Education, study and knowledge

Three-digit sums without carrying

We continue with the addition learning, one of the basic operations of the Math. It gets a little more complicated every time but if you follow my videos, your children will be able to learn the sum in a very simple and gradual way.

In the next video I will explain the three-digit sum without leading. This sum is very easy and will be solved in the same way as the one- and two-digit sums without carrying. The only difference is that now you will have to add units, tens and hundreds.

Also, thanks to printable exercises and solutions that they find on the web, they will be able to practice additionthree-digit without wearing easily and even correct your own mistakes.

Adding is not easy but thanks to it will be much more entertaining. Children can practice everything they learn at school through our website and if they have questions they can ask the teacher directly. They will also be able to search the web for what they have not understood in class to receive a different explanation which they will be able to see and hear as many times as they need. Remember that each child has a different rate of learning. Let them go up to speed and build their way!

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