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How many sides does a CIRCLE have?

How many sides does a circle have

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will try to answer how many sides does a circle have. Let's start with the definition of circle and circumference. Then we will answer our question, and we will review the elements of a circle. Start this math lesson!

He circle It is a geometric figure that is delimited by a circle. And one circumference is a closed curve whose points are equidistant from the center.

Then we can say, what is understood as circle to a geometric figure that has a shape established from a closed curved line. The main characteristic of the circle is that all the points from its center to the line that forms its perimeter have the same distance, that is, they are equidistant. The circumference is the limit or perimeter of the circle, therefore these terms should not be taken for the same.

The circle is one of the most basic geometric figures and it is from it that other figures are assembled or generated. It is the only figure that does not have any straight lines, so it is necessary to mark some to be able to determine the angles that are formed inside the circle. So inside the circle there are no vertices.

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By this definition, we can ensure that the circle is NOT a polygon, but a curve. An infinite set of points that are the same distance from a fixed point, the center.

The circle is the internal part of the circumference, therefore, we can say that a circle has no sides. Now, if we talk about a circumference the sides of it tend to infinite.

According to the definition of circle and circumference we say that:

  • The circle is the inner surface of a circumference.
  • circumference is formed by the curved line circle the circle and all the points that make it up that are equidistant from the center.

To answer the question how many sides does a circle have, we use the definitions and we must say that it has none, that the sides of the circle tend to infinity.

That is, the circle has no side, but the sides of the circle tend to be infinite.


Then how the circle has infinite sides starting from it we can find any polygon, for example a hexagon, with the following procedure.

  • We draw the circle
  • We locate the center of the circle
  • We draw lines that start from the center to each of the vertices of the hexagon

Another way to achieve it is knowing that the circle measures 360°, we divide it into 6 parts. We are going to draw lines from the center and that are 60° apart from each other.

Taking this example into account, we can ensure that a circle has NO sides, but its circumference has sides that tend to be infinite.

In this other lesson we help you to know how to get the area of ​​a circle with diameter.

How many sides does a circle have - How many sides does a circle have - Example

Now that we're done with this lesson on how many sides a circle has, let's look at the elements of a circle to better understand this geometric figure.

  • Center. It is the interior point of the circle or the origin that is at the same distance from all the points of the perimeter.
  • Semicircumference. It is half a circle, but it can also be considered as the largest possible arc of a circle.
  • Radio. It is the line or segment that starts from the center to any point on the circumference. It is usually represented by the letter r. All the radii of a circle measure the same, and in turn the radius is half the diameter. Therefore twice the radius equals the diameter of the circle.
  • Diameter. It is the line or segment that starts from one point of the circumference to another passing through the center of it. It is generally represented by the letter d. The diameter is formed by two consecutive rays, that is, it measures twice the radius. The diameter divides the circumference into two semicircles, which are two equal halves of the circle. It is considered as the largest chord in a circle.
  • Rope. It is a line or segment that starts from one point on the circumference to another without going through the center of it. The difference with the diameter is precisely this, the chord does not pass through the center while the diameter does. The length of the chord will always be less than the diameter.
  • Arrow. It is the line or segment that starts from the center of a chord and is perpendicular to it, marking a line to the circumference.
  • Bow. It is a piece of circumference that is between two points. These points can be originated by two chords, two radii or any two elements.

When the chord that forms the arc is corresponding to the diameter, then that arc is a semicircle.

How many sides does a circle have - Elements of the circle
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