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Essay on blindness characters

Essay on blindness: main and minor characters

Essay on blindness is one of the most important works of the Portuguese writer Jose Saramago, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. The author himself defines his novel as a work that unmasks a rotten society and that he is only able to show his true face when tragedies happen. The characters in the novel have a very marked personality and their counterpoints are what make the work gain dynamism.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to show you the characters of Essay on blindness main and secondary, so that you can better understand what are the reasons that make them act the way they do.

The main characters They are the ones who carry the weight of the work and on whom most of the actions that take place throughout the novel fall. A curious fact is that Saramago did not want her novel to begin with the protagonists, as usually happens, but they do not appear until a few later chapters. It should also be noted that none of the characters have names, but they are known by some of their attributes or relationship with other characters.

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Here we leave you a review of the characters of Essay on blindness protagonists.

The doctor's wife

The ophthalmologist's wife she is the protagonist par excellence of Essay on blindness. He is the only character in the entire novel who never loses his sight. Thanks to her, the other characters improve her quality of life in the asylum, where they have been locked up to pass the quarantine. As she is the only seer in the group, she becomes the ringleader for her, constantly guiding them to a better place. The doctor's wife symbolizes hope.

the doctor

the doctor he is another of the characters Essay on blindness more important. He is an ophthalmologist that some of the characters turn to when they suddenly lose their sight, at the beginning of the novel. He is very reasonable about the conflicts that take place during the story and fully trusts his wife, since she knows that she is the only one capable of keeping them alive.

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In a Teacher we leave you with a summary of Essay on blindness by chapters.

Essay on blindness: main and secondary characters - Characters in Essay on blindness: protagonists

The secondary characters of Essay on blindness They bring very important data and emotions to the work, although they do not have the same weight as the main characters. These characters from Essay on blindness They are the ones that we now indicate.

The woman with the glasses

The woman with glasses she is a young woman who was at the ophthalmologist's office because she had conjunctivitis. Saramago lets us understand that she is a prostitute and, throughout the novel, she becomes the adoptive mother of the boy with the squint.

the squint boy

the squint boy he is also at the doctor's office when he goes blind. He constantly asks about his mother, to the point that the woman with the glasses decides to adopt him and protect him.

the first blind

the first blind she is the character with whom Saramago decides to start the novel. She is about a man who is driving his car and stops at a traffic light to wait for it to turn green. At that moment he suddenly goes blind and a thief steals his car. This is also the character who first regains his sight at the end of the book.

The woman of the first blind man

The wife of the first blind man she is a sensible woman who decides to take her husband to the doctor when he comes home unable to see.

The thief

The thief he is the man who takes the first blind man to his house and then steals his car. Shortly after, he also goes blind and is confined in the asylum, where he dies trying to escape.

The old man of the radio

The old man of the radio she is one of the last characters to arrive at the sanitarium. He only lost sight in one eye, since he did not have the other. He carries a radio with which he listens to the news from abroad. This character warns all the other inhabitants of the asylum that the pandemic is spreading and the city has been plunged into chaos.

Other supporting characters

These are other supporting characters appearing in the novel Essay on blindness

  • The policeman, responsible for apprehending the thief who steals the car of the first blind man
  • The office worker who treats the first blind man
  • The bad-tempered policeman
  • The boyfriend of the woman with dark glasses
  • the office worker
  • Army officers who don't hesitate to shoot the blind whenever necessary

These are the main and minor characters Essay on blindness, a work that leaves no one indifferent and in which you can find many parallels with reality. Do you dare to read it? If you are interested in continuing to learn more relevant books in Spanish literature, do not hesitate to consult our reading section.

Essay on blindness: main and secondary characters - Secondary characters of Essay on blindness

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