions longer than others or takes longer to return to a neutral state, this may mean a start of TLP. Overreactions to minor setbacks, and the inability to handle them in an adaptive way, in which the abuse of substances or self-harm are the only way to make them go away - and feel better - are signs of a problem serious. teens and families they should seek help if any type of self-destructive behavior is displayed.

  • Related article: "Do you really know what self-esteem is?"

Diagnosis of borderline personality disorder in adolescents

Currently, BPD in adolescents is recognized as an official diagnosis. The most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or (DSM-5) allows people under 18 years of age to be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. However, some experts say that BPD should not be diagnosed until the individual's personality is fully formed. Although the provision technically allows for the diagnosis of BPD in children under the age of 13, this is very rare.

To carry out an evaluation of BPD in adolescents, mental health professionals have to observe, in addition to the behaviors and diagnostic signs of the disorder, the intrinsic motivations for the appearance of this type of maladaptive behavior in the subjects.

For example, substance abuse or risky sexual behavior they are not an unequivocal symptom that a person has BPD. However, if this behavior is used to avoid facing some problem or evade the feelings, this could mean the existence of a BPD underlying the manifestation of the conduct.

Although there is some controversy regarding the diagnosis of BPD, recent research suggests that children older than 11 years are able to understand and explain the motivations behind their behaviors. This makes it possible to diagnose the disease from an early age.

BPD symptoms tend to decrease in adults diagnosed as they ageespecially after the age of 40. Currently, the exact course and prognosis of the disease in adolescents with BPD is still unknown. However, research suggests that proper treatment can significantly improve the management of various symptoms.

A review published in 2015 indicated that between 50% and 65% of adolescents show remission of BPD symptoms after being diagnosed and receiving appropriate treatment. However, it should be noted that some BPD symptoms may persist in adolescents who no longer meet diagnostic criteria for the disease.

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