Education, study and knowledge

One-digit addition problems

Once the sum concept and the children already know how to perform simple sums it's time to start with addition problems. The problems in general scare us since having to abstract our mind to understand them they are quite complicated. The most important thing for you solve problems make it an easy task for the little ones is that they talk about things that are familiar to them. A 6-year-old must be presented with problems that speak of his daily life in which you have to add colored pencils, stickers, marbles, toys, children... objects that you know and can easily imagine. It is also very important that to begin with, you can manipulate these objects and if not, you can draw them to better understand the problem.

In this video I will teach you to solve one-digit addition problems. This I will do from three problems created expressly by me to be able to explain the procedure of these. I will divide the problems into three distinct parts: the data, the operation and the solution. It is very important that when a child begins to

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solve problems follow these steps as a routine. In addition, it is essential that you read the problem statement carefully and repeat it as many times as necessary. Finally, I recommend that you use simple drawings to help you understand them better in all problems.

Also, thanks to printable exercises and solutions that you will find on the web, your children will be able to practice problems similar to those that I explain in the video and even correct their mistakes themselves.

The problems they are not easy to solve but thanks to they will be much simpler and more entertaining. In addition, if you have any questions about what is raised in the video, you can ask me directly through the web. They will also be able to search the web for what they have not understood in class to receive a different explanation which they will be able to see and hear as many times as they need. Remember that each child has a different rate of learning. Let them go up to speed with him and build their way!

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