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What is a TFG and how is it structured?

What is a TFG and how is it structured?

He TFGeither Final Degree Project It is one of the most important jobs you will have to do throughout your academic journey. But, if you are still not very clear what is a TFG and how is it structured don't worry, it's more common than you think and many of the students are in the same situation as you.

From unPROFESOR we do not want you to go blank in front of a computer, without knowing what to write, but we are going to give you the step by step so that you know how to start writing your TFG in a structured way and with all the security you need. Can you come with us?

A TFG is a research work that every student who has finished their university studies must elaborate and pass, in order to obtain the university degree in the area of ​​knowledge that has been studied. Throughout the European Union, the Final Degree Project is mandatory in order to receive said degree.

This work is not a simple academic commitment, but rather a project carried out by each student individually, in which the ability to raise the investigation correctly must be demonstrated.

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the TFG raises a specific and well-defined topic, approached from a critical, analytical and reflective point of view. This research must be creative and novel, as well as interesting for the reader, since it will serve as a starting point for new studies or analysis.

The main function of the final degree project is contribute to scientific, technical, social or methodological development the field being studied. In addition, it is also intended to awaken in the student the skills for research and data collection in an orderly manner.

What is a TFG and how is it structured - What is a TFG?

if you're wondering how to structure your TFG, the essential thing is to know that this type of work maintains a rigid order, although they may suffer slight variations depending on the university or the career you are studying. The big points of structure that you must address are the following.


The index must be the first part of the structure of your TFG. It is a detailed list where a summary of the content and structure of the work is presented. It will be ordered according to the chapters and subtopics and you must indicate its location within the work (the page number where the reader can find that information).


The introduction should present clearly and summarized the most important aspects of the job. Emphasis should be placed on the statement of the problem and the hypothesis to be developed. This is the first contact that the reader will have with the TFG, so you must write in a fluent and attractive way, trying to capture their interest.


In the objectives section of the TFG you must propose specific research goals. This is one of the most valuable points of the job and you should check that each of your objectives is SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and temporary.

Theoretical framework

This section of the TFG is in charge of contextualize the reader about the topic of the research. A review of the previous works related to the subject must be done, which will give support to our TFG. This section requires you to provide bibliographical or textual citations about the documents consulted.


The methodology of a TFG is usually the most complex section of the work. Here you must describe all necessary procedures to carry out the investigation. You will start with the phases to follow, the sources to consult, etc. All the steps you take in your research must be reflected in the work.


Finally we come to development, which It is the central part of the Final Degree Project. All the research is deposited here and must be ordered and presented by chapters or sections. It is the most extensive part of the TFG and it is necessary to consult with the tutor how long your research should extend, before starting to write.


After having carried out a good development of a TFG, the conclusions will be finished. In this section you should be able to present the results clearly and understandably that you have obtained with the investigation, referring to the objectives initially set.


The bibliography is a list in which they appear organized all sources consulted by the student during the investigation. The bibliography should always include the name of the author, the work consulted, the year of publication or the website where the information was extracted.


The annexes of the TFG are the last section that your work must contain. Here you shall include all additional content or media necessary to support the research presented. These can be photographs, maps, graphs, tables, charts, certificates, etc.

We hope this lesson has helped you understand what the TFG is and how this work is structured. If you have any questions, it is good that you can consult with your tutor, since he is the one who will best indicate the path you must follow to carry out this final degree project successfully.



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